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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. I guarantee we'll see some trolls. I guarantee they'll turn tail if the Bills win.
  2. You have to judge these relative to what you missed out on. Of course, they could have had the exact same draft except for having used one of the picks on Tom Brady, and it might have been their best ever (but 2000 was a historically bad and weak draft across the board).
  3. Maybe, but it seems like someone who doesn't think of themselves as a miracle-worker is probably the best person to bring that about.
  4. I was thinking St. Doug's Trappist Ale. Funny thing is that down here Genny Cream Ale is now a hipster beer of choice. I laugh. I'm not a snob, beer is beer and I'll definitely drink the Miller cheap stuff, Labatt's, whatever. But if I have my choice in the summertime, the Southern Tier Hop Sun is pretty awesome.
  5. Design yourself a flowchart if it's that confusing, dude. I just trademarked "Johnny MoneyPhone" and all variants. You can send your checks right here, suckers. I'm sorry, I can't hear you.
  6. I get jokes. But they're usually best the first four times;)
  7. One group wants Johnny Manziel to fail because he plays for a rival. One group wants EJ Manuel to win because he is a Buffalo Bill. One group wants EJ to fail / get hurt because they are misguided in thinking it will make the Bills better, but also because they like to be that person who is always right. Percentages tell you most QBs will fail. At the same time, fans are allowed to have some hope and root for a guy without some fan pissing in his cheerios 24-7. I'm in groups A + B. I never want to see Johnny Manziel get hurt, or any NFL player for that matter, though I will be happy to see our DL inflict pain on him should the opportunity arise. That's the beginning and end of it for me.
  8. The story is that perhaps he courts the limelight and wants attention more than he wants to put his nose to the grindstone and focus on his football career. If that's a mistaken impression, he sure isn't doing a lot to dispel it. I'll grant that I watch precious little of the draft because I have young kids, little time for it that time of year in my schedule, and I think the best stuff is written and not on TV. I don't care. If you say that ESPN overblew the coverage of Sam, I believe it. Is that exactly Sam's fault? I'm going to say that I think he was probably a little naive to think he could let them use his story and have it not blow up. It's an indicator that despite what you think, people do care… but sure, not for the right reasons. Well, simple answer. If you're not the guy in this thread saying you wouldn't want Sam on your team - even if the team thinks he is good enough at football - I'm not referring to you. If you're not the person saying point blank that he isn't good enough, when maybe he is, I'm not referring to you. If you're not the person denying that a team might be interested but avoiding the situation, based on something other than football merits, then I'm not referring to you. I never wrote that you personally have some kind of anti-gay agenda. I do think that there is backlash, and it's pretty hard to deny that based on what some have posted here. This leftist media is still a big phrase that everybody gets to use without really backing it up. Care to? Who owns big media? The reporters and producers of some outlets may lean left, but as someone who works in media, there is one parameter that controls coverage more than anything else, and it's green. I made an argument that the Sam story is collecting ratings, because ESPN knows it reaches casual fans and it gets some people angry, and they can make it sensational. Tebow was the same thing. They drilled it into the ground at the expense of people who cared about actual sports goings on. The thing is, they have for a long time taken for granted their sports-loving audience because they control a big share of the live broadcast market. So they've TMZ'd their coverage to attract even more eyeballs while knowing they aren't going to lose their longtime audience for long. They've got you, because where else are you going to watch prime time baseball, basketball, college football, pro football, college basketball, etc. But maybe based on his play, and his college bona fides, someone picks him up. Gino Torretta hung around the NFL a couple years. Maybe Sam goes to Canada and proves himself there. Who knows. We refuse to write off guys with less pedigree. You'd have to ask someone with that resume, dude. But you're also mighty defensive for someone who doesn't fit the description -- because I never once called you out as having an anti-gay agenda. It sounds exactly like you're upset that the Sam coverage is crowding into your football interest. I argue that stupid human interest crap has been crowding into the football coverage the whole time. All I will say is that I think if Sam had come out of college without coming out, he may or may not have made a roster and he would likely be getting another look somewhere with ease. He may be a slow tweener but players have overcome labels before. If no one knew that he was gay, the evaluation would either be entirely on the football merits, but maybe it would also have included some whispers about his sexuality, and that would have sucked, too. If a dude can play, he should be able to play. That's the beginning and end of my agenda right there, and i hope that you will understand that. EDIT: Also, I hope some realize that there are gay posters here who are very cool people, who aren't going to put themselves out there -- first because it's not anyone's business, but also because they don't want the abuse from the knuckle-dragging contingent. Joking is all good. But being nasty conjures up some things that most people have not had to deal with in their lives. Walk a mile.
  9. So... That's excusable? What's the point? I am not smart enough to see it.
  10. That's pretty rich given that Maniel has been under the microscope since long before Sam was a household name. Last summer all the stories were about him having skipped Mannng's camp, partying, etc. Manziel is the one American not responsible for his actions amirite? It's all the big bad media tearing the guy down.
  11. Like, wishing EJ gets injured style hatred?
  12. That's, um, exactly what I said. Deep seated anger? For this clown? I hope he stays around long enough to keep the hits coming. It's entertainment, baby. Would have to read up on the CBA. In the urine, up to 5 days.
  13. That's like, your opinion, man.
  14. I always thought it was associated with an azzkicking. https://warosu.org/data/sci/img/0066/48/1405550555444.gif
  15. would that be the same leftist sports media that employs the vociferously pro life, conservative Christian Tim Tebow? everyone sees bias where they don't see their version of the truth covered. in reality, the only bias is towards whatever is going to secure the most eyeballs, pageviews, readers, listeners, etc. And old schoolers are feeling pretty butthurt that a single gay person narrative is encroaching on their manly territory. But they'll get over it.
  16. Shut up before I stuff you into a locker, Flutie.
  17. Word is that this all stems from the April trade of CJ Spiller, according to Lacanfora.
  18. If true, that's sad. I'm sure they are feeling the pressure.
  19. I'm sure some here are going to call your "slant" damage control… Thanks, JW, seriously.
  20. Well, also look up how long that particular drug stays in your system...
  21. I hope it's more this than anything else. Honestly, the guy showed as much as any practice squad player could be asked for, so there's no reason why not, based on play. This tactic seems reasonable. Forcing anything on a team isn't.
  22. Still, Eli at the beginning of his career is a pretty good comparable for EJ (Eli was actually pretty terrible early on, but showed flashes). And Eli, a QB of high pedigree, still sat behind Warner for awhile.
  23. As long as it's not direct heat, because that would burn the meats.
  24. Maybe they could have kidnapped Orton's three year old to show him that they really mean business. You know, since negotiation usually works such that the team courting a player forces him to sign at will. True.
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