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Posts posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. I liked when a Jets defender ran down a Bills player about 5 minutes after a play finished (this was in the 4th Q) and nothing was called. The announcers claimed "No Harm, No Foul" but how many times have the Bills been penalized for this stevestojan? The zebras have been hitting us with the rinky-dink stevestojan all year.


    That's not to excuse the sorry performance, but jesus, can a brother get some help here?

  2. How do you feel about the book "Unfit for Command"?


    Haven't read it, haven't made any outrageous comments about it. Have no feelings on it other than it has hurt the candidate I'm voting for, and a lot of what I've read supporting him contradicts it, and some of the past actions of some its authors have not thrilled me. What I have read about it would not change my mind as I am so opposed to Bush's policies.


    But I refuse to judge the book on its own until I get the chance to examine it for myself.

  3. Its ugly out there people.  Once upon a time Dems/Liberals believed in treating people everywhere fairly.  Now?  Its seems you have to be a native, black, hispanic, or arab to inspire such consideration.  White's and Christians and republicans beware...


    Funny how when we're talking Abu Ghraib, it's just a few bad seeds. But all liberals take the fall for the actions of a few immature idiots. Nothing new from the party of double-standards.

  4. Who in the Hell are you to judge me you moron? You make these statements as an ignorant justification to spew your leftist hate with reckless abandon.


    Simply because you cannot compete with me intellectually, you have to resort to insults, slander, and pure ignorant rants. Well if nothing else, you are true to your liberal roots.

    This was a post about a couple of liberal nut jobs who pissed on a GWB sign that an innocent citizen had in his yard.


    Hey kids, it's irony season again!

  5. Ive never read Mein Kampf. Nor do I listen to White Power music. I dont spend time reading Islamic Fundamentalist websites.


    But Im smart enough to realize what these people and their ideal represent. And Ive seen enough of Moore's ridiculous rhetoric to know that the I dont need to waste two hours seeing the blzrul he puts on celluloid to know hes full of, well, BLZRUL.


    It it looks like BLZRUL and smells like BLZRUL, then it must be BLZRUL.


    But why? You've obviously formed your opinion on Mein Kampf and White Power music based on others' reports or criticisms of them. Because those criticisms are (in this case rightly) generally accepted, this is OK. But if no scholar had ever deconstructed or sought to understand what Hitler was doing or what white supremacists are doing, likely many more would be under the sway of those ideas. In the same way, eliminating the distance you've fabricated between yourself and in this case the Moore film would enable you to make an honest judgement about it instead of jabbering on about how Michael Moore is an !@#$. Is it that you don't like the idea that the movie could affect you in some way other than that which you already feel?


    As I've said, I've seen the film and think it raises some valid concerns but goes way overboard in other respects. But I own that criticism as a viewer. I will admit he hasn't done everything in his power to earn Americans' respect, but those who haven't seen F 9/11 and criticize specific aspects of it haven't proven anything other than that they toe the party line in hating Moore blindly.

  6. The kids were alright today.


    Even though Drew looked OK I think our best days are ahead of us, with another QB. I don't think I can watch this version of the team lose another game. Always will be a Bills fan but I am going to sit this season out until Losman comes back. I have too many other things to do, and not enough money and time to spend at the bar for these games. These guys need a spark; it ain't coming till youth is served.

  7. No I'm not a fuggin' hypocrite.  Being the good conservative I am, I feel I'm already sending too much money to the government.


    Even while we're at war?


    It seems to me that a real 'good conservative' would be wanting to spend only the money he has on hand, and not making commitments that would overextend the budget. But the word conservative has undergone a pretty ugly evolution, so use it as you like.

  8. I've seen Michael Moore's writings on what he thinks happened on 9/11.  I also know he's a self-admitted left-wing shill.  I also know that he has a history of making movies that are dishonest. 


    That is enough reason for me to believe F911 is a piece of crap.


    Understood. I think that is OK for any of us not in the public eye. But for public officials I think it sets the bar low for discussion or criticism of any media or topic, for that matter. Don't you agree that any of these criticisms would be strengthened by seeing the film?

  9. This is not to incite any kind of insane remarks even though I know Michael Moore is an object of both irrational love and disdain.


    But I find it very interesting that a lot of people criticize Fahrenheit 9/11 or make remarks about it -- some valid -- and later reveal they have not seen the film. When asked if that invalidates their statement, most of these critics, politicians, etc. respond that they don't need to see it, they know what it's about.


    As a media grad student I find it most interesting, that these figures are not really called on this, and that half of the public finds it to be an acceptable resolution. Is this only because Moore has elicited so much hatred by calling Bush a deserter, the incident at the Oscars, etc? Because there was so much press that explained moments in the film in detail?


    Again, please no "Michael Moore is an idiot/fat slob/jerk/genius" posts. Everyone already knows/has made up their mind about those things. I am really more interested in the authority of criticism of this film. Please share your educated opinions on this one...

  10. I saw it too last night and from what I gathered the guy from TV Guide thought Kerrey was serious. Now with only a few weeks left before the election the probability of it happening are pretty slim, but you never know.


