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Matt in KC

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Everything posted by Matt in KC

  1. Thanks for the response. I expected similar engagement by Jauronimo. It has been a very long, draining week, and I'm a bit raw. I'm too weary to go into it deeply here and now. Another day I might very much enjoy diving into that with you in another thread. I don't understand how you can characterize xsoldier54's post as an aggressive over-reaction: "Absolutely too soon and in very poor taste. A man has died and a whole lot of people who loved him are grieving." In my mind it's simple: if someone tells you that you are being an ass and disturbing someone who's grieving, you shut up or go somewhere more appropriate to carry on. I saw Jauronimo persistently pushing xsoldier54 and John from Hemet for a full analysis of what was said, why this isn't the time or place, and that's what pissed me off enough to post. Well, that and I came to the board not feeling well, wanting my favorite drug (Bills news/discussion) and coming away feeling worse than I started. I went from being in a bad mood to being a really bad mood. I would have no issue at all with the jokes and discussion in a Robin Williams thread or if was a brief aside from the discussion. Humor sometimes fails. For me, the Ork comment was out-of-place but whatever, not really offensive.
  2. I'd prefer Hoyer, assuming he is back to 100% healthy.
  3. Well screw you too. I'm sorry I actually tried to engage you, really. Do us all a favor and start your next diatribe on the sensitivities and all that is wrong in America in PPP or the Off the Wall forums next time, especially if you don't really want to talk about it.
  4. Seriously? wtf are you talking about? I have no doubt you hold the belief that some people think "the whims of emotion are enough to justify any and all behavior", but where on earth was anyone but you saying that in this thread? (And if it's there, go see if they want to argue with you.) So, I answered your questions in two long posts. What do you think about the content? Or were you really just pretending to wonder why people didn't like Big Cat's first post or thought your questions were inappropriate?
  5. I didn't really find the original post offensive, just in poor taste, or reflecting a bit of poor judgement. I wouldn't really put it any stronger than saying it was a bit rude, like letting out a big fart during a moment of silence. And I fully acknowledge at the right moment that might be hilarious. The "too soon" comment seemed to reflect he knew it, and indeed he's come clean about that. I don't think there was much wrong about you asking what was offensive, except for the obvious reasons that it completely derailed the conversation. Go back and re-read. People were indeed pretty much ignoring the Ork reference and getting back to talking about the Bills up until that point. The follow up badgering for a rational explanation was over the line though. I'm okay with those "calling out" Big Cat by answering his question. The "Yes, too soon" and "people are still grieving" comments were fine. And yes, I have a problem with you pointedly asking people why exactly they are grieving or why they thought Big Cat shouldn't have made that post, at least yet. I didn't see any "public shaming". What a crock! That's your spin for people saying "yes too soon"? Who knows what people are going through, if they are depressed, know someone who has killed themselves, did actually know Robin Williams, or whatever! They shouldn't have to explain to you why it's too soon for them. Have some common courtesy and respect it when someone indicates they are hurting. You "guess the whims of emotion are enough to justify any and all behavior?" I have no idea where you're getting that.
  6. Since you're so interested, and the discussion is already completely derailed, I'll give you my take: The original comment wasn't even a joke, it was just a Robin William reference. There wasn't enough humor there to warrant making people think about something they might be working through on some level. I'm grieving Robin Williams a bit. Not much, much less than if a friend or a pet died, but a bit. I thought Robin Williams was inspirational. I too have suffered from depression for a long time and have loved RW's humor since my childhood. The speed with which he could process and jump wholesale into a new thing was very impressive. I'd feel similarly I think if my other favorite influences (musicians, authors etc.) passed away, especially if I knew they suffered. So I don't think the explanation of offense is in the literal words. I actually came into this thread to read about Landon Cohen. The Bills and this site are my guilty pleasures, distracting me from the stress and bull **** in the world. When I saw that posts, my gut reaction was "yes, too soon!" If it was a really clever joke, it would have been worth it, but it wasn't. For me, in awhile (a couple weeks?) by all means make jokes. My offense wasn't enough to warrant a post. But much more offensive than the attempt at humor has been the subsequent hounding of people who spoke up to say they were offended. You really want them to justify their emotions to you? And you're doubly offended they don't take the time to spell out why they think the original comment should not have been made, or why it was too soon for them? I can only speak for me. That's my take. I'm not really interested in dwelling in discussion of Robin Williams, or why it makes me feel crappy to see someone jumping on someone else when they feel down. I wouldn't mid, however, reading more insight about the Bills or our upstart DT.
