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Everything posted by Guffalo

  1. Actually, in sports "The Great One" refers to another guy, and he is somehow related the the original poster, The actual "Great One" Ice, I kinda think you may be a little excited about the trip, relax, take a deep breath. Find a new title, or stick with highlander.
  2. 28th row A-Z is 1-26 AA = 27 BB = 28, But thats better than 14000 others there, you will have a blast
  3. You will love the JB theatre, great spot, seats can be good, great or abysmal depending on where you are.
  4. And all this time I thought you were telling me I was #1 in your book, .....well live and learn
  5. That aint beer that he was given...
  6. Beer, what else should one bring?
  7. We will be at the beach, actually the backside of the amphitheater, in Zachs bay, we should get there by mid day, and then may stay on the boat for the show, Its not as good as being inside, but we have beer and a abrbeque on board.
  8. Where are you from? We are in Wantagh....
  9. Post your address, we will all send cards.....If I didnt buy my birthday gifts (and Xmas) I wouldnt get any. My wife just doesnt know what to buy me. Happy birthday, but really, are you 35? or 9 years old?
  10. Well, for most Dolphins they end up wearing this uniform at least once, sometimes more. Miami Dolphins retro uniforms
  11. But you are an orphan! They left you on the steps of The sisters of Saint Peters, you were then traded for a box of tissues to the Carmelites who then in turn pawned you off on your current keepers.
  12. You and your family are on the list Hang tough
  13. Well, I had to go incognito to see what the ascot crowd does on these events, so as master of disguise this was this years outfit. The goal post incident was when I tried to do a few chin ups, unfortunately it couldnt quite hold my weight. I will be back for the opener, although I may not wear this getup.
  14. What was the occasion?
  15. Thus the phrase "Barfed his brains out" was born
  16. Wow, talk about drinking your face off or I guess he was headed in the wrong direction or He really didn't use his head that time or What were the local headlines? Or where was he headed ? Im sure we all can expect Ed to chime in on the importance of diligence when conducting assaults with telephone poles.
  17. Coleman 5600 Thats what I got, Love it
  18. Maybe he's too hung over to respond.... Happy birthday you old curmudgeon
  19. You have to put one of those sticky things called "stamps" on the top right corner
  20. I've seen him park more than that, check the TBD tailgate board for reservations. My guess would be the lot holds at least 50 cars, but I may be wrong (as usual)
  21. Guffalo/Mrs Guffalo=2 KJ / Randy = 2 Total = 4
  22. Thanks Cindy, How was the general mood of the camp? Any slowdown, or cautionary proceedings due to the previous days events? Was it still upbeat, busy practices, or a subdued type atmosphere? How did Drew look, How did Travis look?
  23. They should have retired it after my illustrious career --Walt "Pancake" Patulski
  24. I am looking for wallpaper that resembles the fans in the stands at a stadium. I have seen different versions of baseball fans in the stands, I am looking to cover two walls and would like to do a floor to ceiling wallpaper that looks like a crowd shot from the stadium. Black and white or color, preferably to look like RWS, but I can't be choosey. Let me know if anyone has seen this type of wallcoverings. Thanks
  25. Issac "Hayes" Mitchell
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