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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. I was getting antsy, thanks for that.
  2. Sub headings don't necessarily show up in mobile browsers, fyi.
  3. Finally, someone wants to offer the Bills what they are worth. B)
  4. Even if by some miracle the Bills were purchased by Rogers but NOT relocated, Rogers is not an owner you want. They consistently invest just enough to look competitive but not enough to put the team over the top, where the Jays are concerned. Deepest pockets in the league but only a token commitment to the game. Also, since Rogers is a corporation, it can't own the Bills. There would need to be a primary investor who is an actual person. I am not sure I see that person in the Rogers fold now that Uncle Ted is gone.
  5. Or a Proactiv ad "before" photo.
  6. They are selling sexuality, but not sex. I disagree with you there. I'm no more reverent than the next guy, but that doesn't mean these ladies have signed up for sexual harrassment -or worse - at below minimum wage rates. It seems you agree they provide a specific service and should be paid, which is commendable.
  7. Man, could there be more hate here, please? Good god. I am not going to say that the cheerleaders are necessary, but OBD agrees that they are, to some extent, or they wouldn't be employing them. This is not to single out the Bills, because the absurdity of the regulations and fines imposed for supposed infractions is well-documented league-wide. If the team is going to treat these employees as though they are non-essential, they should just eliminate the cheerleading squad. If they are going to employ them, the least they could do is pay them as good as your local Wal Mart. I'm really grossed out by this. Look, I don't want my daughters to be Buffalo Jills, but all of those ladies are someone's daughters and we'd do well to remember this. They aren't strippers -- they are cheerleaders, and while that's not the world's most intellectually stimulating profession, it doesn't make them whores, nor does it mean they have automatically signed up for degrading treatment. Hoping the Bills will do the right thing and either wash their hands of this or treat these employees right.
  8. Note to self: phone reddogblitz during Seahawks' fourth preseason game.
  9. Don't scratch yourself stuffing all that straw into the flannel shirt. Good place for him.
  10. Seriously, f--- this guy.
  11. This is a real weird idea. Patch = classy. Changing the uniform = gauche. Yes, I get it, the Seahawks have all the weird unis and colors, etc. They have their own thing.
  12. Where is this guarantee of public funding? It is harder than ever (and rightfully so) to get public dollars allocated toward a stadium project. If LA wanted this, it could have happened many times in the past 20 years; hell, go further back than that when Al D and co. were griping about the Mausoleum.
  13. Look up the TV contracts for NFL football. It is nearly impossible to lose money. Now, making back your investment will take a heck of a lot of time, but considering $400M penalty, legal fees, NFL relocation fees + a share of a billion dollars for a stadium in another locality, that's way more than a billion to make back...
  14. I suggest you phone the nearest cowboy, riding on a steel horse. Try to shoot at more than just the radio.
  15. Google can kind of be your friend, but I was wondering if WEO had some that cut the wheat from the chaff / were definitely peer-reviewed, etc.
  16. Links? I am not being snarky, just interested. Yes, a big blow for a sports bar... 16 + Sundays a year. Plus, a customer base that will not be nearly as excited to come out for MNF or any other football related dates.
  17. While I generally agree with you, how much sports bar business, grocery store business, and other purchases ancillary to RWS in-game or surrounding-the-game would be lost? I think that having a large part of the population decide that NFL football is dead to them would be a big blow for some businesses. Now, it's reasonable to suggest that that money would be re-allocated / spent on other things that will stimulate the economy just as well if not better, but I think there is simply more to the story than the 8 home games per season. There is a lot of money spent that has a heavy association with the Bills and their presence in the region.
  18. Thank you for sharing this. I think the guy is a snake. If he's involved with the winning bid and JK gives his blessing, I might be able to stomach or ignore it.
  19. On principle, I agree. In reality, most of them beyond the very, very old and uninvolved ones become celebrities of a type. Some are more out there like Snyder, Kraft and Jerry Jones. But I agree, I would prefer that it's someone for whom owning the team signals a passion (Bon Jovi's characterization notwithstanding) for Buffalo and for football -- not a simple vanity exercise, which is what I believe it would be for most of the celebs.
  20. I'm still amazed that for everyone who would like to see the Bills finally crown an heir to Jim Kelly, it's easily forgotten that Jimbo played four seasons of pro ball before taking the Bills to the playoffs. I'm not even asking for EJ to get that much time, but he certainly deserves more than a season.
  21. I wouldn't let one preclude the other. Also, considering injury / attrition / aging rates in the NFL, having as many prospects as will fit on the roster is a good move. I believe in Kaufman's chances more than I think we need the next Ronnie Wingo.
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