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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. KJ, do you still think that it's a new stadium project come hell or high water, or is the notion of a RWS retrofit something that would be on the table?
  2. After seeing all this I think it'd be criminal to build a new stadium at all. I'm on board with a retrofit, honestly.
  3. Umm, have you tried driving around that area on a weekend? It's a pure sh--show without 60-70,000 extra people. Toronto's traffic along the waterfront is a freaking nightmare. You can leave at 10am hoping to get there in time for a 1pm Jays game and make it for the 7th inning if you're lucky. Factor in Peace Bridge hassles, and you can say goodbye to the prospect of ANYONE crossing the border for NFL football. As if there would be a chance for that anyway with the team being pried away from its loyal fans. Notwithstanding the fact that if the Bills leave WNY, I'm done, I dare them to put a stadium there. I'll laugh, it'd be a disaster.
  4. Could just be "flu-like symptoms."
  5. Took the words out of my mouth.
  6. I'll have to look out for that Fiddlehead. I can't lie, the High Life is very drinkable and just fine on a summer's day.
  7. I am definitely trying to drink less beer but for anyone who isn't, these are all fine selections (some seasonal) Ballast Point Sculpin Southern Tier 2XIPA + Hop Sun Jolly Pumpkin La Roja Left Hand Milk Stout (Nitro) Ayinger Celebrator
  8. http://www.baseballfielddesign.com/index_files/250px-FOULPOST.JPG
  9. let's start some rumors and see. I, for one, have heard about Aaron Rodgers coming to the Bills for a 4th round pick.
  10. GOOD STUFF BRLOLWNS http://deadspin.com/meet-the-felon-who-paid-josh-gordons-bond-1600863395
  11. I find this premise offensive to maple trees everywhere.
  12. I don't disagree with your assessment, but you have to seek help at some point to get it. You have to admit your powerlessness over the situation. Gordon isn't doing that. Instead, he is putting at risk the lives of anyone on the road - mothers, fathers, children, grandparents, himself. And this is not the first time.
  13. You know, Mark Sanchez sucks, but if you're referring to the "Mark Sanchez Jets" that made it to the AFC championship game twice, yeah, I think that'd be OK. There is so much fortune involved in making the Super Bowl - relative to health, clutch performance, the 3-4 plays that change a game - that I don't think any of us could possibly be mad if this team made it to the NFL's equivalent of a semifinal two seasons in a row. If they were to tank after that based on hubris, bravado, and bad drafting, sure -- get mad. Right now, with no playoffs in the rearview for 14 seasons running, maybe we should see how this plays out rather than banking on ignorant fan assessments of a guy with 10 games in the league. To say nothing of the fact that this was a guy that the team did not plan to have starting from day one. Every rational observer's best grade on Manuel was "A+ potential, raw, needs seasoning." But "he's not Andrew Luck and I want what I want now now now so 0-16, because playoffs."
  14. Oh, good, another way to create a veiled "I don't believe in EJ" thread. If you don't want the Bills to win, and you call yourself a Bills fan, I don't like you. That goes double for a year where they have no first round pick.
  15. this is an ACL injury, not an Achilles. he'll be fine.
  16. Well, there probably is, it's just that he's going to play well, then get injured in week 6.
  17. "A couple of really good games" is a ridiculous statement. Even in some of his rougher outings the kid made some game-changing plays. The only way this doesn't suck to the max is if the bills' attempts to really create depth pan out.
  18. Someone should tweet him directions to the Apple Store or the Bills' IT guy's email address.
  19. I'm skeptical if only due to this. Why would Littman just be spilling the beans about this highly sensitive scenario to his kid, and furthermore, why would his kid go to anyone media-related about it? What's the advantage for anyone from the trust to leak?
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