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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. We actually have gender-neutral restrooms at the university I teach at, and aside from predictable college graffiti, no one behaves like anything other than a respectful adult. It took some getting used to at first and I'm sure it's the same for the women, but there's also a sense that we're trusted to be mature.
  2. FTL, even as an avowed EJ supporter and believer, I did see the line holding up at the point of attack, and EJ being a bit afraid to pull the trigger. The line had bad games, and EJ had some very bad rookie games. They failed as a unit. Aside from upgrading talent, I think the following things would help: some focus on his footwork this offseason, perhaps more work under center than shotgun, and they need some more play action pass happening in this offense.
  3. For all this talk of 3-down players, it might be interesting to see how many 3-down players successful teams seem to employ.
  4. If a straight man had to be allowed into a female locker room, the pressure of the majority would indicate that the man should act more respectful than humanly possible, and if he didn't, I'd expect them to bludgeon him with a hair dryer. What is this argument even about?
  5. Couldn't care less. But anyway, what about the notion that you probably have had gay guys next to you in the locker room? I mean, there's about a 1/10 chance, no? In which case, that's one out of every ten people you share the locker room with, with zero harm or creepiness reported to date. I don't know what sexy locker room universe you all live in... I like to change quick and get the hell out of there.
  6. 20 years? Riemersma was borderline above-average. Generally average.
  7. It sounds like his teammates and his roommate, NFL DROY Sheldon Richardson, had zero problems with this on a daily basis.
  8. This has got to rank as one of the oddest offseasons for a team in which no one shot themselves in the leg, ever.
  9. I think everyone worried about people staring at their junk seems to have an outsized opinion of themselves and their attractiveness to gay men, and an insultingly ignorant, animalistic view of sexuality, gay or otherwise. No thoughtful straight dude puts himself in a room full of women and acts anything other than respectable. No gay man who has respect for his surroundings and his fellow people is going to act differently. The locker room is just an abnormal situation to begin with, regardless of how it's segregated, and it's in part because of our anxieties and conservative attitudes toward the vessels we're all given for a relatively short time. We put way too much importance on the body and precious little on what's going on between the ears.
  10. I mean, what? 100% of gay men will die before age 55? I guess I know some statistically impossible people. Even if that's not just funky grammar I'd like to see something to substantiate your statistics. The Department of Bad Ideas just corrected me here. Only if gay people get a SC rating for straight content so they don't have to watch icky things like Julia Roberts making out with Keanu. Though I guess that particular example grosses me out. I suppose you are also grossed out by the girl on girl action? Because a lot of straight dudes aren't... I do agree with you on the first half of your last statement, but it's no small matter to see couples denied visitation rights, taxation rights, estate tax rights or any of the other things you and I take for granted. See, that one is easy - you just decide to despise the son/daughter-in-law. What if your child became a Patriots fan? I mean, there is a serious test of "I want to raise my kids to be happy" vs. "I want my kids to share my values."
  11. It's so simple, if you guys would just listen to God's message. God loves you. God hates the things you're doing. God won't make you stop doing the things you're doing or revoke your power to do them. God also won't stop creating people who piss Him off or disappoint Him. God is all powerful. God is benevolent. God is wrathful. God is remarkably not a psycho ex-girlfriend, despite the similarities in the ways we would characterize them. Our systems of governance and law are but a trifle in the kingdom of Heaven, but God is also angry if we don't make our laws more like God's. On to bigger questions: What is a bigger mess, this thread or the Cleveland Browns?
  12. I can't agree with this since we've seen jokers like Langston Walker, Mike Pucillo, Greg Jerman, Trey Teague, Derrick Dockery, #5 overall pick Mike Williams, and others in the past decade. Glenn and Wood are keepers, borderline elite if they can sustain their play and their health. The other positions are upgradeable.
  13. I wasn't aware that anyone was forced to attend.
  14. I wonder about Wilson - this is pure conjecture. He seems like a super guy. He is also a very vocal, professed Christian. I know that the Athletes in Action and FCA organizations have had pretty regressive attitudes towards gays in the past though I have no idea where they stand now, nor do I know if Wilson is a member. We have no idea what players cut from that cloth like Reich, Kelly, Beebe or Metzelaars personally would have said back in the day, though I do know that their era was a pretty different one.
  15. The racists of the 60s might have admitted that slavery was wrong but felt that they were still genetically superior. The world changes, attitudes evolve. Morals have been used as an excuse for every crime and injustice under the sun. That's why I steer towards ethics when possible. If, as you suggest, homosexuality can't be "cured," - a term I take issue with but I'll let it go - is the answer to treat gay people with no respect, or to just admit you don't understand their world, but that they are free to live their lives so long as they are not harming others? If they are between consenting adults that have been raised to respect each other and are not harming others, then they draw their own boundaries and it's none of anyone's business.
  16. Yeah, this is definitely going into PPP territory. So, as a tweener, which team does Sam have the best chance of excelling on? Seattle? NE? What about a team that isn't already good? Could the Bills use him?
  17. That is not at all what he is saying. And as a close personal friend of CC believe me you are really reaching.
  18. You teach your kids to act ethically, and to respect others and expect the same from them, and you let them be themselves by discovering their own identity including whom they love, what they have gifts for, and how they can best make contributions to the world. The sh-- is hard but this isn't a real Rubik's cube of a puzzle here that you're making it out to be.
  19. I think you're mischaracterizing the answers. I wouldn't prefer that my kids are one way or another, because I would love them either way. The point is that it's a ridiculous question to people who think there is nothing wrong with either result.
  20. Understood. I would really have to spend a lot of time running the situational numbers, but TOP was 28th in the league for the team, so they are clearly not staying on the field long enough. I also look at things like 4th and short (1-4 yards) and only converting one of those via the running game, or choosing not to go for it in those situations even when in the opposition's territory. The stronger teams take those chances and I don't believe Marrone trusts his team to convert them - that could be a chicken-egg scenario.
  21. I think the fact that you characterize him as not even a month-removed from having made a panic decision, on a critical element of his football team going forward, suggests that all is not well. Haslam and his franchise have not earned the benefit of the doubt here. Could it work out? Sure. Just as it could have worked out for Ralph to install Levy in the front office and for him to feel comfortable and involved in the process... Stranger things have happened. I do know that many people thought of Lombardi as a strong talent evaluator prior to all this. When people can't do their job without owner meddling, it rarely works out.
  22. If you had a first born child on the way would you force them to be something they are not, causing them to descend into all sorts of unhappiness knowing that even the people who gave birth to them and raised them don't have their back?
  23. Well-done. You would also pay the full cost of your home per year in taxes.
  24. I for some reason appreciate that Schiano screws things up wherever he goes, even if he doesn't really go there. Right. It's also ironic that he is seeking the advice of a guy that the Browns probably didn't stick with for long enough (Belicheck).
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