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Posts posted by Guffalo

  1. I am looking for wallpaper that resembles the fans in the stands at a stadium. I have seen different versions of baseball fans in the stands, I am looking to cover two walls and would like to do a floor to ceiling wallpaper that looks like a crowd shot from the stadium. Black and white or color, preferably to look like RWS, but I can't be choosey. Let me know if anyone has seen this type of wallcoverings. Thanks

  2. Ok, I work for a laboratory, and this one particular client has been a pain in the ass the entire time I've worked here. Always sending in stuff for fast turn around, they don't listen to you when you tell them how to prepare or ship samples, B word endlessly about reports, and above all, they are always late paying....

    Well the main toady there can't find a report (they ALWAYS lose them, I have to refax constantly) so he sends me the following email...




    Here's the best part....my last day is next friday. Technically, there is nothing that anyone can do to me if I send this guy a nice retort. By the way, he's a Steelers fan. So what do you think? What should I send him back?? <_<





    Dear Pittsburgh Pete,


    I have researched the issues pertaining to the sample 04-17728882, our records indicate that our corresponding sample number is 2004-8837-99876. Further research indicates that we faxed the results on 8/12/04 at 12:23PM EST to your fax #(614) 555-8377. The amazing thing about a fax is that in addition to allowing us to transmit documents to other parties, it also has the ability to maintain a log file detailing the time date fax # and moron to which I sent the fax to. Because you have misplaced the aforementioned fax, you have asked me once again to re-fax the same information again. Not only is this a waste of your time, it is a waste of mine. If you were a reasonable individual, faxing a document would be a simple procedure. While your inability to look in the fax bin for a document with your name on it is representative of your overall abilities, you somehow choose to blame your incompetence on the person providing you the information you seek. I will be leaving the Abbott laboratories, and have taken the liberty of saving all of your snide remarks and emails and will be faxing them to (insert his superior’s name here) as well as to (insert major name in his company). Lets see how well they do at the fax me if you can game.

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