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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. Just like Pittsburgh when they started their new guy? A smart game plan, good running and some nice blocking will take a lot of pressure off of JP and make him look like a better decision maker, while at the same time he grows to become one. We may take some steps back, but it's not out of the question to say this team grows under Mularkey and that Losman makes good on his chance. It's rare that one can completely forecast a team's fortunes for the seasons ahead, except maybe for Miami last year once they lost Ricky. Nobody knows sh-- until September. It's only fun for all of us to talk about it like we do.
  2. The point was that he had PLAYED more than a single down, not none, jacka$$.
  3. What the hell was that "wake" in the middle of that song? Maybe it was a funeral for talent...
  4. The frightening thing about this show is that the music industry thinks this is the best it has to offer. Jesus. "Musicians" who don't listen, constant vamping and showboating... Alicia Keys who is supposed to be the great soul singer of the next generation can't sing in tune... At least Melissa Ethridge can belt it out. I am so glad I am not part of the mainstream record industry anymore.
  5. Umm... Stats from the THREE games that Losman played in last season
  6. Not sure if this has been posted or not, and not sure where it belongs, but playwright Arthur Miller, author of "Death of a Salesman" and "The Crucible," died today at age 89. I wonder whether we'll see such an astute artistic commentator on American society again in our time. NY Times Obit
  7. Where's the evidence? 5 passes in garbage time on a leg that not completely healed from a break? Inconclusive, period. Given adequate preparation I think JP will perform at least as well behind the current line, perhaps better if we pick up a new guard or LT and have McGahee in there all year. The team included Bledsoe, but I can count on a few fingers the number of games Bledsoe actually won for us. I applauded when he made a checkdown, because it hardly ever happened. You know as well as I do that without the generally solid play of the defense, and the stellar (save for Lindell) special teams, we don't win half as many games as we did in '04. And I'm not saying that it's Bledsoe's responsibility to carry the team on his shoulders (though it would be/have been nice sometimes). What I am saying is that he deserves little credit for winning these games when McGahee, ST and D were much more responsible for our victories.
  8. Do you guys all think that Tom Brady showed hints of his future greatness in preseason play or in college? I think anyone predicting Losman to be a failure this early in the game needs to take some happy pills at best. Many scouts saw in Losman some of the qualities that made Brett Favre a champion, and made Kelly one of the all-time great Bills. JP needs some work on many accounts, especially considering his injury last year (which I think was still in play even when he got some time on the field this past season). But if he can become Wyche's right-hand man and immerse himself in the mental aspects of this game, he has the chance to be a really good one for us. Don't count him out. And screw anyone who is actually LOOKING for him to fail out of any devotion to Drew or Todd Collins or otherwise. I'm rooting for my team.
  9. The team won those games. Not Drew Bledsoe. If you watched the games, you know this. Whether we can do better or not with Losman is up for debate, but the jury is in on Drew and he has show what he is and isn't capable of. A lot of us just think what he is capable of doesn't suit this team. I'm rooting for the Bills in '05, whomever they start, and I hope the winner of a good competition emerges to lead this team to greater heights.
  10. Man, who knew that interracial couples were committing "marital genocide"? This is a serious problem, Kurt. Thanks for raising our awareness. Maybe if there were a death of "global racial diversity" (which I see happening sometime around 30450) it wouldn't be such a bad thing. People sure as hell couldn't blame all their problems on black or white people. I don't know where beauty and justice and truth factor into all this, but I suppose two people of different races loving and caring for each other is unjust and ugly to you? Keep firing away, man, you look wholly ridiculous.
  11. My wife and I started one in our little Brooklyn backyard last year. We look forward to doing it again this summer when we'll be around more than the last. We grew some different kinds of lettuce, some tomatoes, zucchini, and cukes. Peas were not a success. But it was nice to have some fresh stuff (and to not have to pay the supermarket's outrageous prices for something). It was worth the work.
  12. You have been far off before, but this one takes the cake. I hope Tom doesn't delete it so everyone can see how stupid it looks.
