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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. You need a real killer instinct. That's why the Bills will never win.
  2. If this means I have to thank Bon Jovi, I'm out.
  3. Actually, it only means that it makes more financial sense in this hypothetical, which doesn't factor in the many aforementioned costs associated with a relocation. We've also already passed around the idea that a prospective owner isn't really buying this thing to make great financial sense. It's a vanity play, to some extent. But I'm also sure they aren't trying to lose their ass on it. It would take many years in the imagined new location to emerge from the red.
  4. Yep. I don't see it. There are way too many variables (Oakland and SD among them) for this to really work unless you have a crazy multi-billionaire who is prepared to do this at all costs. I'm not saying that that person doesn't exist, but it's just as likely that the NFL doesn't want to work with someone who is hell-bent on killing a brand regionally for six years just to court the LA market long-term. I mean, there are empty stadiums, but there is also the prospect of destroying all the regional interest that has been cultivated state-wide and north of the border. I see Toronto as really the only viable relocation prospect, and the one to get nervous about -- mostly because I could see the league buying and selling the notion that Toronto is in the same regional base as Buffalo. Another good point. If some knucklehead wants to offer $2B for the Bills, I could see the Rams or Jags owner calling him up and offering the franchise for $1.8B.
  5. Not to be lost on anyone is the fact that, sure, PSLs will be worth more, and total dollars coming in will be more plentiful in LA. But those dollars are going to be eaten up for awhile by relocation costs (both those sanctioned by the league and the real costs inherent in a large-scale move of operations). A new owner in LA is also going to have to put up some of his/her own money for a stadium. This is all presuming they deep-six the years in Buffalo rather than paying $400M in the short term while fighting court battles for the privilege. How much, and how soon, can LA actually make you all that money, as opposed to retaining the current base where stadium upgrades are paid for, and the state, county and other authorities are working to place and build a new stadium project?
  6. 2001 and Empire Strikes Back are a real cut above for me. Also, sort of the Russian equivalent to 2001, the original Solaris is INCREDIBLY GOOD. Perhaps more psychologically riveting than 2001 and a totally subversive film considering its place of origin. Primer is pretty amazing for a low-budget feature, too.
  7. Those are both great. But they don't have Grace Kelly. It's definitely the best SW film and an integral part of my youth. I don't have enough distance from it but it sure as hell stands up. My sleeper selection is "The Conversation."
  8. So is the use of a lowercase "I" and the wrong "then" satire, in this case? Seriously, I don't evaluate a person's education solely on what they do with 140 characters.
  9. I think that you're right, here. But I'm also going to guess that going forward it is only going to get harder to sell them, period.
  10. I'm fine with this as long as all the music is DLR-era Van Halen.
  11. :lol: I dunno, if you're an 80 year old crackpot racist version of Jabba the Hutt Jr. with the world's worst combover and possible dementia, you'd probably be pretty alright with your lot in life.
  12. At some point the bubble of courting "luxury" dollars in the sports world and the real estate world is going to collapse. I don't know how anyone thinks it's a sustainable model. But we're here and we're along for the ride. The one thing I imagine we can be sure of is that taxpayers will be left holding the bag when the market corrects itself.
  13. Greggy T vs Trump OC.vs brevity Bills fans vs alcohol. Or is that a partnership?
  14. You mean he would be a fined owner, regularly.
  15. Yes, yes, I had forgotten that.
  16. As they have already begun to, Manziel fanboys will point out that Manziel parties like a winner and that EJ will never be good regardless.
  17. What does Chris Hogan have to do with this?
  18. It's a question of what's going to set you up for more sustained success, and I think that the extra pick every couple of years is going to do that better than the four years consecutive - unless you intend to use them for wheeling and dealing. It's just a difference of opinion, not crazy.
  19. IMO the opponents who have been most familiar with what the guy offers will be ready and willing to offer him a contract, first. I can totally see NE doing what NE does - making the most of a useful role player and putting him in a position to succeed. Let's not let it get to that.
  20. Listen, I'm right there with you. At the time, I felt the same way. It's easy to say now that Vanek is not a cornerstone player. Not so easy to say that seven years ago, although replacing what was lost at center has been an ongoing debacle since CD + DB departed, and I think that's something a team has to seriously confront when it happens. The best teams appear to have good foresight but also get really, really lucky at some point.
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