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Everything posted by Guffalo

  1. My brother in law was his high school teammate. Played offensive line for Jay Fiedler, Oceanside Pirates (Long Island) On his garage beer fridge there is a team pic, easy to pick out Fiedler, the one with the Spock ears.
  2. Excellent idea, smart use of space, generates income from lost space/revenue, I like it.
  3. If there is any to be found or A guppy could probably take care of it
  4. There is only one Hammers lot, it is across the street from the players entrance, First private lot see the map
  5. Linky not worky
  6. A scalloped edge almost. Great burgers, but my wife pointed out the nutritional contents, which made me a bit nervous. But I love those things, great taste for a frozen burger. Sometimes I soak them in my chicken wing sauce to create a spicy burger, covered with blue cheese and you don't need to eat till the next day (at least my wife says I hit my caloric quota for the day)
  7. I would prefer that she swallow, but that's just me
  8. My Cassidys yellow tank top circa 1978, had it for about 5 years until it shrunk, (or I got too large to fit in it, not sure)
  9. Is he talking to Shaud Williams of the Bills? Around 1:30 of the clip
  10. Nothing, its just crayonz
  11. If you look at his resume he was busy filming other projects and unavailable for Rambo, otherwise he most likely would have nailed that project.
  12. As a writer, producer, director, recording artist and actor, Larry B. Scott has given to the film community all his life, you should be ashamed of yourself for slandering such a talented human being. Larry B. Scott
  13. He is tainted! He should be shunned..
  14. 2- XLs 1-Ladies cut Thanks again Cindy
  15. Ya know, Randy (NH BILLSfan) is from around there, I know I haven't heard from him in a few weeks......coincidence?
  16. Can't happen, the porch swing is dating the mailman, pretty serious relationship too.
  17. Yes, it was nominated for the acedemy awards short story category.
  18. Well, I'm sure she had plenty of Origamis on the wedding night, provided he studied his extensive film collection.
  19. So now we know where the term "batting cleanup" came from.
  20. Everyone has an opinion, but if you could see what the poor table went through it is sad. As a young table, it was happy to frolic with the children, play games and be part of the family. In its formative years, it was a sturdy, useful piece of furniture that served the family well. After the defendant corrupted the poor thing it spent its later years broken down and nothing more than a used up attention starved piece of furniture. Sad to see what had been a wonderfully useful table has gone on to be a two bit "whore-table" that takes on all comers. I think the sentence is too light after see the havoc this man has done to that poor, innocent table.
  21. Darin would have fired a few warning shots, and certainly wouldn't have been taken alive.....
  22. Well written, quite a few gems, personally I liked the ending: "Every team generally takes its cues from the head coach, and while Belechik has been very successful at winning games, he has also been very successful at alienating his franchise from everyone else in football. Looking back on all the other dynasties in pro football, I cannot think of another one that has been more reviled league and nationwide than the Patriots. It’s not because they win; it’s how they win, and how they seemed to behave as world-beaters even though their margin of victory in championship games was smaller than Belichik’s dick."
  23. I loved him at UK. I saw his last bowl game and was amazed when it went to a few overtimes, the guy could play well at that level, I saw a blitzing FS lierally bounce off him like a kid on a play. Hey it may not be popular with the Hamden fan club, but I'd take a look-see.
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