In summers during high school and college, I worked at Elmlawn cemetary in Tonawanda. On occasion they would have to "dig one out" for various reasons. Those guarantees are pretty much worthless.
I saw a 7 year old dig out (the guy died 7 years prior, and the wife wanted him moved to a mausoleum). The Funeral director who handled the original and the new internment was on hand to oversee the event. He was also there to make sure we didn't say a word about the condition of the vault (saturated), casket (one side deteriorated to nothing, black water pouring out) or remains (obvoius worm meat). He had sold the top of the line package to the woman with guarantees that the vault was impenetrable, the casket 100% waterproof for 50 years and hubby would be safe and sound for years to come. As soon as the condition of remains were visible, the funeral director looked around, checked out who was there and then gave our boss an envelope. Later after it was all done, the boss told the three of us " It was in good condition? right?" We all kinda nodded and then he gave us each a 20 from the envelope. The boss kept the rest. It was one of my first real world lessons in business.