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Matt in KC

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Everything posted by Matt in KC

  1. Crud, you're right. Though my offer still stands to guarantee $15K per year (or $15 per month) return on $1M.... I've got to stop posting before my coffee really kicks in.
  2. It's a very slow time of year. I think some leniency on topics makes sense (and is usually given). This topic certainly helps break up the wall to wall (on the wall) speculation on what players we'll add and how our returning players will fit in. Any indication why the player said he liked Buffalo? Does anyone doubt Belicheck will be a first Ballot HOF coach or that he deserves it (even if the Spygate years are voided!)? I dispise him, but do like hearing insight on him, or any other person that reaches the pinnacle of their field. I'd love to hear him talk about the Bills after he retires.
  3. Or maybe 20-25% goes into an annuity for contracts over $5M. Anything to stop these guys from being desolate within a few years of leaving the league. You've got to think that's bad for the NFL's image.
  4. Check your math. Or send me $1M and I will guarantee you $15K every year myself....
  5. I agree. Thanks for posting this. a 10 year NFL career has to be like getting in 100 car accidents! I'm glad you didn't use the guy's name, but you certainly gave a lot of information about him where I think I could figure out his identity with 5-10 mins research. Maybe remove some of those details?
  6. I suspect you're right, with both Sheppard and that Anakin kid. But for Crowell, he played ST and some LB before he matured. He just looked clunky: strong, but a bit slow and heavy-footed. Then, finally, he started flying around and really drew positive attention. As much as anything, I think he just needed to really get comfortable enough to play all-out without thinking or hedging as he went. I think a lot of young players are intimidated and a bit overwhelmed by the NFL and if they could just get to "comfortable and confident they'd play worlds better, without any change in their strength, speed or other measureables. This is one of the biggest challenges for coaches: getting each player to that point, with whatever pressure or support it takes.
  7. I remember we had Mario Haggan, Josh Stamer and Angelo Crowell as our backup LBs for several years. I kept wondering who, if anyone from that group would step up and emerge as a viable starting LB. Around year 3 Crowell seemed to arrive and Haggan was a ST stud, while Stamer remained JAG. I think players often take awhile to be ready to really compete in the NFL, but most who show nothing in the first year never make it.
  8. Re: Does Kelsay get cut now? How long is now exactly? I voted yes, but then realised he hadn't been cut and that I had been wrong... so I went to change my vote, re-read the question and thought "well, perhaps he'll be cut *now*." (But then I realised he hadn't been cut and that I was wrong... so I went to change my vote, re-read the question and thought to myself... etc.)
  9. It depends. Does the SF offer come with topless blondes that will come over and fold your laundry?
  10. So, in your opinion, is racism ever a problem? Is there even such a thing as institutional racism? So someone whose ancestors were clearly discriminated against, stolen from, and/or killed should just get over it, stop being a kitty, sit down, shut up and just enjoy the game? (And oh yeah, "don't be so PC and join in the indian war chant!")
  11. For those of you who think this is a manufactured concern: What percentage of native americans need to be offended in order for this to be a legitimate concern? I'm sure the number is at least 10%. One in 10 people is too many. It is just a sports team. Just change the name, I say.
  12. I don't remember what happened with Matt Stevens. (There must have been something going on in my life where I wasn't paying close attention that year.) I just remember him running around with his pigtail sticking out of his helmet looking 40 pounds too small and never getting to the play before it was over. I think all of his tackles were guys going out of bounds of him beign the first there when they fell over. Seriously, he stunk! Some other quick thoughts: DiGeorgio does not blong on this list, even as a placeholder. Whoever nominated him is crazy. Neither does Kurt Schulz. Whoever nominated him is crazy. Mike Pucillo was our center, wasn't he? I only saw him listed as a guard on this list (? Did he play both positions for us?). I remember him being really soft and a big part of Bledsoe getting crushed in the pocket... and regularly looking like he was going to cry.
  13. I was just thinking about him and Ryan Neufeld. We kept them both for awhile, just waiting for one of them to emerge. It seemed like we stuck withthem for years and never got anything out of eiher one. I think Neufeld might have even been worse: Roster spot from 2003-2007 (5 years!) with 13 receptions. And yes, he started 7 games over 3 different years, so he's eligible for these "honors". I also thought Matt Stevens was horrible horrible horrible at safety for us. Very few players have I been sure didn't deserve to be on the field at all, but he was one. (Side note: he had a motorcycle accident and became paralyzed in 2007. Story here.)
