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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. and he is actually pretty good at selling the play action. It does help if the run game is actually functional.
  2. Prostitution is no way to live, man. You're better than this.
  3. Is "SB" code for "Grey Cup?"
  4. I'm going to chalk this up to Mike Florio and Joe Buscaglia playing the boringest game of "Telephone" ever. But, it gets the clicks.
  5. I think they're just racist, in addition to being cheaters.
  6. That said, I might rather have had Billy Buffalo as my QB over Flutie or Johnson.
  7. Sweet Jesus, no one's mind is going to change about Flutie. The real curse is that we have to hear about this sh-- forever until the Bills get back to the playoffs.
  8. Well, it's certainly all class to go scorched-earth and discuss an employee's mental illness, so there's that.
  9. Meh. You act like Brady and the Pats have always faced the Bills in prime shape. Look, I know that that doesn't count for much, but all the same...
  10. Burn Gillette Stadium to the ground, gift the land to the original American Indian owners.
  11. Well, first, right back atcha. But I think the magnitude of the effect is nebulous and up for debate, right? And that serves the Patriots - in fact it's probably the only thing serving them right now. But it might mean that a guy doesn't fumble a ball. It might mean that a ball is easier to catch. It might mean that it's easier to throw. We can't really know what would have happened and we can hardly base it on coarse stats. We do know the rule was violated by a wildly successful team, during the playoffs, and that they went to lengths to disguise what they were doing. This isn't like a uniform violation. To me, that's the issue here.
  12. I think people get way too caught up in the effect or results of this. Basically, there is a rule. The Pats were caught violating it in a playoff game. Their star quarterback is unquestionably involved and he refused to cooperate with the investigation. How much it impacted the games, road vs. home records, etc. None of that is at issue here, and it all confuses the issue. Goodell needs to be weighing three things -- 1) the fact that they were cheating and violating this rule (in the playoffs, no less) 2) the fact that Brady wasn't complying with the investigation. And it's impossible to do, but he needs to look at this as he would with any other player. 3) He also needs to look at the fact that this is textbook recalcitrance from a team that has violated the rules on this stage before. Everything else is noise.
  13. No sh--! I remain skeptical, but that would be something. That said, cheat, win SB, lose a couple game checks? Big deal in the grand scheme. I want to see this guy's reputation forever tarnished.
  14. You're being charitable. If there were a pie chart for how much I miss Marrone vs. how much I do not, there would not be a slice for Doug.
  15. Guys, give Jerry a break. Somebody needs to be the voice of knee-jerk stupidity, and it can't all just happen on message boards like ours. There needs to be a professional providing that voice, too. I don't see anyone else rushing up to the plate to offer professional Buffalo sports stupidity on a regular basis, so until then, give Jerry his due.
  16. It's heartwarming to know he was "cleared by the police" who by all accounts botched the investigation or worse. This despite the fact that the state's attorney believes "something bad" happened at the apartment, and all signs are that there would have been some evidence to work with (deleted cell phone videos among other things) if said investigation hadn't been run by the Keystone Kops.
  17. Where is the farewell retrospective video?
  18. I have adopted the Dubs since having moved out here. It has been a revelation to follow a team like this. Sorry for the Pelicans fans - that was brutal.
  19. Heath Evans is one of the best in the biz.* *I reserve such right as to retract this statement at any moment in which he bad-mouths my favorite team.
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