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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  2. See, that's really surprising coming from an ESPN insider.
  3. Honest question here: Where do people's feelings, which they are 100% in control of according to you, end -- and their religious freedoms, which need to be respected, begin? Because I'm honestly not seeing where one couple's gay marriage creates a problem for someone else's religious freedom except in the case of a church being forced to recognize such a union (which the state will not ever enforce, and which in the occasions that a church's position is challenged only results in a dialogue to be had among the members of that church).
  4. OK, that's all very sane and rational, except for the part where you reduce Jackie Robinson to his batting average when everyone who really follows baseball knows how limited that stat is.
  5. But I'll tell you what, the Taurus runs like a Lambo on Fridays.
  6. Conflicting reports about suspension. I think that a suspension is out of line. A fine really isn't -- only in so much as the Dolphins have had an image problem and if they are trying to make potential player signees and draftees feel welcome in their house, they're within their rights to fine. Teams hand out fines for being late for meetings, etc, so a fine for a minor infraction or black mark on the team isn't outside of their jurisdiction. Most of the observant Christians I know do just that; they weigh Christ's call to love more heavily than they do old testament theses about relations between men/men, men/women, master/slave, etc.
  7. That's fine. Does it also stand to reason that NFL scouts get an education where they are informed that they shouldn't ask about sexual orientation?
  8. I for one am glad that there are freedom fighters out there to set right the wrongs of message-board totalitarians, absolutists to give us their opinions stated as fact, and people telling us how to think by arguing that we shouldn't tell them how to think. If answers to "why someone is gay/bisexual" and "what is the best way to present oneself in society as a gay person" were crystal clear, I think there would be no research happening about the former, and no discussion here about the latter. I'm going to wager that few people here have much in the way of real answers about either. In my perfect world, people are free to express what they need to to convey their identity, but that identity does not overshadow what someone actually does / achieves -- whether it is the self-promotion of that identity or the opinion of outsiders.
  9. College football rivalries make people say goofy things.
  10. I think that people will answer, "to get endorsement deals and such." I think it's a double-edged sword as the response here has obviously shown. He has turned a certain segment of the population in his favor, and another segment against him. I still do think that being in control of the story is a fair desire on his part, and when it's getting around to the scouts and you're going to be asked in graphic detail about your personal life, you may as well stop hiding it and get it out of the way. Those who are cynical are going to argue that it's always going to be in the way until he's out of the NFL (soon, they would argue). I think we have no way of knowing that.
  11. When his teammates told him "you're killin' it!" - by "it," they meant, "people." \That, or sociopath.
  12. Kid of click-baity. No real explanation of EJ (I'd put him at below-average after a rookie season of ups and downs and injury, "poor" suggests the need for immediate replacement, which I am not buying). Mario Williams as anything other than elite is a clear joke. Eric Wood is also at least a "Good starter" and is better at his job than Kraig Urbik is. McKelvin was a good starter last year.
  13. 2 TDs per game Though that's of course only 12 points...
  14. This is different from a coach allowing the Hard Knocks crew into their camp... how, exactly? It's OK when a coach chooses this for the whole team regardless of their wishes, but not when a player is approached with an offer from the most powerful woman in media? I understand, it looks like a distraction, but we have no idea what the production actually looks like. If you're the kind of coach that bans Twitter, etc, then I understand taking such a hard line. Most people realize that it's a business and that it's built around selling different aspects of the game (personality, for one) in addition to the game itself.
  15. Professional help, even. Isn't that a recycled George McFly joke? You know, I honestly liked Nix. It's just that the league did not take him seriously enough as a GM even though he was OK at the job. That meant that we had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for HC choices. As bottom-of-the-barrel goes, Gailey was not the worst, either. Give him a real QB and he might have made the playoffs.
  16. But the NFL totally is. And it prints money. Honestly, if I were Marrone and I were asked, I'd say "why not?" Marrone could be gone next year unless he goes deep in the playoffs. Getting himself more on the map would not be the worst thing in the world. Showing the nation what is special about the Bills in Buffalo/WNY is another good reason to do this.
  17. One Fitzwatkins Jersey, coming right up!
  18. Something something human evolution [graphic visual redacted]
  19. Noted 7th round scrubs: Steve Johnson Marques Colston TJ Houshmanzadeh Brock Marion Shannon Sharpe Adam Timmerman Tom Nalen One of the best OL in our team's history (Kent Hull) was undrafted and one of the best QBs of all time was a sixth rounder. If you deem it not worthy of conversation, there is an easy way out...
  20. I don't know, probably the time where I don't get my ass kicked in a five against one situation because I did things that seemed "gay" like playing music and having gay friends. But I don't know, you "were there" so one has to assume your experience is pretty universal.
  21. I haven't analyzed Whaley's speech patterns enough to know if he has a stutter, but regardless, any speech pathologist will tell you there is zero correlation between stuttering and a lack of intelligence. Any link between the two is culturally-formed and misguided.
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