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Matt in KC

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Everything posted by Matt in KC

  1. Our company is merging with another, so we're pulling a problem server out of a place where it is maintained by force of will by one individual into our data center where we'll have proper load balancing / high availability for the website and a proper DR plan for the mail server. For now, we just have the monitoring set up with no real process changes (the replacement server is still being built and shipped) so we can see just how bad it is, but do not have much recourse when our force-of-will guy is AWOL.
  2. I just got pulled into a work outage.... One of our email and public web servers crashed. As these are managed remotely by a guy who reports to me, I'm getting tapped since he is not responig. We just started a project to bring this server into our data center (locally) too. I'm primarily an account manager now, so I'm not too happy about this....
  3. I think you're crazy. While I think a Toronto / Buffalo rivalry would be fun, I do think it would eat into the Buffalo market more than it would generate additional interest from the Canadians for the Bils games. In other words, this would create more interest in the NFL overall, but the Bills would have a harder time selling out their games. I also would not like to see the Dolphins leave the division. I love to hate them. A home game in Toronto sounds horrible too, though a road game would be great, and preseason would be fine. Why would we want to have a home game with a dilluted 12th man crowd, eh?
  4. Hightlight cells, go to format cells (CTRL+1 or right-click). On the numbers tab (1st tab) choose category of Custom and type .00 not 0.00.
  5. It is hot hot hot! I think it's a Weber...
  6. If he's still there when the fourth round starts, we should trade (way up) top get him before anyone else. How much would it cost to trade up to the first pick ...of the fourth round?
  7. http://www.profootballweekly.com/PFW/NFL/A...004/trans28.htm This is all I could find about Sobieski. It looks like he finished the season on the PS / injured. This also says Luke Lawton was signed off the PS to the Falcons at the end of the seaon, which I didn't know.
  8. I wish the Godfather trilogy was a choice. I think I'd give those the nod, though it would be a hard call between them and Star Wars....
  9. I get as much time as I want, I just can't miss any deliverables. A typical day when not in crunch mode is 8:30-6:15, and only take time off for lunch on Friday, when I get out of the office for an hour. Throughout the day, however, I take a dozen 5 minute breaks to keep mentally fresh (about half of them checking out the latest here).
  10. For PTO, it's all the same, otherwise you probably need to take vacation or unpaid time or whetever variation your company offers. For serious medical conditions (yours or your family member's), you'd be covered by FMLA, which states you cannot be disciplined for these absences, though you also likely will not be paid unless you burn off some type of paid time like PTO. Note on other comments: PTO does not mean unscheduled absences are okay, just that they subtract from your vacation so people like stevestojan self-police. At our company, 6 instances of unscheduled PTO is cause for disciplinary action.
  11. You have to decide if the money is the issue for you, or stopping his dog, or what. I'd ask him for a check immediately, and consider a police report if one is not immediately available. You could at least say filing the report was the only hope of geting any $ from home owner / renter's insurance. Tough spot.... I'd add a bit more, but I've got to run (my ride home is leaving).
  12. I work for a company whose main business is consulting with companies and providing reporting around lost time, everything from sick days ("incidental absence") to LTD. Strictly speaking, sick days are not a benefit. You are only entitled to use them when you are sick. That being said, I am a big proponent of "mental health days" so long as your position can support it. For some companies/jobs it makes sense (when many people can perform the same work) and others not. PTO (Paid Time Off policies) that does not differentiate between sick time and vacation time has been the corporate world's answer to this problem, rewarding people with good attendance with more vacation so they police themselves. That being said, unscheduled PTO is still disruptive and leads to disciplinary action in most companies when PTO is abused. http://www.nucleussolutions.com/ In response to the !@#$ boss comments: much of the consulting we provide points out that the workplace culture leads directly to employee withdrawl behaviors. In other words: employees often don't want to be at work for reasons the companies owns. To generalize, absence is typically half medically-related, and the other half divided between the things the company owns / can change and employees "working the system" and/or feeling entitled to take the time (which in itself is a culture problem).
  13. Fantastic. So, why did the game piss you off? Or did you just get really "pissed" from drinking all that beer?
  14. Okay, since we're kicking around favorite Sabres memories: mine is the 1-0 victory over the Devils in the fourth overtime. Wow! Broduer and Hasek each had a 6 period shutout going into the 4th OT before Dave "the Cannon" Hannon scored ("top shelf where grandma hides the cookies" ). Hasek came away with a 70 save shutout. Granted I was watching on TV, but I was in a college cafe that stayed open late until the game ended (at UB), and more and more people wandered in to see what was going on as the OTs went on. I'm pretty sure they were facing elimination (down 3-1 games I think) and they lost the series on the next game however.
  15. WTF!!? ...and in a strange twist, it appears that the fetus becamse pregnant shortly after it's 17th birthday inside the woman....
  16. I don't think it was called. I think they saw he was uncovered and went to him for the easy first down. As much as he might give it away, it was Morr important to make sure he knew KT was open.
  17. Pure gut: Steelers by 6 Eagles by 12
  18. You're Jor-El, right Superhero? Good going. Let's get a nice positive buzz going over Travis....
  19. 35 - - still at work for awhile...
  20. Per hbo.com: I think I read somewhere they start filming in May!
  21. I think flat out, the island is a kind of pergatory. This feeds the loop theory in that people either conquer their demons, or are cursed to keep reliving them (becoming a very personal hell if they can't conquer their demons. Locke has "broken out of the loop" (or broken the lock). People who make their peace, go off to a happy beyond. Locke seems to be staying to help other's break their cycles of suffering (by the way, this is very similar to the buddhist cycle of suffering)http://www.kadampa.org/english/reference/b...ist_beliefs.php
  22. Hey, you should start a poll asking if people would buy one. With how marketing driven the NFL is, landing a high number answering Yes then emailing a link to the team would be a strong petition.
  23. You shouldn't hate. Sorry. I've never met the guy, but this comes to mind as a representation of him, in his absence.
  24. Keep this in mind as you consider sending a "welcome to TSW" post to a newly registered person in the next day or two....
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