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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. This is getting so old. It may or may not be an option. So what? Pittsburgh will still have a game plan. You think they didn't see what happened to T.O.? They would be dumb as rocks to start their A-1 guys if they didn't need to. Meanwhile, they can get some good looks, try some things they haven't, and ultimately lose because the Bills will be better that day. Doesn't matter how. I don't care if the Steelers are eating buckets of ice cream in tutus on the field while we run all over them. We'd (possibly) be in the playoffs, where it's best of 16. I like those odds better than I liked us at 0-4.
  2. I've said all I need to say about basketball... Jordan!
  3. Shelton will probably lose out to Jerald Sowell on the Jets, who was leading fan voting.
  4. I tried but it didn't happen. Life Aquatic it is for me.
  5. But it will get them plenty of jobs running the sound board at live events. can't go wrong with these: Ramones won't hurt 'em a bit (my choice, the first, self-titled record). Nirvana's Nevermind -- good if you're not too much the puritan Clash: London Calling -- so many excellent styles and great music, one of my faves and a classic J. Coli is right, and regarding the classic punk you can show them that Blink 182 has some roots, but the roots are oh-so-much-better. they are all classic enough that you're not trying to seem hip but rather giving them something both essential and edgy. Or you could go leftfield and try these: Fela Kuti -- king of Afrobeat, basically Nigeria's version of James Brown. Fantastic, moving and soulful, but not ever cheesy. Arcade Fire: Funeral -- these guys will be stars in two-three years. The indie community already loves them. emotional, a little weird, but rockin'. Death Cab for Cutie -- getting a little too commercial in my opinion, but if your kids would be into some good riffs and relatively sensative lyrics (the 18-20 year olds are real into them) it's a good start. Madvillain: Madvillainy -- all sorts of street cred, not so much of the negativity and violence usually found in hip-hop, some explicit lyrics but nothing worse than they're hearing in the lockerroom at 14. Same thing with the Roots, if you went with "Things Fall Apart" or "Phrenology." Ditto Mos Def's latest, "New Danger." You couldn't go wrong with any of these.
  6. Perhaps that's why. I like to think it's his good, Syracuse-educated stock.
  7. can I get this straight that this is a "player hater's thread"?
  8. I respect his ability. I don't think he's a top-flight receiver, though, and he demands to be treated as such. Marvin Harrison wants the ball and money and a chance to win but you don't hear him being a big baby about it.
  9. Deion Sanders, Ray Lewis, Keyshawn Johnson (though he hasn't done much in awhile). Brady is getting up there with every phony-ass interview I have to stomach.
  10. Well, it's much more obvious to see an 'intent to injure' if an injury happens. How else do you really propose to determine 'intent'? Should we have a close-up shot on all player faces to see if we can see evil in their eyes? Some dirty hits are more obvious than others, sure. But even if Darius' wasn't dirty (though I believe it was), it was extremely reckless. It wasn't like Ferguson had a bad fall. His injury was caused by the contact, which could have been avoided. Instead, Darius followed through. He deserved the ejection and should see a fine and maybe a game or two suspension. It sends the message to others, that one can play and hit hard but the line is drawn at taking an open head shot at a player who isn't looking / defenseless in the situation.
  11. I think Pennington is making it harder on them by running his mouth off. Edwards would be right to be pissed at him right now.
  12. Hey, what are you saying? Seriously, he had a rather Unitarian outlook and influence, but I don't think he was a Unitarian or Universalist out-and-out (no pun intended). Lincoln & Unitarianism
  13. Peters as H-back is a fantastic idea. Peters plowing holes for Shaud Williams would be like a bulldozer making space for a mouse.
  14. A lot of contributors, but I have to say... Mike Pucillo. He has really helped this offense by remaining inactive. I would go so far as to say that he is the undisputed heart and soul of our weekly inactive list.
  15. Steve, if that happens, you and I are renting Mayflower trucks and plowing them into the Ravens' training facility.
  16. I agree with you. What the league should be doing (and it looks like they are on the right track in this respect) is recruiting black players/former players to do coaching, training and seminars on high school, college and pro levels and getting them into the assistant coach and college head coach businesses. The greater the pool of African-American assistants, the harder it will be to draw from an exclusively white pool. When these coaches find success, as Jerry Gray is starting to, it will be inevitable that they start getting more calls to run the show. And with more of the skill players than ever being African-American, there is no doubt that they will be valuable resources for teams in the future in need of assistants. (I, for one, can see Lawyer Milloy and Troy Vincent coaching.) If you want to talk about a real problem with minority hiring, D-1 college football has it (three black coaches for 170-some schools - the NFL's rate seems monumental compared to this). It's much more of an old-boy network. Think about it: what better way would there be to show some of the African-American athletes that school is valuable, and to keep them there to graduation, than to have a coach who understands their background and culture a little better, who is a shining example of success on a high level.
  17. OK, this is the last time you call the lot of us chickenshits. I challenge you to a duel. Good day, sir.
  18. Hey, sign me up.
  19. Len Pasquarelli on ESPN reported in his Morning After column that there's no question Bledsoe comes back the starter in '05. He's a pretty reliable source for Buffalo. I think they're planning for this and next year will be Bledsoe's last hurrah as the starter -- assuming he doesn't have a debilitating injury or win us a Super Bowl.
  20. I am not sure. Pennington is digging himself a big hole here. I've always liked his play but he should STFU and get his head in the game instead of trying to lecture the media about how privileged they are.
  21. It doesn't matter. If the Steelers have it wrapped up there is no question that would be a bit of a psychological lapse. They would KNOW in the backs of their minds that they don't need to win, whether they start their best guys or not. I think that bodes well. And I'll take it. Just like I'll take Chad Pennington blowing up and getting all distracted about the media.
  22. Very true. He can read a field and know what a defense is doing immediately. If the Bills can't win it this year I would love to see it happen for Manning. He deserves it.
  23. I never knew he was supposed to !@#$ the football. Personally, I hope he just throws it for 1 or more TDs a game. He's been doing that.
  24. ...and not pick up a rolling punt with 5 defenders within a foot of him. THAT was dumb.
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