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Posts posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. Been a huge fan of them back to the days of Murmer (which I consider one of the best albums ever).


    I've met Mike Mills a couple times at a celebrity golf tournament here - seems like a very nice down-to-earth guy.  Were you actually around them much?  Any info/stories you want to share?  Was Bill Berry involved in any of the sessions?


    Unfortunately no Bill! He is missed. I still think the last record he was on (New Adventures in Hi Fi) is one of their best... That one, Murmur and Automatic remain my faves.


    The sessions were amazing as I've pretty much loved this band since a very young age.


    I primarily dealt with Michael and Pat McCarthy (engineer/producer -- he worked on all the R.E.M. records from Monster on and also did The Joshua Tree and Patti Smith's new record).


    The work was very inspired, they are amazing people -- in general and in a working relationship -- and it was a dream session. They even gave me up-front tix to Madison Square Garden in November. Also my wife and I basically came together over an R.E.M. song, and upon explaining her jealousy to Michael, he obliged with a signed lyric sheet, which is unheard of. Most of the people who stick around in this business are either ruthless money managers or just fantastic people that make others really want to work with them. I can say for a fact that these guys fall into the latter category.


    As for the sound of the record it's somewhere between Up and Automatic -- quite a lot of experimental sound with more 'classic' R.E.M. songwriting -- not so many out-and-out rockers but a few that get you up. There are two amazing ballads on there: "Ascent of Man" and "I Wanted to Be Wrong" -- the latter really reminds me of "Find the River" and is gorgeous. I think there are probably two songs that could have been trimmed to make for a really coherent album but that is just my opinion. And as usual the lyrics are great.


    In any case, thanks for the support! I appreciate it! :devil:

  2. Geez...Bush was so bad that if indeed he were wearing an earpiece he'd probably be admitting it and blaming Dick Cheney for giving him bad eadvice.  Usually he sits on Dick's lap and Dick's lips are moving.  :angry:


    I don't think I've ever seen Cheney's lips move. :angry: He actually does have a sort of ventriloquist's murmur, that out-of-the-side-of-his-mouth manner of speech.

  3. Well...Patsies 13-21 before Bledsoe was replaced...43-12 since with 2 Super Bowl Rings... B)


    If putting up with Drew for one more season means we get 2 super bowl rings in the next 4 years when Losman is in, I'm ok with it... I think.


    You are guaranteeing this, right? :(

  4. It's pretty unbelievable that you can find a location of a Staples anywhere in the country but that there is no state-by-state national database for voter registry. I'm sure they could apply this with social security numbers, driver's license info, etc. And it would make it a lot easier to vote/register. It's not like the government doesn't have the information. I moved to the city 2 and a half years ago and they are still !@#$ing it up and indicating I am a new registrant, while also sending me info about my polling place, even though I've voted in the last 2 elections and primaries here.


    Between the mismanagement of these records and the antics of Diebold, etc there are serious opportunities for democracy to be compromised in this country -- not that it isn't already with our choices from a field that is limited in more ways than one.

  5. 4. Playcalling was very good - way better than Gilbride's. Obviously, it was pretty smart to utilize the run to diminish the blitz.


    Some flashes of brilliance that I was happy with. We all knew we wouldn't win this game.



    Playcalling was average, but we are so used to awful we don't even know what "good" is anymore. The fourth down call, passing (again) on third and short, especially when Moulds doesn't seem to know the routes... I think in general Mularkey was on the mark, but you HAVE to make good calls at critical moments to be a great coach. I for one think he will get there. But he is definitely a rookie coach with a rookie offensive coordinator (do we know which of them is calling the plays?).


    Like any believer, I started getting my hopes up even though I knew better. What would be awesome for this team is to just jump up really quickly and pile on a lead to get confidence. I don't know if it's in them. They are definitely not capable of protecting a shallow lead at this point. Maybe when our veteran DBs come back...

  6. Coy wire is a good man.  Coy Wire is a nice man.  Well My dad is a nice man, but just like coy wire I wouldn't want him playing for the buffalo bills.  This is the problem.  You want nice guys, set up a chairty and get nice guys to  go out and have fundraisers to raise money.  You want to win football games. You Bring in your ray lewis's and your terrell owens, and your brett favres etc etc.  ATTITUDE.  NICE PEOPLE ARE NICE..... ATTITUDE....CONFIDENCE.... KNOWING THAT YOU'RE BETTER FROM THE PERSON LINING UP ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BALL.... AND THAN PROVING IT..... THAT WINS FOOTBALL GAMES.  Keep The Nice Guys for church on Sunday, or a friend in a tough jam.  Give me and the rest of  fans Some Guys with  ATTITUDE AND WILL TO WIN FOOTBALL GAMES FOR THE BUFFALO BILLS


    As long as attitude doesn't have to mean stupid celebrations, doo-rags, shameless self-promotion and a knack for being around when people are getting murdered or selling drugs, I will sign up for bringing on players with said attitude.

