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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. Nix and Whaley are such idiots for not drafting Newton, Luck and Bortles when they had the chance. But for real, Derek Carr is already great? I mean, i understand that there are plenty of people out there that want to have Manziel's babies, and Bortles is ready to join Trent in the NFL preseason Hall of Fame, but Carr? Hell, if we're going to canonize all the white guys, you totally skipped Garroppolo.
  2. If you're trying to make the Skelton for Mario thread look smart, this is a good start.
  3. Are you trying to tell me that Brice Butler isn't on the verge of a career year?
  4. That's some fine work right there.
  5. I don't think the world fully understands what a talent that guy was.
  6. Two chicks at the same time?
  7. Well, heads had to roll after last night's debacle, and if you can't cut all the players, you have to fire the coach on the field.
  8. But now, he's forever to be known as The Man Who Wasn't There.
  9. But serious question: can Ted Nolan coach the Bills and the Sabres at the same time?
  10. Sure. Something is better than nothing.
  11. I hope it will have happened after a truly spectacular head injury.
  12. This is a positive. I can't stand to see Jay Cutler sad for so long.
  13. But if every GM felt this way, it would be job discrimination. Sam didn't choose to be gay, black, or born in 1990. If he's good enough to play in the league, he's good enough. If the NFL was a character-based operation, I think Sam wouldn't be high on the list of people who need to go first. I mean, you could start with "very heterosexual" borderline HOFer Charles Haley if you wanted to look at the kind of people who inhabit the league and what goes on in the locker room... http://tinyurl.com/56uoxp
  14. A thoughtful parent who has never seen a down of NFL football probably has more insight on coaching techniques than most of the armchair HCs on the board.
  15. This is also a good post. People can say whatever they want about Kelly, but one reason he arrived fully formed in the NFL -- even if his completion stats are closer to EJ's in year one than his best -- is that he got a lot of extra reps before his time in the NFL. Those USFL years didn't make or break him, but they did help shape him. Practice and experience matter.
  16. Does he play "gay?" I mean, honestly, if a guy's job is to run after, wrap up, and tackle a bunch of dudes, shouldn't a gay guy be one of the very best at it?
  17. I know that you want to mischaracterize the mental side of any player you don't believe in, but the book on EJ was that his mechanics were a work in progress, not his smarts. O RLY? Paging Ramius. So if he is throwing with the correct timing and the WR falls down or runs the wrong route, something that they are practicing for both parties, this is EJ's fault. Again, Jim Kelly's accuracy, AFTER TWO SEASONS OF PRO BALL, first year in Buffalo: 59.4%. EJ's, as "project QB" thrown into the mix: 58.8%. I know you think Kelso, who spent hours with the film, is an apologist, too. So, why should anyone be prepared to listen to any of your criticisms unless you're going to spend some time with the tape yourself, to share your insights?
  18. I don't think our DL has a lot of room for him, but I think there is room for him on an NFL roster somewhere. Maybe Cleveland can sign him just to keep him from kicking Johnny Football's ass.
  19. Look up the difference between "inadequate coping mechanisms" and "solutions."
  20. this is a fair and honest response. It might be the only valid one anyone can make at this point. I don't have my head in the sand and believe that everything is going to be fine. but I also don't believe that we have the evidence that the sky is falling yet. and even if it were, what's the solution? turn off the TV? start 3 "sign Tebow" threads? Yell at people we don't know on the radio?
  21. Terrific. Take your crystal ball, save your money, and stop whining. I'm gonna watch football and when it stops being fun, it won't ruin my life. There is too much out there. PS - winning lotto #s PLEASE.
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