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Matt in KC

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Everything posted by Matt in KC

  1. Our team's quality (and the performance I expect) is clearly worse. Losing Jonas, Big Pat, and yes, even Bledsoe are three positions it's hard to credibly argue we have better quality players on our team now. That being said, I think we've made pretty good decisions regarding the salary cap, and the future of our team. But, so far, it still looks like we're jockeying for a playoff run 2-3 years from now.
  2. Thanks for the ideas everyone! I'll keep these in mind. Time to go off to the airport....
  3. We're thinking about taking the streetcar for a bit of a tour. I think I read there's only one left in the city.... My wife is interested in checking out the local architecture. Also, we're staying just a few blocks off the river (on canal street), so the riverboat is a possibility too. Thanks.
  4. Thanks, R.Rich. We're staying just outside the French quarter in the business district, and are doing the trip without a car. I'll keep my eyes open for the travel channel. I think you mean the guide that comes up on the hotel TV (right?). Good idea.
  5. I'll be there for 4 nights / 3 days. Any suggestions for fun and interesting activities around town? What's "N'Orleans" we should make a point of seeing? We're not looking to get too crazy, but do want to go out and party a bit, at least one night.... I'm going to be slammed at work today, then am going over to the airport for my flight. I'll try to find a few minutes to look back here to see if ayone has any good ideas. Thanks.
  6. I miss the Sabres and The Who
  7. Pittsford / 35 / Capitol Hill (DC)
  8. Bruce Lee Mother Teresa John Lennon Interesting to reflect on.... I'm not sure I can come up with anyone still living. [Edit: whoa, I didn't even see xcapitanhookx post. BTW, may the original captain hook rest in peace...]
  9. I feel very strongly that maybe I'd root for the Buffalos. If they left respectfully (no buyer in WNY) or were pushed out by local government, then yes, I probably would support them. But no, not if they were in LA. If they moved to Miami, then maybe, just so perhaps the Dolphins franchise could be brought down ...too .
  10. "Bubby" Patterson, a volunteer the Rectal Reconstruction Institute, waits to administer the unusual punishment ordered in the Michael Jackson case.....
  11. Current: Lee Evans All time: Kent Hull Honorable mentions: Ralph, Andre Reed, "Spidey", Tasker, Bruce Smith
  12. infected anal prolapse (yum!)
  13. Whoa.... guest posting is turned back on....
  14. From the rumors I've heard (here and elsewhere) the Cards are interested in a trade if they can agree on a long-term deal with Travis. So, contract negotiations are underway, and the fact that Travis didn't accept the first offere throrn out there means he's "holding up the trade." The fact that Travis has only one year left on his contract means he has penty of leverage. (Yes, he could be traded for a year against his wishes, but the he's a FA.)
  15. You Can't Win if You Don't PLAY!!! Okay, that's essentially my guess: Drew plays less than 2 full games for the Cowboys this next year.
  16. Welcome Bob. I'm a long time lurker here, but haven't actually posted that often. I agree with most of your points, and you cover the deficiencies on our O quite well. Almost all of my other concerns with this team are actually on defense. First and foremost, I strongly agree with the other posters that have touted the value of Pat. I believe he is a key to the success of our defense. I see you have the same deep, disturbed reaction to this as I do. You couldn't even get yourself to type " punt from our opponents 30." It just doesn't look or feel right. My other big pet peeve with our Bills in 2004 was when we allowed all of those conversions on 3rd and long, this despite being a solid defense at almost all other times. I'm hopeful that we'll do better this year with stronger play at safety and more experience gained by Terence McGee. But, while I think Kevin Thomas has been pretty solid for a 3rd CB (and good on ST), he's the logical person to think of when you consider what's different on third and long. Also, we seem pretty thin in the secondary. What would we do if we lost one of our starting CBs (yikes!)? At least Greer and Baker are coming along, but Greer is a year of from contending to start (if he ever will) IMO.
  17. The general format of a ratio by concatenating the cells is as follows: =A1&":"&B1 But it sounds like you want to do any available division then post the result in ratio format. I assume you do not want to do any rounding or dropping of coefficients so you only do the division when one number is a multiple of the other.... I'll look at this for a few minutes before lunch starts. I always like a good puzzle....
  18. From my memory (which isn't great), guest posting has been turned off since late Nov or Dec. Someone turned it off shortly after a couple threads came up with two guests arguing over something. I can't remember what. I remember it was a bit schizophrenic and quite annoying... then... (relative) silence.
  19. Is the speed of light really a limit that cannot be surpassed? What happens inside a black hole? What is the sound of one hand clapping? How can an commercial airplane rip apart and crash in midflight and so many people live without broken bones on a tropical island with... polar bears? I'm pretty sure that no one here knows the answer to these questions (except perhaps the one hand clapping ), but it is fun to muse on....
  20. Okay, I'm a sucker for speed of light questions.... I think you're probably just jerking Tom's chain (given your "hundreds of yards tall or taller"), but I'll dive in anyway.... First of all, you're assuming an object is being pulled by a constant force, like gravity. Gravity is relative to the proximity to mass, and is only at 9.8 meters per second squared (near the surface of the earth) so you have to realize that you're making a huge assumption that something will excellerate and not hit the object it's attracted to before getting to the speed of light. So, your theory is if things accelerate without resistence they will eventually surpass the speed of Light (if I understand right). I think the only place there's gravity that strong is near a black hole, and no one really know what happens close to the center. The theories of relativity (general and special) say that as you approach the speed of light, time slows down, and your mass increases! (?) Interpret this how you will.... This is tough enough to stump even the most sober physicists (and I doubt you are either ) First link is written in Geek, second in English-geek: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/relativ/tdil.html http://www.physicsforums.com/archive/topic..._a_vacuum?.html
  21. I hope you feel better, zevo. At least the flu runs its course much faster than a cold. I hope your ears are okay. Remember to drink as much water as you can.
  22. This outbreak killed my great grandmother and four children under the age of six in the family. And they lived in a relatively isolated farm in Eastern Colorado. This is something to reflect on for any of you that might breeze over the danger of antibiotic-resistant strains evolving, which is greatly accelerated by irresponsible use / discontinuation, if any of you that didn't know that.
  23. Moss WILL be a Jet next year (Santana, that is). Carry on.
  24. Huh? Why would the place where the work was performed affect the taxes? Do players currently pay income tax in every state they have an away game? Is there a weird Canadian law about this? And why do you think the canadian tax would be higher? I see you're type-o's (stoopid), so hopefully your just puling somones chain....
  25. Yes, he is definitely holding the IT infrastructure hostage, and this has been his survival strategy for years. For the first time ever, though, he is no longer the top IT guy around and his approach is pretty transparent. He will come into the office and work all night to fix something (that should have been preventively addressed) and milk it for all it's worth. The longer the outage, the more clear how dedicated he is ("he fixed the mail server for 14 hours straight"). In contrast, our team has tight SLAs with the likes of GE where have financial penalties for under 99.9% uptime (about 43 minutes per month). We have tight monitoring, auto-task creation for resolution notes and escalation, and regularly drill DR, and have a formal review process for anything over a 15 min outage.... If he's willing to follow tier 2 NRT (network response team) processes, I think we could clearly measure and show his value. As it is, he's bitter and is sure he is losing his job. This has been a big challenge as his boss, and I am worried he might go out "with a bang." Thank you for listening, doc. How much do I owe you?
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