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Everything posted by Guffalo

  1. We are flying into Milwaukee, seemed like the closest direct flight for us, still a 2 hour drive to GB, but we will stop along the way and do lunch someplace along the lake. Anyone know the area between Milwaulkee and Green Bay and may have a lunch suggestion?
  2. Interesting that Poojer hasn't given a Nay or Yea, maybe they can get that horny
  3. Did you ever notice, when sitting at a train stop or public area, most people barely look at each other and interact unless something relevant to all is going on. But take your dog to a vet and watch how people interact. It's amazing how people will comment on others dogs, and just generally chat away about the dogs and other things, without any walls up between them. Although on some occasions it can be devastating. We had taken ours in for the final visit and after we came in, a young family with a new pup came into the waiting room. When we were done, we stepped outside with red eyes and just a collar and a leash, just heartbroken. The little kids (maybe 3, 5 and 7 years old) looked up and didn't get it. The young mom's smile just receded when she put it together as the pup frolicked with the kids. You could see her face go from a welcoming smile to a look of fear/compassion as the realization of what lies ahead for her and her brood in 10-13 years. She just shooshed the kids as we made the quick chat at the desk for final billing and as I looked back as we were leaving, she was clueing the husband in on what just happened.
  4. Yes, but even scarier, there were dudes in those women.
  5. Happy Birthday Jack, now go take one of your hikes to a mountain somewhere!
  6. Nicely done! Such a great idea, Do you know which game is the upgrade? Who gets downgraded to allow you to move?
  7. No, its spelled Titletown, you must have misread that. Don't put a "D" in front of the O and you get the correct site https://www.titletown.com/ Your spelling takes you to Pinto's date with the mayors daughter from Animal House
  8. I went through Titletown, Hope its a smooth transaction for pickup of the tickets.
  9. https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/courts-law/man-who-had-sex-with-horse-said-it-gave-consent-by-winking-at-him/news-story/6afb81210f2311d6fafd003748948fd7 Well, the picnic table never winked at anyone
  10. Sorry for your loss. We lost ours two years ago and still have not been able to replace her. We have looked at pups and younger dogs, but to be fair to the new dog, I have to be over the last one, and she was such a great dog, I don't know that I will ever be able to pull the trigger. Remember the joy of sharing your life with the dog,( I hate saying "owning" a dog) the only sorrow in having a dog is they usuall go before we do.
  11. Is this the phone?
  12. Classic annoyance from Grand Island...
  13. Well, if her kid had taken off using the bedsheet out the window, it would probably be smart to have the door unlocked so he could get back in. (just a thought)
  14. Thats what Tossy McSalad said once
  15. She gained the council seat by garnering 2 votes
  16. We went to Titletown for tickets, 25 yard line seats on Bills side $275 per ticket. We arrive Friday afternoon, will be staying somewhere near the stadium.
  17. Clark lived not too far away from the Debartolos in Montana is what I recall seeing shortly after he died. Eddie D would be a frequent visitor and had a gathering of his teammates shortly before he passed on that ranch. Read this article and it is described how the Clarks are 15 minutes from Debartolos ranch. https://www.si.com/nfl/2018/05/03/dwight-clark-als-49ers-reunion-eddie-debartolo
  18. That pick was a surprise, the Canadians sure were tight lipped on that one! They really clammed up prior to the pick.
  19. Well, he crossed the centerline with ease,
  20. We will be there, havent missed one yet, after 2 moves back and forth, I found a treasure trove of TBD t-shirts (and two years of polo shirts) Looks like they stopped a couple of years ago. Maybe a 20th for next year.
  21. They are 2004 Merc 225 2 stroke about 350 hours on them. I read some online stuff and watched videos. I think I can pull the winterization off (I hope so) for any replacement of parts then I will need help.
  22. Ok, ping me in the fall when I have to winterize, I am first season on outboards, 17 years with an inboard, had the mechanic take care of it. Now with the outboards I want to try to maintain them myself. Anything special I should know about Mercurys?
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