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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. Sure. Because, you know, starting over is something that needs to be done again and again. Why not re-rebuild once more amirite? Football people are in the football jobs. Whaley is the top football man. Brandon is the team President, which is not always and not necessarily a football person. I understand that 14+ years of no playoffs sucks. But the people in charge at the moment are not responsible for 14 years without playoffs.
  2. That dude can't possibly fit a billion dollars in those pants.
  3. I'm a fan and I think he'll make a team very happy down the road. Hope it's ours.
  4. It's also tougher to be cheap with a salary floor.
  5. When I think of 5-1, I think of Dick Jauron, and that makes me want to take a nap something awful.
  6. Assessing Green's contributions based on playoff wins alone is pure folly. they wouldn't be in the playoffs without AJ Green. Now if you want to argue that they haven't got the most important position in the field sorted out, you might be right. Andy Dalton might be a quarterback who can get you to the playoffs but cannot win one for you. If we want to go back to quarterback argument let's stop right there and remember that Dalton was coming into an entrenched system with Marvin Lewis and was drafted around the same time is AJ Green. So they giving him enough time at this point to see if he is worth continuing to build with. Green, along with the depth and stability the Bengals already had, helped produce playoff teams in a division that also features the Steelers and the Ravens.
  7. Favre has hardware. Romo has dated a bunch of B-list bimbos. Those are their greatest successes.
  8. F--- no. Seriously? I wouldn't trade one third round pick for Romo on that contract.
  9. I really would be happy if they got this dude.
  10. This weird elderly cat is also a landlord to many, many minorities. A bit more problematic than just being a weird, gross old playboy basketball team owner.
  11. Fair enough, and I mean that (I'd joke about it and make fun of anyone offended, too, presuming I knew them well enough, but that's male locker room culture). The crux of the issue here is whether the Jills are more like a semi-pro football team or like a traditional employer, which is what the court case will resolve.
  12. Because David Stern is a freaking clown.
  13. I think if you look at Sterling's record in a wide variety of playing fields, you might get a good measure of what the man's trust is worth. I think it's pretty secondary to his conduct and his beliefs.
  14. Can I challenge someone here to make some posters and put them up in the men's room at their workplace? Preferably a supervisor? We've got to make something good out of this... do it for (social) science.
  15. Just quoting from the article above, because we're debating the context. “She’s called the girlfriend from hell, but what he said was terrible and despicable and very strong action is going to be taken. There’s no question about it,” Trump said of Sterling’s girlfriend. “She’s a terrible human being and he gave horrible answers and disgusting answers.” I'm just not understanding what makes her a terrible human being in this whole ordeal. What would make her a better human being? The obvious implication is that her role in leaking this tape makes her horrible. If there is something I'm not getting right here, like she forgot Sterling's birthday or something, please fill me in.
  16. I don't know. You think no dudes would think it a tad ridiculous if they were told at work how to keep their johnsons clean? It's just proper hygiene maintenance.
  17. It's just a part of life but it's also none of an employer's business?
  18. Do you like nightcrawlers?
  19. If you're a racist idiot that has been evading the repercussions of your (well-documented) views for years, you are bound to be set up at some point. Saying the guy was set up by a bad girlfriend suggests that everything would be OK, as long as most people don't know about these views.
  20. I am so glad that any fears about Trump being a complete whackjob are unfounded. Sign me up. Imagine if you will a giant door being slammed, its force such that it sends a toupee flying to the floor.
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