  7. Jauronimo, you seem really inspired to take on this debate with people who were offended, and are likely grieving in their own way. First off, please at least acknowledge this isn't the place for it. This debate club bull **** has completely hijacked the Leonard Cohen thread.
  8. Kyle Williams. He has tremendous burst off the snap.
  9. So instead of posting "in," maybe try something like "It looks like this is already being discussed here: https://LinkyHere..."? I suspect the thread-starters might well close their own thread and join in the convo in the right place without feeling insulted and alienated.
  10. Holy crap, that just made my evening!
  11. My point is three is risk to the Bills. A PS player might well want to play somewhere else, especially after the Bills indicate he's not good enough to make the final roster, but another team tells him he is, and come accept a real pro salary and position.
  12. No, there is no "right to match" or anything like that. Then again, a player can tell the Bills, and see if they will give him an offer as good so he can stay.
  13. So whose projection is that?
  14. I have the feeling seeing the tattoo would answer a number of questions. Is it a woman's name? ... a picture of an insane clown?
  15. Buffalo Rumblings Training Camp Report from Tues Aug 5th I thought I'd post this here. It is a play-by-play list from Tuesday's practice. Earlier in this thread, and in the Tuesday tweets, there were a number of comments that Manuel's performance in practice was a continuation of the HOF game and reason for concern. Reading this breakdown, I don't get the same impression. Some "stats" (me reading and counting): 7 TDs, 0 INT, 4 sacks It looks like Wayne Cubed beat me posting the link here, but we have the same conclusion.
  16. Or maybe he had an in-grown toenail that required minor surgery and antibiotics. I can see why he wouldn't want that reported in the media. Or maybe he had warts removed; or maybe had a bone bruise he doesn't want future opponents to know about; or maybe. . . . I'm glad people who know more are confident he'll be back. I'm also glad to see Henderson getting all these repetitions. Having him available to fill in, and some confidence in his ability is huge!
  17. I agree. And, I hope the bolded was real mistake, because it's hilarious. If it was intentional, then it is just really funny. . . .
  18. I did, very much so! That was one of the big things I got out of watching the second half. I was unimpressed last year, but didn't expect much. It takes awhile to shift to NFL speed/strength/complexity.
  19. Even when EJ has played the whole game for us he's taken awhile to get going . He seemed more "on" early tonight than I saw most of last year. I thought it was far from perfect, but fine for a first-of-five preseason showing.
  20. That's what I saw in preseason last year. I predicted Branch might get cut, then surprisingly he really turned it on game 1. I think he just doesn't like (playing in) the offseason, and likely doesn't hide that from the coaches. No one on the Bills expressed any concern about him, and they were right; he was fine. As far as I can tell, it's the same thing again this year.
  21. I heard the opposite, but might have completely missed the boat. I thought he said Norwood had been hooking his kicks more than usual in warm ups, so he was sure the kick was good (i.e. it would hook back), but then it drifted wide.
  22. I bet he'd show up and cheer wildly if he was offered enough money! Sorry, sorry I couldn't resist. That doesn't really belong in this thread.
  23. I'm surprised about the Kyle William comments. I see a lot of signs that Kyle is very respected by his teammates a leader. Why do you guys think calling out your teammates in the media is a sign of leadership? What makes you think he's not calling them out behind the scenes?
  24. I watched last night. Jim was so conspicuously absent from the show, for obvious reasons. I bet it really burned him up that he couldn't be on there singing Reed's praise.
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