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Everything posted by Guffalo

  1. A six pack = two 3 course meals!
  2. Well, it took 5 tries before I got one that followed the rules....
  3. My wife Pat has been abiding by those rules for as long as we have been married, it is tried and true advice that all women should follow.
  4. Aha! So that WAS your AOL search string, I knew it!
  5. She needs a whole city to fill her void? Wow, are you sure she was a showgirl, that is some biggass void if she needs a whole damn city to fill it!
  6. I was begging for him before his draft, he was even bigger in college! He's a project but may be a decent #3, a lefty too!
  7. I just read an article in today's WSJ about Buffalo's old home week, I don't have a login, but if anyone has one, please post the article. Base of the artiicle talks about trying to lure ex-Buffalonians to return and using next week as a designated week to show off the city. They claimed ex-Buffalonians were culled from many lists including Bills Backers lists. Funny, I am listed a few times on Bills backers, I feel shamed that I wasnt invited
  8. I voted dutifully for Trixie, but I agree, Lola is the best in show! Sorry McJeff
  9. Well, I just got on after waiting a few hours, not that I'm hyper or anything.....
  10. It would if you were dating a24 year old Israeli stripper and had a late night hibbity jibbity going on when a bomb exploded......get real, it is very important to know!
  11. Happy Birthday Harriet!, now that you are entering your 30's you will find out what us old folks are complaining about! Have a great day!
  12. Sure beats the alternative.....
  13. Happy B-day Gavin, have fun in VA beach!
  14. They were high priced political consultants for the Dukakis presidential campaign
  15. Yes, between the 1453 "Hits" and the saving of the orphans from the burning van in the parking lot, he was all over the place!
  16. I love that cast iron stove!
  17. The guy running the charity had the stuff signed in Cooperstown, the charity was for the hospice that took care of his dad as he died of cancer. The guy is a lawyer (prick) and probably had the authentication information, but was stunned that I knew the jersey was there, and when I asked if he had paperwork he said "No, there is none" I found out from his brother in law that the wife and his kids had bought almost 100 dollars worth of tickets to get it (he had some scruples). Anyway, since I had been tipped off by the same brother in law about the jersey, he wasn't about to give up any paperwork if it wasn't going to him or his kids. How would I get something like that authenticated if it comes to that?
  18. As long as this thread is opened, How much would an #44 Atlanta Braves jersey (New style) with Hank Aaron's autograph be worth. Long stry shortened....I won it at a charity golf outing, the people running the raffle tried to keep it. (million gifts on several tables, random drawing) I got picked 3rd, went up to select something, good clubs were gone, someone mentioned there was the jersey, so I asked, the guy running it said "how did you know?", anyway I got the jersey, but have no paperwork. It hangs in a closet, under a plastic dry cleaner bag for the last 7-8 years. Any value or should I start washing the car with it. Jersey is nice, sewn in letters and emblems.
  19. 1 entry found for camp follower. Main Entry: prostitute Part of Speech: noun Definition: loose woman Synonyms: B-girl, bag, bawd, bimbo, blower, broad, call girl, camp follower, cat, chicken, chippie, concubine, courtesan, fallen woman, floozy, harlot, hooker, hostess, hustler, loose woman, midnight cowboy, model, moll, nymphomaniac, painted woman, party girl, pickup, pink pants, pro, scarlet woman, slut, streetwalker, strumpet, tart, tomato, tramp, trollop, white slave, whore, working girl Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1) Copyright © 2006 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved. Sorry but I think that is wrong to assume that those that go to camp are prostitutes!!
  20. Yet Bipods are not prohibited , so you could bring a bipod, and then break it off and have two monopods, or a spearing contest.
  21. Ohh cmon, stop whining, you know me, If I can't laugh at something then there is a problem. Geez, lighten up Francis.
  22. Gee, Mike said that too!
  23. I will have my customary 4 gatorades to shake off an attrocious hangover from a night at the ballet. I will then have 2-3 to keep the shakes away....sorry its a tradition
  24. Your shoulders got closer to the ground?
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