  13. Ahh, throw in a buzz-word like freedom when it applies to making profit, and deny it when it applies to someone not having to work 100 hours a week to make it. I suppose this is a gotcha. But let's discuss some numbers I have found. 70 percent of Wal-Mart's employees leave within the first year. The company considers full-time 28 hours a week, which is some logic for you, and a third of their employees work under that many hours. The company could afford to pay its employees an average of close to what is considered a living wage if it raised its prices 1%, or cut its profits by a third (admittedly a large margin, but considering Wal-Mart's figures the profit would still remain unbelievably high). You and I differ on what is important here, and that's fine, that's our freedom. I personally believe that companies have as much of a responsibility to their country as its citizens, and I think many are failing in that respect. I appreciate the "comrade" remark, as well. It's nice to see that you can discuss civilly without any digs. Probably not a lot of happy fish-cutters anywhere! "Knife goes in, guts come out..." I'm sorry your experience wasn't good there. But in general, I've never dealt with anyone there who wasn't more than pleasant.
  14. The 'value' for the service is just as invented, my friend, by people who are making a lot more money. It would not cut significantly into Wal-Mart's gigantic profit margins to provide people with a wage above poverty level, which isn't high at all to begin with. And if you've ever had to work three jobs to keep afloat, you should understand the merits of a living wage. People wonder why parenting is so bad but don't make any connection to the fact that a lot of parents are working endlessly to make ends meet.
  15. Tell me then, why Wegman's does what it does and has happy employees. Why do they help people out who are trying to better their lives and go to school where Wal-Mart does not, knowing that these people might leave the company because they aren't 'trapped?' Is Wegman's a stupid company for being one of the best places to work in the country, and perhaps eschewing some profit for it? On another note, I know plenty of people who just had it drilled into them by family and schools that they would never amount to anything, and so they end up working at a place like Wal-Mart. That doesn't seem so natural to me. I know some people can be really strong and rise above that kind of mentality, but most, when environmentally surrounded with the idea that they are worthless, will actually believe it. I think Wegman's believes otherwise, and they have a lot of happy people who want to work for them.
  16. Could be that we're living in an era where people are told they're just lucky to have the jobs that they do have, and if they have to work 3 of them, well, that's their lot in life and they should suck it up. And if you really don't like it, the company can always move to Mexico.
  17. If I recall correctly, defenses pretty much had the Moulds/Peerless thing figured out by the second half of '02. Then we parlayed a guy who wanted out, and wanted more money than he was worth, and wanted a #1 job, into a pick that yielded Willis McGahee. So how that was a mistake?
  18. Nice equation. These ones also apply in this situation. 28 hours = Full time work week Female employees = worth 50% less Living wage = not an option
  19. He probably will. But Bettis definitely deserved it more this time around.
  20. I liked Simmons a lot better before the Pats started their run. It has never been easier to be a Pats homer, and this guy is definitely taking the easy way out. TMQ rules, though. His names for teams based on logos (ie. "Flaming Thumbtacks" for the Titans) have me laughing out loud. So what if he's a little formulaic? He's always interesting.
  21. I know you don't like Henry, Bill, but what course of action would you have suggested? Pulling the starter who had rushed for 2600 yards the past two seasons for essentially a rookie with an unproven record and a bad injury, to boot? Hindsight is 20/20, and while I certainly would like to have seen McGahee more involved (I do think the coaches didn't know how to use Mcgahee early on) I cannot see them having outright handed the job to McGahee without a near-mutiny. The job changed hands in the best way possible -- Henry went down, McGahee got his chance and filled in, and upon his return, Travis didn't perform to expectations. McGahee clearly won the job from then out. I am not saying this was the path to winning the most football games, but it was the path to the coaches' earning the respect of the players at a crucial point in Mularkey's rookie campaign.
  22. Ahh, there's something in the water in that area. It's also been known to cause the suspension of all rational thought on Sundays between September and January.
  23. And he's a frightening-looking creature to boot. Perhaps his gruesome look could have scared away the Pats defense.
  24. You somehow managed to come up with a response that is more convoluted and indecipherable than the original subject heading. What's your secret?
  25. Man, and to believe I wasted all that time in the gym only for T-Bone not to believe me. Where do I go from here, fellow Bills fans? Looks like it's suicide again for us.
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