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Everything posted by Guffalo

  1. Maybe its alzheimers, but I recall way back in the late 60's early 70's when the Super bowl champions would play an exibition game against a collection of college seniors, does anyone remember this game. If I can recall correctly the early Dallas teams with Staubach played in one .Does any of the oldtimers here remember this, or was it the chemicals I was using during that period?
  2. Gee, I have a wedding in Arizona the weekend of the Bills/Cards game, I guess I am staying an extra day!!!
  3. Excellent work by you wife and you on raising a solid kid. She deserves a pat on the back, but as parents, you know the struggles that you had to endure to put her in the position she is in. Congrats all around!
  4. ***Bump**** There, now its two perfect bumps
  5. I have lost my lunch on that description..
  6. In this case it was like a mirage
  7. Ann who? Happy Birthday Annie
  8. Maybe they were living in the van (down by the river)
  9. Happy Bday to all, specifically Rkfast, we will be there for happy hour, make sure my beers are cold dammit!
  10. "One-eyed snakes on a plane"
  11. Ahem, I guess you missed the veiled reference to the Lewinsky blue dress, which was fully involved in the "trickle down" effects in play here.
  12. I assume thats why it is called "trickle down economics"
  13. As guest I suppose.
  14. I thought it was a practice golf swing for his Saturday tee time at the Garden City Country Club
  15. Just a bit of medical updates for you all. Men consider this closely A study conducted by UCLA's Department of Psychiatry has revealed that the kind of face a woman finds attractive on a man can differ depending on where she is in her menstrual cycle. For example: If she is ovulating, she is attracted to men with rugged and masculine features. However, if she is menstruating, or menopausal, she tends to be more attracted to a man with duct tape over his mouth and a spear lodged in his chest while he is on fire. No further studies are expected.
  16. I had always assumed the stud fees were for siring horses, damn, you learn something new every day here.
  17. Bingo!! I was going to offer advice, but a simple consultation with a financial advisor will help. With what you have presented, he will guide you over this hump as a freebie, going forward he will work to make sure you have a stable growth and ROI as you get older.
  18. Naw, mousy looking librarian type, 40ish, not anything to put in an avatar.....
  19. As I was on the 1 train in Manhattan, I overheard some women talking about recent layoffs. One comment caught my attention "...........yeah, they are moving the jobs to Buffalo and Tampa, thats where there is affordable housing and labor" Does anyone know of a recent firm/company that either has a presence in Buffalo or has just moved to Buffalo recently?
  20. The usual tailgate standards, early morning arrival, great raffles, putting faces to board names, wings, football chatter, drunken behavior, topless bottles, topless women, the obligatory trashing of opponents fans as they wander by, what else could you ask for?
  21. I have a Flintstones water buffalo hat, My kids bought it for me at universal studios.
  22. We are in Long Island, the wind is pretty bad and they are doing reports from a few miles away about flooding. We are on the water and have sandbagged the area surrounding the house and we are waiting for high tide to come and go. Looks like the tide is dropping, but we will get a new one at 7:41 PM. I also picked up a 2300 watt generator to make sure the sump stays on and allow me to keep at least one refridgerator going. We have a storm sewer adjacent to our property, when the tide rises, the seawater comes in and floods the streets and starts the mayhem. Last time we had something like this we took a major hit in the lower part of the house. we had a french drain and sump put in since then. The sump feeds to the sewer main instead of right outside, neighbors who have it just fire the water out and watch it roll back in.
  23. Scabs, or sandpaper rubout? EIther way, good luck with that, just don't try mentholatum rub, it can get tricky with open wounds.
  24. At the Kelly induction it was a sea of blue, it was the first one done in the stadium, up until that point, all inductions were done on the steps of the HOF. Due to Kellys popularity, or the Bill fans eagerness to party, I would estimate 75 percent of the people there that day were there for JK. They even changed the presentation order to ensure that the place would not empty out before the other guys were inducted. There were sebveral organized groups that went from the Buffalo area as well as many rag-tag collections of people who made the trip. The ceremony was around mid - day, so we really didnt tailgate that much (hungover from previous night perhaps), but afterwards we went back to the hotel and partied at a bar next door till late that night.
  25. And 4 seats for chopped liver too right?
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