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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. I think you're talking bottle of Jack in short order for a man that size, but I'm not a medical professional.
  2. It's in Nathornielle Hacket's Wikipedia entry, along with his Civil War victories. What more do you want?
  3. For serious? We're going to turn this into another salvo against Bills fans? Real talk: Branch needs help. As decent as he was last year, he is certainly not bearing the mark of a man who wants to contribute to an NFL roster this season. I wonder if there is any sort of roster exemption for a guy to take leave from the team to resolve personal issues. It seems like there is something deeper than NFL football -- or a lack of passion for it -- going on beneath the surface here. I recall that the guy just had a kid last year. He needs to get his mind right so that he can be a good man for his family, long term, not just a quality DT for an NFL team. I hope that the Bills will recognize this as an employer and try to secure him the help that he needs. It does seem like we have a lot of these projects to contend with, with Dareus being the highest-profile case. But we need to look at these guys as people, too. Millions of dollars playing a kid's game doesn't automatically = happiness, even if it seems like it should.
  4. If you can adjust the tuning on your HAM radio (maybe slide the tinfoil hat a bit to the left) you might notice that there's a ton of money in Silicon Valley by virtue of the productivity that happens there, a lot of foreign investment coming from the likes of China and Korea, and a frickin' beautiful area that is highly desirable. Not to mention low interest rates. But no, I'm pretty sure it's pure lefty politics keeping the property values high.
  5. I see it's Christmastime for EJ haters again. Luckily for anyone who really gives a sh-- it's preseason. I expect he'll be up and down. Hopefully more up than down.
  6. Browning Nagle is available.
  7. This is happening in NYC too.
  8. Yup. Whereabouts? I'm kind of taking a look at El Cerrito should this play out with my taking a job here. Job is in Emeryville.
  9. Anyone know where this dude is? Every team needs a Bannan.
  10. That's insane. If I end up out here it will be in the east bay.
  11. Zombie Taurus. (Too soon)
  12. Should I "Like," retweet or "+1" this?
  13. After working on a contract gig out here for a week, I can see the appeal. Definitely giving it some long-term consideration.
  14. Lord knows we need a QB who can attack the rim with more authority. That vertical is going to come in handy. You know, in terms of worst ideas ever, this one is better than Mario-for-Skelton, I'll give you that. I'm going to go ahead and disagree with your interpretation of the word "everyone."
  15. Based on a third person observation via text message from a preseason game?
  16. I think it was the boy that Lisa Simpson liked in that episode where she was bonding with Homer.
  17. Hey now, no collusion here.
  18. Fisher King Good Will Hunting Dead Poet's Society I'm not sure there is really a film that did his comedy justice as well as the stand-up or late night environment. The Birdcage is a pretty good one, though. BTW, the Marc Maron interview with him was just re-released yesterday. I definitely recommend a listen. I thought it was a good flick even though I remember it being tame by the standards set by "Memento," at least in terms of the editing. Very good performances all around though.
  19. Your formatting is almost there but you can do better. -2 points.
  20. I think we're going to need Lando's help. But he's sort of a back-stabber, too.
  21. The Chelsea hotel. I remember it well.
  22. Does anyone want help with their homework or pirating? Anyone know any good recipes? Hell yes.
  23. I swear people don't read their own writing half the time, much less think it through.
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