Man, could there be more hate here, please?
Good god.
I am not going to say that the cheerleaders are necessary, but OBD agrees that they are, to some extent, or they wouldn't be employing them. This is not to single out the Bills, because the absurdity of the regulations and fines imposed for supposed infractions is well-documented league-wide.
If the team is going to treat these employees as though they are non-essential, they should just eliminate the cheerleading squad. If they are going to employ them, the least they could do is pay them as good as your local Wal Mart.
I'm really grossed out by this.
Look, I don't want my daughters to be Buffalo Jills, but all of those ladies are someone's daughters and we'd do well to remember this. They aren't strippers -- they are cheerleaders, and while that's not the world's most intellectually stimulating profession, it doesn't make them whores, nor does it mean they have automatically signed up for degrading treatment.
Hoping the Bills will do the right thing and either wash their hands of this or treat these employees right.