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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. I'm pretty sure Mike Mularkey running Eric Moulds out of town is up there. But buddy's phone call re Fitz was pretty bad, too. Wait, why am I doing this?
  2. I suppose it beats a fist thru the wall, and is less painful and expensive.
  3. I wish it had worked out differently fit the Bills, but guess how many teams passed on Russell Wilson? 32, including his own. Twice. Their plans A and B consisted of Matt Flynn and Charlie Whitehurst. So, there's that. I mean, you may as well complain that we didn't end up with Brady, because the odds on those picks aren't high. The one takeaway from the Wilson story is that maybe NFL talent evaluators will reconsider the importance of height relative to other factors. But it certainly won't eliminate it, and it should be noted that Wilson is an ultra-rare case in most respects. Also, no one in the universe underrated Barry Sanders, FWIW. He was recognized as a baller from the get go. Putting Flutie or Kenny Davis in his company (or Wilson's) is kind of a joke.
  4. Lord knows Johnny is protective of his hard-earned money.
  5. Only if Claypool's team gets involved.
  6. Word. And I'd gladly help myself to seconds of Marrone-crow if the situation warrants it. To be honest, my EJ radar is extra sensitive in light of posts from some "fans" here who want to see the kid get injured. Sorry to appear on edge about it.
  7. How about "Johnny Dumbass" and hyphenated permutations? Are those taken?
  8. I'll definitely root for him as he ages… to lose as much as possible, and to be sacked as much as possible.
  9. If EJ plays well Crawl back into your caves, trolls Boo boo boo boo urns
  10. Mario sack fumble Cutler smokes on the sidelines Two minute drill win
  11. Yes, a grip about football, a sport played for entertainment. Perhaps because the "potentially icy cold truth" is not a truth at all but a projection. I am willing to admit that my projection and hopes for EJ could be wrong. Seems that many of his doubters cannot. They sound full of themselves (read it here first, he's gonna suck!) and it's annoying. And to only discern one truth from Alex Smith's success is to be pretty nearsighted, and to admit that you see what you want to see. I see a guy that people thought had a talent (was perhaps overrated at #1 overall), but needed to be used correctly. When Harbaugh arrived, he was. Orton did not have his pedigree. At all. EJ's is closer. I'm not saying they are similar at all. Only that scouts' projections for the two are more in line. OK. I am, too, FWIW. And yet, he hasn't shown much for it. Why the longer leash for Marrone and not for a guy that he and the team invested in as a long term project? Those QBs have precious little in common with each other or with EJ. What is the point? Leadership is a buzzword. Yet, Kelly, Wood and many others think he's exhibiting great leadership for what it's worth. The thing is, if you ask what EJ's #1 problem is, there is a new one every time, often invented ("slow eyes," "not making reads," "progressions," "inaccurate," "leadership," yadda yadda). I am surprised the kid can tie his shoes in the morning based on what people say about him here. I think he can find his confidence, but I am not sure that the booing, the "columnists" trying to push his buttons, and extreme over-analysis of his every move including body language and press conference demeanor (from people who must have never watched Eli Manning in their lives) will contribute positively to that. One of the best things that he has going for him is that he seems to be able to stay positive and push out the doubters.
  12. Exactly. This ain't baseball where you can stockpile live arms in the minors and then trade them to get stud position players.
  13. Don't worry, dude, maybe we're just stuck in Lucas' extended 14-year cut of that garbage compactor scene.
  14. This would only hold true if Ralph Wilson had digitally manipulated Darryl Talley to look like Lawrence Taylor for the Wall of Fame ceremony.
  15. Because "win now" is not a f---ing switch that you flip? Harbaugh benefited big time from a lot of the right talent, finally being employed the wrong way. Funny how Alex Smith was a dud without good coaching and is now one of the game's smartest, more efficient QBs. This team has talent. EJ has talent. Let's see what it can do. I am far more receptive to the idea that Marrone is a coach of low pedigree that wasn't ready for the NFL, than I am to the idea that EJ is a bust after 9.5 games. EJ is really sorry for everything he did wrong the past 14 years, starting when he was in 4th grade, but get a grip.
  16. I literally don't see what you did just there.
  17. You know what y'all should do is videotape these zingers, send them to Sam, then go visit with him after practice. I imagine it would also make one feel like a real man.
  18. Or Colon Blow.
  19. Raiders to start Carr, take wild road trip to San Antonio.
  20. He and Johnny could have gotten some ladies together and taken some great bathroom pix, I imagine.
  21. Catching balls and trippng balls. Wes can do it all.
  22. So if Sam actually plays somewhere and ends up being a contributor, what does that mean for people who seem to have a real big problem with the dude? Seriously, it's not like he's phoning ESPN with reports on the number of team tackles he racked up in practice. I imagine the hype and scrutiny will die down if and when he settles into a roster.
  23. This dude was an ex-Bills fan the whole time he posted here. Good riddance. This is what the ignore list is for: people who whine and then ask you to pay as much attention as possible to their whining.
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