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Everything posted by Guffalo

  1. What BS!!!!! Checked direct TV Sunday ticket, They are doing a tape delay on Sunday at 1PM (The originally scheduled time) What a waste of band space, why not show it live????? Direct TV listing for Miami game
  2. Look at those puppies in the first pic!
  3. Well, once you left, he had nobody to play with.....
  4. Do ferrets eat nuts? I'd be very careful!
  5. Why would you even let a Pats fan marry into the family, or, why would you marry anyone related to a Pats fan??
  6. .....The red sox opened up a double header today......
  7. My pants are tight....
  8. Wait till the Denver game, 8:00PM start on a Saturday........some will be drinking 12 hours, Thats gonna leave a mark
  9. Taken out of context.......
  10. She's Cross-eyed
  11. Congrats Ed, Keeep hands and feet inside the car at all times. Secure the safety restraint and Enjoy the ride!
  12. Shortly thereafter, girls were allowed to attend St. Joe's dances, thanks Mark!
  13. Happy Birthday Jay, I'll be baking a special bamboo birthday cake for you, Have a great day!
  14. Yes, package at minimum 24 of said gifts in 12 oz brown bottles with blue labels. These gifts should be kept chilled to 39 degrees.
  15. I dunno, that nose.....it's centered on a butterface
  16. Only 1 game???? ACC should make sure he never plays another down for the rest of his career> That was so blatant, to cover by saying he was playing till the whistle is BS, and trying to use the defensive lineman's reputation as a talented athlete ("because he is the type of player who makes plays all over the field." ) is even worse. There was no excuse for that shot, what a disgrace. But the happy part of the story, Butler has come to grips with it ......" I regret this event occurred and have put the incident behind me." I'm so happy he has put it behind him, I was concerned for him
  17. He was banged pretty hard, head bounced off the turf too. Im surprised it wasn't called, he had already slid and the defender went right for the head shot.
  18. A lot of Zima drinkers around here, ever try the stuff?
  19. Knee Holcomb in the groin, Slap JP on the back and say, "Giterdone Big Cat"
  20. My 10 year old daughter said the same thing, she roots for the Bills, but told me that of all the people that come to watch the games on Sundays, most are just there for the food, not really expecting the Bills to win..... Calling my attorney now to have my will rewritten...
  21. Wow, optomistic aren't we? Great, now we will win a few, and next year we still have JP with only a few games under his belt, but not to worry, he is a film session fiend! Staying in town and going over film for hours on end, what a great offseason we have to look forward to. Now if we could only get a wide receiver to complement him.....
  22. # 9 looks a little "man-ish" figures, she's a dolphin cheerleader, probably a parolee, transvestite
  23. Does anyone know what you have been smoking?
  24. Besides whispers and media "leaks" has anyone associated with the Bills confirmed that Losman is not the starter?
  25. Being a Bills fan, It isn't Rocket Surgery.
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