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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. You know what else makes a lot of sense, INSTALLING AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT OFFENSE ON THE DAWN OF THE SEASON when your players have been working all offseason to build on their knowledge of what the OC is doing. That's not insulting in the least, to anyone. I am fine with how things have gone. Not happy, and I hope Sammy isn't hurt. But if this team signed Tebow it would be the kind of desperation move that signals to me that the season is in fact over. I know angry fans want a new toy, but please, just put this idea to rest. It's in the Hall of Fame of Horrible Ideas. Particularly at this stage of an NFL season.
  2. I think that must have been after the previous very important preseason win.
  3. Signing a guy who can't play NFL football at Quarterback should hurt the entire team's feelings. It's an insult. We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas. Here's a gimmick. Fingers crossed, men! Signing a guy whose talents could be useful in other positions -- who refuses to entertain that idea -- tells you he is not a team player. He is out of the league for several reasons, not least of which because he will not improve the team.
  4. I want them to tell their quarterback he is terrible, everyday, mail in the entire season for a shot at the #33 overall pick, and to complain about it all year.
  5. Or he could just pop in Troy McClure's motivational video, "Get Confident, Stupid!"
  6. Actually, I have to imagine it's amazing. If I got to shut off the TV at halftime and walk out the door to the streets of Amsterdam, I'd be a happy man.
  7. Maybe it's preseason and they aren't playing them like they are real games?
  8. I'm sorry, what? So they keep 4 QBs gambling on a trade? Roster spots are pretty valuable these days. Only way that works is if there is another guy on the roster with a short-term injury, on inactive with great depth behind him, PUP situation or the new IR from which you can return. What about an NFL backup?
  9. Cool story, bro. I presume this plan comes with a complement of college defenses to employ it against all season.
  10. Fans get to have it all the ways they want when they're in "complain" mode. Get mad about coddling now, but then also get mad about leaving guys in there, susceptible to injury, when the front office hasn't provided them a viable plan B. Complaining rules! If he hasn't unleashed the whole offense, the whole catalog of what his starter will be doing, then how can we really evaluate that from the outside? If the starter is really working on his mechanics and timing and that's the focus - not a scripted drive or a game-plan - then what are we supposed to think we're seeing here? I'll bite that EJ still seems to be working a lot of that out. I'll actually get worried if and when they all suck in actual games.
  11. Oh, you mean the regular season games have started already? Oh, you really want to examine the things you're on record as saying? That could be... hilarious.
  12. Go for it, dude. And please be sure to share the whole story with us. It'd be great if you could record and transcribe the phone call, because the whole damned world is waiting for this story. I'm pretty sure it will play well in multiple formats.
  13. I had seen this and was pretty excited to learn about it. I grew up a block from Cushing St. in Fredonia; the name means a lot in the town and the area.
  14. I think if Whaley really holds his position and builds a time machine, he could trade TJ and his superior athleticism to the "Wide World of Sports" for some ABC mic flags.
  15. But what if we really, really want Ponder and select "force trade"?
  16. No argument from me there, though I think Brady is going to use Wright well in this offense. Mankins should be worth that much, though, yes, despite the big $. Just saying, they had a chance to take Incognito for nothing besides money - less money than Mankins makes. Instead, they parted with assets and a lot of money.
  17. Why on earth would the Vikes want to do this?
  18. It's kind of wild that a WR known for his speed, who can't catch a cold and has been hobbling post-surgery, can't find any suitors.
  19. This team's most successful incarnation was deemed the "Bickering Bills" right before it reached its greatest heights. Winning cures all.
  20. So you heard it, but weren't listening, and haven't learned a thing about how football is a team sport. Don't worry, Landry Jones will be here soon with his bucketful of skills.
  21. I've been watching him at RT, not RG. Not sure what games you've been watching where you have the book on him at a different position. I am not sold on Incognito's talent. It is not like the guy has anchored any playoff teams. And another thing TB did, by the way, was talk to Incognito. Instead they decided to take on a lot of salary and take on the risk that Belicheck was not just selling high on an aging player. While giving up a starter and a draft pick. I like Mankins and am inclined to believe he has something in the tank, but there's a chance he doesn't. Back to Incognito: a team on its last chance might not want to bring in the most widely publicized circus animal to play OL in the past decade, but I guess we just see it differently. And two things about trades. 1) If you think Belicheck would ever trade someone who might cause him problems later on to someone in the division, that's delusional thinking at best. 2) Takes two to tango. I am sure any GM worth his salt is having dialogue with teams all over the league. It is not an easy game. You need to gauge value, ability for guys to plug in, the possibility that guys end up on waivers and hence come without extra costs... You cannot strong-arm another team into trading you players. This is not Madden. Sure, he could. Incognito is probably on his eighth chance, though, while Mike Williams is on his 3rd or so. Also, Mike Williams has a heck of a lot more talent, talent that people give extra chances for. Incognito is an idiot who plays a position where smarts tend to serve you well. Think on that one for a minute. How much do drive-killing OL penalties piss you off? They piss me off a lot.
  22. I always knew the Patriots were like Hitler.
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