  14. So Marrone might want a different type of guard... and that might have something to do with why the Bills didn't sign him earlier? What is Levitre difficient at? Run blocking? ...or he run-blocks well, but just not maulingly enough? That's a pretty exact number. Do I believe the Bills will pay...? I'm really not sure. Ralph really being out of football decisions and Whaley stepping in helps, I believe. I think they should pay, as I've said, even overpay a bit. I think we need continuity for our QB and LT. Pay here instead of risking their development and the additional rebuilding $$ that will cost down he line. I hope if Levitre leaves they fill the spot with a legit player. I would understand changing styles or really liking a rookie. I don't favor moving Glenn. I think he did very well at at LT, especially for a rookie, and wouldn't want to completely rebuild our left side unless we had to. Where did $6.75M come from? Over how many years etc.? I definitely agree with the bolded sentence above. Levitre said he wants to test Free Agency. I hope he give the Bills a chance to match any offer he gets. I understand him wanting to make sure he gets paid fairly. This is his big pay check he's worked his whole life for, and will likely look back at the rest of his life.
  15. Thanks! I didn't click around enough. That is really helpful to see what guys are getting at each poistion, terms etc..
  16. Thanks for the link. That is helpful. I wish it said when their deal was signed, and for how many years though. $ per year just isn't the full picture. Seriously. Dr. Trooth, I hope you're slapping your own forehead! We don't have to worry about losing a top free agent so long as we can start someone better next year? (Huh?)
  17. And where would we find one of those?
  18. I don't know what market rate is for a top guard. I'd be willing to pay him near the top of the league for a guard and not screw around negotiating too much. That may be a bit more than he is "worth", but salaries are going up and he's a cornerstone for our offense. I wouldn't risk a young QBs development and Glenn settling in at LT to save 10%. I've been more impressed with Levitre's play than Wood's. What I don't know is how Wood has done with the line calls and how hard that would be to replace. You can't avoid paying players because you think we'll have other players that will need to be paid down the line. We're not facing cap hell next year, so I don't think Wood's status has much bearing on resigning Levitre.
  19. Isn't that exactly what we gave Langston Walker? (I remember because that's exactly what the Redskins gave Fletcher that same year.) I know Levitre is a guard, not a tackle, but I'd go higher. With a drafted LT, we don't have much money tied up on the o-line. Continuity means a lot for an o-line, and a decent line is essential for the development of a young QB. To build a new offense, I think this is an appropriate place to "overpay".
  20. All of Fred's quotes sound like he has the opposite attitude as Stevie. Gotta love the guy.
  21. I think most things heard from now until the draft that have a team as a source will be closer to the truth if you read their opposite. "Anonymous team sources said they don't think {player} warrants a first round pick." = Teams like this player, please don't take him in the first round! I think the media is trying to get it right, but is easily decieved by team sources. It can be hard to sort out what is a direct observation vs. one that is "helped" by someone close to a team.
  22. Which one sounds more like a old school football lineman? I love it!
  23. Josh Reed was not a #1 receiver, but was a valuable role player. He had a couple stretches dropping the ball in his early years, but he got over that. In his last years here he really came through for us with clutch 3rd down catches and aggressive blocking at miserable time in the team's history. Several games he looked like the only player on our offense that hadn't given up. Sure we needed better talent all over our roster, but I'm not sure Reed should be bashed.
  24. It's too early to get rid of Graham IMO. WR is a hard position to get up to speed at in the NFL. His drops were very noticeable in the Seattle game, but who knows what was happening (e.g. did he dislocate a finger that week?). Unless he has a total melt down, I'd like to see the Bills stick with him at least 3 years. He looked better to start the season than I expected from a rookie. Let's see if he gets even stronger this offseason. Brad Smith is one of our few playmakers. Unfortunately he seems inconsistent to me. He's a great emergency WR if we have him on the roster for other reasons. While he flashes big plays, I don't think he's a great WR. I think Nelson is a keeper, a clutch player that is go-to on 3rd down. I'd rather have him in the slot than Stevie, but would like an offense were we move players around to stress/test the defense. I'm confused on Donald Jones, who seems to run hot and cold. In 2011 I was not very impressed toward the end, but then last year he came in and performed much better than I was expecting. He definitely deserves to compete for a spot. My best guess is that he's good enough when healthy, but not very good at playing through the minor injuries that are going to come up each year.
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