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Everything posted by Guffalo

  1. See if Moulds would be of interest to the Browns, what the hell, Faine was a stud in college, better than just cutting Moulds.
  2. We are leaving now for the services, thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.
  3. I just spoke with my wife, the wife packed his Bills Tailgate t-shirt in with the clothes he will be buried in...I am now a complete mess
  4. Funny thing is, he was absolutely internet-phobic.
  5. He had just turned 50 this October, his January health checkup showed he was in excellent health.
  6. Yesterday in the middle of all the normal day to day crap, I'm standing in the aisle at the grocery store picking out God-knows-what for dinner. My phone rings and my wife is hysterical, she is telling me that Mike died. I just knew she was wrong, Mike and I had just done one of his side jobs this weekend, so it couldn't be Mike. Apparently he had been sitting in his easy chair, feet up on the ottoman, watching Fox News (can you say ultra conservative), just as his wife had left him when she went to work. Whatever happened, it was quick, he was found by his son Matt around 1 PM sitting in the same position, not even a hair out of place. I waved my son over (who is best freinds with Mike's son) and told him to drop the groceries, we have to get going. Walking into the house was like walking into a movie. The older son, who is freinds with my older son, was still at college, finishing up papers in nano tech something or other, it's his thesis and the Mom didnt want to distract him. The younger son who had found him was stunned and secluded in his room. The aunts waved him to go see Matt. I sought out Mary who had been in the kitchen, she was alternating between crushed and pissed off. He had been a Jet/Giants fan for years and always loved busting my balls because I lived and died by the Bills. He liked to T-bone between his teams to ensure a pleasant day of Sunday football. Whichever team won, that was his team. Most of you met him last year at the Opener, he had driven up with me last minute and watched his first NFL game live. He had also been sold on the whole WNY experience, wings, Ballet, the Pinto and cheap beer. From that day on, he became a Bills fan. The following week, he came into the Sunday war room here on Long Island and was wearing a white hard hat (thanks Bob) painted with the Old Style and new style logo. His cheeks were painted red and blue and he proudly wore his Bills tailgate T-shirt with the stupid pom-poms sticking out of the back collar. He came back up for the Kansas City Game and helped me with my chili and sahlens. He was sold on the Bills experience, partly because of the people he met up there (it certainly wasn't the bills play) I lost a very good freind yesterday, and we all lost a great Bills fan. Thanks Mike
  7. Get a mullet styled hairpiece
  8. Hmmmmmmm, what time is that?
  9. Hofstra beat George Mason, twice in 11 days, yes GM gets in, Hofstra sits.....I'd love to hear a reasonable explaination.
  10. Would love to get a poster of that, great for the den.
  11. Yes, Joe is "special", He had "special" classes growing up, rode the bus with all the other "special kids".
  12. Cooking retatta for party, should be done in early May
  13. Solar panels anyone?
  14. I don't think it would fit you...
  15. I tried it with my name...... "If You Like A Lot Of Guffalo On Your Biscuit, Join Our Club."
  16. All of the tackles looked like high tackles with a few looking like borderline horsecollar tackles. Great anticipation, good nose for the ball, but didnt see any startling coverage clips, mostly line of scrimmage/ anticipation plays.
  17. I've always liked Mawae's play. He has experience reading defenses and making line adjustments as the defense presents different fronts. Ask any Jets offensive player, they will tell you that he has been a big part of their offensive success the last few years (don't count last season). He would be a great mentor for Preston, lining up next to him and getting to learn from one of the better centers in the last 10 years. It would be a decent 2 year plan allowing Preston to be groomed on the finer points of the pro level.
  18. In keeping with the beer pong theme: Toledo Ball Touchers Malted Rim Jobs Cincinati Ball Splashers Barley Ball Washers
  19. Rich has a new jersey to add to his collection....
  20. I can actually back that one up. I used to spend my summers working at Elmlawn Cemetary in Tonawanda on Delaware Ave. I to pass the time, I would read the Gravemarkers and headstones. In many cases, you would see the spouse passing on within a few years of the other. In some cases within weeks. When going through them, I was always amazed that the same pattern would sometimes show in those that had died in their 40's and 50's along with the ones that died in their 70's and beyond. Sometimes however, you would get a person that died in his 30's or 40's and the wifes name was inscribed and birthdate is there, but the date of death is never entered, in those cases, she had married someone else and been buried somewhere with the new husband. Always felt bad for the guy, all that space down there and nobody to join him.
  21. Congrats on the new addition!!
  22. Hey, Take that talk elsewhere, this is a Geico board dammit!
  23. Aww lighten up, Darin used to play golf, but kept losing the ball in the snow. In a few months, the snow will melt, and he will be able to continue his round of golf.
  24. I will be the first to admit I don't follow basketball, but what was all the stuff about Redicks mom and the taunting that was reported, I read bits and pieces, but what gives, why is this guy taunted so much and what does it have to do with the signs of his Mom?
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