  7. And don't forget, Lindell's not the most reliable kicker on earth.


    ...or the town of Orchard Park, for that matter :blink:


    Going for it was the right thing to do. A missed kick would have been even more demoralizing, if that sounds possible.

  8. This guy is all heart and SO fearless.  He is by far, hands down the MVP of the team so far, although not a big accomplishment with this bunch of underachieving beatoffs we have. 


    Moorman and McGee are the only guys that come to play every week.  McGee had a bad play today, but all in all is an overachiever. 


    We need more players with guts on this thin skinned team.


    Highlights of the day: that play and then when Moorman stood up on the bench and raised his fist in the air to the crowd. Good stuff. I wanna get my wife a Moorman jersey.

  9. I said to my brother-in-law, you know they will pick up the 1st down.  SUre enough, one play later.  Our D is good, but they choke hard when its 3rd and long.


    3rd and 1, they usually stuff it.  3rd and 5 or more, they look lost.


    They were killing us on third and long all day. I actually wanted the Bills to decline penalties since it seems like Brady just thrives on the long yardage against us. Wire and McGee must have about five bullet holes each in their feet.

  10. If we cannot pass-protect for stevestojan, we don't deserve this one. And if Drew in the pivotal moments of the game is going to suffer a brain freeze we may as well have him on the bench spooning up a frosty so he can enjoy it. He did not play a very bad first three quarters -- there were some sparkling moments and some bonehead plays and play-calls. But a team needs its QB most in the fourth, and Drew and the line disintegrated. And we went away from the run -- AGAIN -- when we needed it most. In the meantime,


    What was with the TWO third down passes to Moulds where communication was off? Moulds turned in, Bledsoe threw to the sideline. Killer. Henry ran hard and we still are passing on first downs and third and short. McGahee's presence non-existent, two-back sets are a blocking disaster; that can mostly be attributed to McGahee.


    Defense: McGee got carved up, so did Wire, as expected. At least McGee can return kicks. But we are EXPOSED in the secondary without our leaders right now. Here's hoping Vincent and Milloy are on their way back, quickly.



    Refs were like little kids throwing flags today, and it seemed pretty discretionary. Were we that undisciplined? Some of those calls (2nd call on Fletcher, to my mind) were definitely arguable. On the other hand they were NOT calling face mask or much pass int. today.


    CBS was awful. The Patriots are good, but Nantz and Simms' lips must be chapped from all the ass-kissing. Meanwhile, I did not hear once that Teague was out of the game, nor were there updates on Jennings' or Vincent's injuries. (the first two do help to explain the absence of any pass-protection whatsoever late in the game...). The offsides penalty on the Pats FG kick was not shown on TV -- anyone at the game to verify it?


    Where does this leave us? I don't think the Jets are a better team on paper, but they have a QB -- and a coach -- who have "IT." Personally, I want to see Mularkey calling players out, getting fired up and giving a Herm Edwards-style press conference / speech. It could be the only thing that saves our season. I am REALLY not ready to hold out for a good draft next year given that we don't have a #1 and as of right now Donahoe can't be viewed as hitting 'em out of the park on draft day.

  11. He has been downgraded to doubtful from quest.  He has been their best WR so far.  Will this make a difference or does our offense hold the key to the outcome?

    Not really. The Pats have been able to plug and play other guys with pretty equal success, and won the last game without Branch. Those receivers are pretty interchangeable. I think we really need to look out for Graham and Dillon and let the corners do their jobs.

  12. At the very least one has to admit that Bush looked unhinged and unprepared, which is tough to excuse for a sitting president. And he was very much on the defensive. Kerry made some strong points that were unanswered (ie regarding the long-term status of bases in Iraq) and that may or may not be noticed by the viewing public. I am voting Kerry and there never has been a question. But I am interested to see what swing-state and undecided voters think.

  13. Amelie


    Big Lebowski

    No Man's Land -- great movie about the war in Bosnia, pretty chilling

    25th Hour -- Ed Norton has got to do more work like this



    just saw "Hero" last night. Despite its flaws and potential as an argument for fascism, it's a beautifully done movie.


    also, for any punks out there, Jem Cohen's Fugazi film "Instrument" is postively amazing, as is the Clash doc "Westway to the World"

  14. All those passes yesterday and never once did I yell "throw the effin ball you friggin statue!"


    1) Indy is good enough

    2) GB's pass defense is shite, and banged up.


    Prescription for overconfidence in the passing game, the problem is if you stick with it all year even when it's NOT working, a la Gilbride. If I see him here in the city he is a goner.

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