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Matt in KC

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Everything posted by Matt in KC

  1. Okay, I'll be this week's optimist. In a shocker, the Bills will win by 20 as the Cards self-destruct.
  2. Fair enough... I felt like I should jump to TH's defense, but then I couldn't quite do it fully. To get back on track Donald Trump! Stunned for a moment, he decides to...
  3. "Just kidding," the clerk said. "He's actually only here for an hour or two before going to meet his boyfriend, VABills. I hope you..."
  4. Is that the prediction for the offenses? Raven = 17 yards, Bills = 14 inches?? I bet we can get at least 150 yards on them!
  5. Yeah, you think maybe he should stop rooting for the Bills?
  6. Hey, that was a very fun read. Welcome, and thanks for sharing. Is the Erie-Times New available online? You should post a link. I kinda think you might just bea bit shy and it was really you who wrote this article. For what it's worth, I might just buy the Erie Times if an article like that was in there about the Bills each week.
  7. I've only had TiVo for a year, but I have to say that Milloy's injury was one of the top 5 most gruesome injuries I've seen too. I think not many people noticed because it wasn't really replayed on the broadcast, but it was really bad. I just saw an old post by Lori who was saying that she saw it too.... It looked like his whole arm midway from elbow to wrist kinda pinwheeled after spiking into the other player's shin. Yuck-ola! I will be very impressed if Milloy comes back before our playoff run.
  8. I assumed the practiced before the game and knew what they were dealing with regarding the wind, which was brutal. In general I think they need to let Lindell kick, and maybe fail, rather than choose not to kick, fearing he'd fail. It it gets to that vote of no confidence, I think they need to find another kicker regardless of salary cap implications.
  9. Unfortunately, this poll bundles two things: what you think Travis is worth, and what you think he'd really fetch. I'd be more interested in the poll results if the assumption was that a mid 3rd round pick was offed by, say, an NFC team. I think Travis would get a high 3rd round pick if healthy, and maybe as high as high 2nd round to a desperate team, if he comes back later this year and performs as he has the last couple years (near 100 yds / game at the end). Travis is a great value at his salary, but I think the Bills should grab a good draft pick if offerd a trade at the end of the season. Mid-season a servicable backup RB would need to come into the picture for the Bills to be a viable option. At his salary and skill, I think TH is a near-perfect backup RB, and a good starter.
  10. I was very suprised by Edwards today and had the same thought. I was really impressed with his agility for such a big man. I would not be opposed to trying him in the LDE rotation on top of his normal DT duty just so he gets more playing time. If a player's hot, you have to go with him, but I'd be reluctant to take PW or SA off the field just to accomplish this.
  11. Okay, so I don't usually like to slam poor grammar, or nitpick... but "salivating at the mouth?" Sorry, but you should try thinking in the brain a bit more before typing with your fingers. Bledsoe's passer rating so far this year is better than any full season he's ever had, I think. While not stellar, this is all we could have reasonably expected when getting him. The main difference I see is that typically he has been a high risk / high gain passer with a lot of TD and INTs. After last year, (the sack and the fumbles I think --9? 10?), he's been coached to be much more cautious. It seems to be working pretty well. Yes, his negative plays seems to come at inopportune time, and yes, the truly special QBs [start patriotic music here] seem to find a way to win and elevate the play of those around them. I wish the QB rating took into account 3rd down passing conversion %, penalties (for and against), running yards and fumbles, so we'd have a better yardstick for measuring QB performance. At very least, we wouldn't spend nearly as much time bitching back and forth about it....
  12. All I can say is that I hope the Dolphins are still winless when the last undefeated team takes their first loss this year. Won't that make the old Dolphins' champagne sipping seem a bit dumb (especially if it's near the end of the year)?
  13. Motophoto can definitely do it. They will do a good job for you, but might cost a bit more than a local camera shop that has the equipment.
  14. Cool, a grammar pissing session.... With which words is it proper to begin a sentence?
  15. I agree. I think his beef was that the ref right there never blew the whistle. In that context, his play looks reasonable. It's not like he laid a vicious hit on the guy; he mostly jumped over him.
  16. There's no where to go but up. This is what shows the rest of the league we're not fair weather fans. Other fans stop ripping on us. They kinda feel bad. Future opponents underestimate us. We're earning higher draft picks (starting w 2nd round). Bills are less likely to raise ticket prices next year.
  17. 30-27 ...either team wins. I think the Bills will be hurting on theilr O-line again, but our RBs will still be able to break away a few tim for big gains. I'll guess that the Bills will be buoyed by either turnovers or ST play this week, and the offense will look bad, but post big numbers because of a few big plays.
  18. 159 yards, 2 touchdowns, and 1 fumble. And I won't complain about the fumble since we're a fourth of the way into the year and he hasn't fumbled yet (and only lost 3 last year according to nfl.com). I hope Henry has a MONSTER game. The conditions appear to be right.
  19. Moulds was a simple oversight when I made my list.
  20. The only othes I can add without reservation: Jennings Teague - fantastic backup center K. Thomas - 3rd or 4th CB S. Aiken P. Williams J. Dorenbos - if I had space on my roster L. Fletcher* okay, I'll admit to a little reservation after the mental errors today Henry - w/ some reservations
  21. Let's not be too hasty to blame Coy.... okay, after that pause, I say bombs away. He's earned it!
  22. The last time they had it listed it wasn't really on. They showed the CBS pregame show instead, and updated the program info about 15 minutes into it. I'm pretty sure that was at 12 noon, though. Maybe they'll get it right this time.
  23. Me either. I'm not sure I've ever seen that happen. I guess it's rare that the wind (or whatever) is a strong factor in the first half, but not by the second half.
  24. I agree Drew looked pretty bad for much of the Raiders game. Even throwing conservatively you need to throw a catchable ball. I also thought he looked pretty good against the Jags. I agree with the people who have posted here that this could really be a pivotal week for whether the fans turn against Bledsoe. I, for one, thing we have bigger problems than Bledsoe. But don't get me wrong, I am eager and excited to see Losman in there when he's ready. (But Matthews?? C'mon!) Again, does anyone know if Bledsoe got a concussion against the Raiders?
  25. I hope he plays great when called upon, but clearly goes into the season as an emergency-only QB. If Drew appears to be having some type of psychological emergency on the field, that might qualify, and Matthew could take a series while Bledsoe sits and talks to Wyche. [btw, I would have rather had Matthews on the field when Bledsoe got sacked out of FG range against the Raiders (rookie mistake!), but think Matthews on his best day would perform about the same as Bledsoe on his worst.] With regard to booing, one of my concerns is that it will actually demoralize the team and make them perform worse. Don't worry, the coaches will see that things aren't going well. One syllable advice for making changes is not very helpful. (I'd much rather hear a chant of "Matthews, Matthews" than booing if it comes to that.) Of course you have a right to boo, seq004, as you have a right to do many things that I would criticize....
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