    But both candidates fit in time for a puff piece with a creepy Dr. Phil's incessant spanking questions. Jesus.

  11. Bill O'Reilly didn't really pull any punches and came off well with an audience of people he recently called "stoner slackers." I came away from the interview pretty impressed for all the negatives I have heard levied at him. Not sure I agree with all his tactics, which are made for TV. And it's still tough to judge if he is REALLY undecided and independent, but he came across as such more than he ever had previously.


    Stewart, in his usual way defused the situation with humor and got in some good questions, with good answers.


    I would definitely be interested to see if O'Reilly does a Kerry interview.

  12. On the other hand, Rush Limbaugh is a human being and to treat him with a complete lack of compassion for his situation is to sink to his level.  He should be proesecuted under the law no more vigorously than anyone else who committed the same crime (allegedly).  You can deplore whatever hypocrisy there is on his part and still wish him the best in recovering from his addiction.


    I think that is crucial. It would just be nice to see him emerged a changed man who was interested in having the kind of discussion about the issue that you mention.

  13. Geez, Buckner's Glove...


    You will speak of Rush Limbaugh with humble respect or you can get a life right now!


    Sure he goes thru wives like toilet paper yet lectures about the moral fabric of society.


    Sure he said of drug users "lock 'em up and throw away the key" yet abuses a form of herion.


    Sure he said the poor are like pigs suckling off the mother pig yet spent nearly a year living off unemployment.


    Sure he said the right to privacy is non-existent yet argues he has a right to privacy once the government demanded to inspect his medical records.


    Sure he hates slimey trial lawyers yet hired slimey trial lawyer numero uno, Roy Black, for his drug scandal.


    But all those examples are just paradoxical coincidence, not blatant hypocrisy.


    Get a friggin' life, friggin' liberal scum...


    I'm interested in your theories and would like to subscribe to your newsletter :D

  14. another compasionate liberal. No real surprise. :D


    This holds weight because Rush is so.......





    Compassion begets compassion. When Rush displays some, the rest of the world can sing his sorrows.


    If he got over his drug problem and renounced some of the things he said about others with drug problems, it would be one thing. The liberal vantage point is that in this situation Limbaugh is pretty much the blackest pot to ever take aim at a kettle.

  15. Don't you mean bâiller?  It must really bother you that the leader of the liberal free world is as off-kilter as you libs accuse Bush of being.


    Sorry, yawn, sils vout plait.


    Leader of the liberal free world? You're reaching, man. Please go phone someone who cares.

  16. Really?  Consumers can't just turn off the television or not go to the concerts?  I had no idea.


    On the rest of your post, every "important" job on the planet goes through evolution.  It sounds like that's what is happening in this instance. 


    The issues that are alluded to are a two way street.  The government hasn't solved the problem, despite adding thousands of pages of regulations over the last 30 years.  Most managerial types (myself included), would argue that the burdens of excess regulation has made it impossible to give the actual workers what they need to do their jobs.


    Over-regulation as bogus paperwork and busywork should of course be minimized. I am talking about deregulation as an impetus for near-monopoly, which is hurting workers. This is not the kind of evolution this country needs. We have always worked to put a stop to this kind of thing. The evolution you're talking about amounts to an excuse for greed and cutting corners, while most of these companies are chalking up record profits. Was there really a problem BEFORE energy companies were overcharging and exacting more out of their workers, when there was more competition?

  17. Who is "we" that is working more for less?  Certainly no one that I know.  My income has risen every year since I graduated from college.  Our company has added jobs, given raises and bonuses the past four years.


    Here's a big soundbite.


    I am interested to know who is in the circle of people you know. Certainly people who work in the manufacturing sector and in just about any union job have had to concede vital provisions of their contracts.


    My dad works for Niagara Mohawk as a lineman, an essential job that requires intense training and skills and safety procedures to ensure that you and I can type back and forth and our entire capitalist system can function. Yet they are in a constract dispute right now that will put my dad on a one-man crew with no one to back him up if he gets hurt. And he is going to lose about half of his salary due to a change in schedule, as he currently works a LOT of overtime -- sometimes 36 hour days -- making sure you and I have our power, particularly in the worst winter conditions. Workers like him have fought hard to make sure they are protected and then the parent company, National Grid (an English corporation), !@#$s them over without a second thought about the work they are doing. Republicans have in general fought against everything that helped keep my father's industry working for the people, and against every provision that kept these workers safe.


    Deregulation has run rampant in the utilities and it's hurting good people. Talk to people in the communications industries, too. Don't like that OmniCorp runs everything, all six TV stations in your area, two radio stations, two of the newspapers, and books all the concerts and charges whatever they want? That's the corporate world run unchecked. That's where the government needs to step in and regulate. Somewhere the system that values the dollar over the person has to collapse on itself. I am not a communist and not an anti-capitalist. But the government's job is to protect the people, not companies. W has shown his love lies with the latter.


    I honestly believe Edwards cares about people like my dad, and that's one reason his ticket has my vote.

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