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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. Yeah, I was actually going to recommend that they be allowed to play 'em, but they only get games like Elevator Action or Donkey Kong Country.
  2. LOL! I used to DJ at a bar in Fredonia and shake my fist and sing out loud to a lot of songs, "Run to the Hills" was one of them. Love's "Seven and Seven Is" and some Fugazi songs also got this treatment.
  3. ASAP would be March 2 though. Hopefully Travis and his agent aren't drumming up the interest too early.
  4. We should all have it so rough.
  5. No worries. Glad my wasted brain can earn someone something!
  6. If they factored in the strength of will, i.e. how freaking hard it is to be a fan of your team, I think the Bills would be No. 1. He just made us 13 because we're unlucky. Behind Miami, Denver and Dallas? You've got to be kidding me. And KC should be much higher. That is a TOUGH place to play.
  7. Watch some Seinfeld reruns, please.
  8. that is the most amazing thing I have ever read.
  9. It won't be anything compared to the Kiss Saves Santa Claus special (on the Family Guy, of course).
  10. Interesting post, rolly. Good luck at Fredonia. Graduated from there a few years ago.
  11. And, not to play devil's -- or Vick's -- advocate here, but Kelly had another couple years of pro-ball in with the Gamblers before his Bills career began.
  12. ? I'm sure you mean Peyton.
  13. What about an Apple IBook? For the applications you're going for, not a bad purchase. And the prices have dropped way down on them. Plus it'll work nicely with your IPod.
  14. I'm with you. The Pats had me smiling about a Dolphins victory this year, for crying out loud. It's just a classic case of hating the team that has it all, a la the 90s Cowboys, or the way non-Yanks fans felt in the late 90s. No need to excuse it. It's gotta feel great when it's your team, but I think the one time in my life I felt like that was with the early 90s Blue Jays, done in by the strike of '94. Perhaps we'll see such good fortune someday with the Bills.
  15. How can anybody not want to see the Patriots come crashing down to earth and bring an end to the Tom Brady/Bill Belicheck lovefest? Philly and a true gentleman in Donovan McNabb, please.
  16. Anyone have a link to that photoshopped picture of him with the handbag? I've gotta get in on that. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: A-Rod.
  17. Upon further review, a few more contributions: The Clash: "Jail Guitar Doors" Wire: "Ex-Lion Tamer" Have to second the Who titles. "I Can See For Miles" is definitely the most rocking song on their most underappreciated album ("The Who Sell Out"), IMHO, and just about all of "Who's Next" rocks.
  18. JimShiz said he didn't feel for Robbins, but did for the cops, later clarified it. That is what I meant, and what you are implying makes no sense to me since I preface the quote with "the cops were not in the wrong." Again, in the context of the conversation with Jim, he was saying, that liberals would feel compassion for Robbins (in addition to, or maybe instead of? the cops), while I was pointing out that there is nothing wrong with feeling this way while understanding completely the actions of the cops. I think Debbie is not completely wrong here. Edit: I will agree her first post is a little unclear in this aspect. I did, after all, say "But if it's liberal to consider the context of the situation (in this case, that the guy is bipolar, has serious problems and probably no one to help him), then sign me up." Not that the cops should have had the foresight to know this guy is bipolar, etc. That's putting ridiculous words into my mouth. I'm sorry you didn't read it the way I thought I wrote it. Thought I was clear in my response to Jim.
  19. I think saying it's natural implies that greed is a natural impulse. It isn't. It's learned. It can be just as natural to weigh all the options and take a bit of a cut to build and stay on a winning team. That's what the Patriots are doing, perhaps our players could learn from them. I don't feel bad for Pats players who can't buy their cousin that extra Beamer because they didn't pocket another million, instead opting for a championship.
  20. That's a cop out. One could realize that they have an opportunity to make more money in a couple years than many make in a lifetime. They are blessed with an ability that yields them prizes that are far richer than most. If they don't want to risk getting injured, they don't have to take the millions in the first place. Ricky Williams is doing just that. You don't have to be a greedy **** to be an NFL player. Witness Warrick Dunn.
  21. Of course not. READ WHAT I WROTE. The cops were in the right. I am just saying that there is nothing wrong with feeling compassion for Robbins and hoping he can straighten his life out, if he lives. Jesus.
  22. Wow, hard to be impressed with Lawyer Milloy after reading that bull sh--. "But the other part is (making sure) your family is stable after football is all done. You can't feed your family off of Super Bowl rings." Is this guy telling me that making 4-5 million dollars a year over 8 years is not enough to make sure your family is 'stable?' You have got to be kidding me. Must be rough to have it so hard. Hope I don't have to see Lawyer at the Salvation Army in a few years.
  23. Given that he has a mental illness, no, maybe it wasn't. Maybe nothing will be. But I don't think telling people to give up is a better idea. It's easy to tell people to 'buck up' when you're not in the situation. Again, the cops were right. But I don't think what I said conflicts with that. Don't know that I merited one of these this time:
  24. I don't think Debbie was saying the officers were in the wrong. But if it's liberal to consider the context of the situation (in this case, that the guy is bipolar, has serious problems and probably no one to help him), then sign me up. No one's excusing the guy, and for attacking cops he should see some jail time; he may even die for it. But there is nothing wrong with trying to help the guy fix his life if he makes it, and even feeling compassion for him. In my opinion it's the most Christian thing to do. The problem is that a lot of the "WingNut whackos on the far right," as you put them, ignore that element of Christianity while claiming to represent it in this country. I prefer Rev. Jim Wallis' evangelism.
  25. "Rock over London, Rock On Chicago... Subway, it's the place where fresh is the taste."
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