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Everything posted by Guffalo

  1. New Orleans, Finalized my plans today, Arriving midday Friday, leaving midday Monday, I may even have a beer or two between arrival and departure dates. Plus opener (Houston) Miami and maybe Carolina
  2. Prayers for Hunter on the way
  3. So is the date of death on a headstone.....
  4. Happy Birthday to one of the elders of the clan! Rock, have a great day with the assorted pebbles in your pile.
  5. Have been sharing seasons with my Dad for several years, I have been in Long Island since 82, get up there at least for the opener and usually 2 others per year. Most I have done is 6 in one year. Jet Blue is a big help!
  6. Get a new spousal unit, Actually, my wife bought me that one for our den, it looks great! she knows that I don't spend anything on any other vices (besides beer) so she allows 1 room of the house to be Bill-centric.
  7. I have losman as my personal photo, just hit my name
  8. Yes it was, I saved that too, anyone hosting?
  9. I wouldnt be surprised if there is a job opening in the marketing/IT department at OBD in the very near future. Hey Scott, have you heard from them yet?
  10. Ok, I loaded it as my personal photo
  11. I just tried, its too big, anyone want to host it?
  12. They probably had a swarm of hits since it was posted, I saved a bmp of the losman jersey because you just knew that would happen.
  13. I agree, the three breasted Mercurians would kick butt if they were allowed to enter.
  14. I would think that if Henry had a knee problem, we collectively would have heard about this. My sense tells me that this little nugget was planted by TH's agent or a team looking to acquire TH's services cheaply. I don't buy it.
  15. 'nother round of heartfelt prayers are on the way!
  16. You and your family are always in our prayers
  17. I agree, they will replace you as soon as they find the right person. I tried to negotiate a 1 year severance package with guaranteed bonus should that occur and they hesitated. I told them I knew they would be letting me go as soon as possible, and they tried to say they were shocked that I would even say such a thing, In reality, I spoke with someone after I left and they were already looking for my replacement, and just wanted me there to bring him up to speed. Go now and enjoy the new start.
  18. No thanks, never got that particular twist,
  19. Are you kidding? Saint is having the time of his pitiful, miserable life. "Bad Saint bad! Lick those boots clean you sniveling little worm" Poor guy, I hope you let him off the leash once in a while.
  20. Does that mean that Mary will not be having surgery till next week? Likewise is she no longer home and resting, but in agony at the hospital? Is everything off by a week? Please clear this up, Mary's health depends on the mojo provided by this board dammit!
  21. Mildly? Like you do anything mildly? Like using a hammer to crack open an egg, that's our Ann
  22. Yeah, what happened to the three hours of begging.....or foreplay, whatever you call it
  23. Ok 45 but that's my final offer!
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