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Posts posted by Guffalo

  1. I was at that one too....


    Man, Kelly ended the guy's career with that hit.


    I do recall seeing that hit, as I recall Jimbo had had a few bad games in that stretch and he seemed a bit pissed that he let it get away from him. He completely cut the guys legs out, a legitimate hit, but really took the legs out from underneath him. I remember that leg flopping in air above his shoulder....yack that was gross!!!

  2. Hey, I've got that goofy accent but i hate the gaytriots. How do you think i feel? I'm living in the middle of it. Just ask them when they get there, " Is Tom Brady going to be the only active player to be voted into the Hall Of Fame?" If you live around here they think it. Go and be loud and proud. Everyone likes a winner, staying by your team builds character. (wins are nice too though)


    Can you repeat that, I can't understand what you said with that horrible accent <_<:ph34r:

  3. LMAO whatever man.  I talked to him about everything I listed and he talked to me about everything listed.  Now if that took less than 45 sec then I am amazed


    I will also fill you in on my one on one with tom Donahoe before the game Sunday. YES I talked to him one on one for about 10 min on sunday and have a witness.





    I did not refute what was said, just the "10 minute" and "One on One"

  4. Maybe my original post in this thread is true.  Reminds me of the DirectTV commercial with guy falling from the sky and DTV guy is begging for him to wake up.  So in this case TD keeps a firm grasp of Brians hand to keep pleading "Wake up man wake up"  or was that JRosen :)


    No, there was a conversation, but when Brian alluded to in his inital post was a one-on-one with TD for ten minutes. They did speak, and it may have been more than just "good luck Tom", but the whole thing was a minute or two, and there were frequent interruptions by other fans. I am just glad that TD is aware that we are all fans and are all interested in the Bills season, THIS season not long term 5 year plans. I am also glad that the GM is aware that we as fans will call him out if he pulls boneheaded moves or wastes draftpics.

  5. Well I don't know about your camera but we yackedfor more than any 45 min.


    You must be kidding!! 45 SECONDS for the the camera to warm up, and you were both out of the shot, He did have time to greet others as you were talking to him and I do agree he did keep eye contact with you, but he did have to break off a few times while he was accepting the "good lucks" and "good job Toms" from those that also stopped by to say hello.

  6. I don't know. Again he looked at the TBD Tailgate tag that had my name on it and kinda gave me this "is he going to get the red ass with me" look on his face....



    Wait a minute, Is this the private ten minute meeting one-on one that you had with TD that you referenced Monday? or was it the meeting myself and 4 other people from TBD witnessed at 10:25 am adjacent to the Bills store?


    Because we were waiting in line to get some gear and we saw TD walking towards the stadium / Admin offices around that time and Randy (the big guy calling the numbers out at the raffle) and myself stepped out of line and shook hands with him and wished him good luck.


    He pressed on and then we saw you coming from the parking lot area in a half jog, and yes, there was a witness, but you had left him in the dust. As we recall, your meeting was rather short, certainly not ten minutes, but I know I did try to capture the moment for you because you two did look like bookends with the silver hair. Unfortunately the camera takes about 45 seconds to go from off to ready. By the time it charged up, I couldnt get the two of you in the same shot.


    I hope he really means that we are close, because I don't think he has much of a long leash if this team doesn't jell sooner rather than later.

  7. Well, there is your first parent, get on the phone... This teacher may be able to get away with this with 7-th graders, but with the younger ones it won't cut it. Call some of the parents get a controlled argument for her reassignment, and then present your argument to the principle or board. Keep the pitchforks in the car for the first meeting.

  8. I would check with the other parents first, see if they are having the same responses from their kids. If you have a group of parents who present the same case, they could reassign the teacher. If your guy is the only one affected then I would check with the Principal about changing teachers for your guy. In either event I would go through the principal first, but try to get a consensus of the other parents first.

  9. It's really sad when you hear NFL players talk about what an important lesson they learned on Sunday....puleeeeze!  Nate, Troy, Drew, Gray, Mularkey, Moulds, Takeo, ...c'mon guys. It's all lip service to make them feel better about the loss. This isn't high school or college ball.  Some of these "lessons learned" are things that were ingrained in Junior high school. 


    What really happened is we left J-ville hanging around in the game since the O didn't execute well enough to salt it away.  We relied on the D to win it at the end and J-ville out-executed them. There is no lesson.  We were beaten...period.  What they learned this week will have no bearing on the Raiders game.  The Raiders will be trying just as hard as Buffalo to win their home opener.



    Perfect! They are acting like programmed droids using that phrase. They learned those lessons over the last 8-15 years, thats why they are pro's. This is not the time to be learning that on 4th and forever you knock a pass down instead of looking for a highlight clip, or that with a chance to run out the clock you watch your hands and positioning so you don't get a holding flag. Oyyy

  10. Pluses..

    I loved the cups!


    I drank at least 4 pepsi/diet Pepsis, I think they get lost in the mix on the ground, I know where the pops/gatorade are, but most don't


    The tent is a perfect respite from the sun, keep it or make it bigger


    Loudspeakers or amplifier would be nice for the raffle.




    The ticket girls could have been a little more effective, they stayed together so they could chat with each other, I had to hunt them down to buy tickets, they never told me there were any white tickets.


    The long tables were better for the raffle for display


    Does it always have to be so damn hot??

  11. I take off my hat to you (and whats left of my receding hairline)


    This place was becoming a Patsies board all day. I didnt bother reading those threads but I agree, why whine about that one game. Lets allow our guys to get a few under thier belts before we start raving about the new dynasty. They won 1 friggin game!!! They did not defeat the Lombardi Packers! They beat the Colts, a team witha notoriously crappy defense. That was not the super bowl.


    Thank LA

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