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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. But men, that's fine? What's the difference, if it's a contest and not a real-life fight? While we're at it, what's the difference with football? Contact sports are all controlled violence. If women want to take part in them and people want to watch, that's their right.
  2. I change my mind. Matsui will be the MVP this year. Every game I watch he is positively killing the ball.
  3. Well, we might as well condone or turn a blind eye to cheating, then, since it's going to happen anyway, instead of trying to deal with the problem. It's hopeless, right? Somehow the Olympics are able to deal with this, and their athletes aren't getting the millions MLB players are. I think it's time we stopped letting them off the hook.
  4. A giant market and/or media conglomerate behind each doesn't hurt. I think the Yanks play with class (save for A-Rod) and are able keep a lot of core guys and pick up any spare part they need. But one can't argue that the Yanks live in the lap of luxury. It's not hard to get players (and good scouts, front-office people) to stay with the Yanks -- as long as they can handle the pressure. It's very, very easy for them to make money as the most recognizable American sports franchise, in one of its largest cities, with an unstoppable amount of media coverage, as well as its own network. I don't have a problem with people whose granddads took them to Yanks games and are lifelong fans, but as someone who roots for an in-division team that's not the Sox, the sport loses some of the luster it once had for me as a kid, before all-out free-agency and the era of freewheeling major market franchises. I am glad the A's and Twins have found a way to compete -- and I think more teams that are not large market media darlings will have to follow their model. I hope the Jays can get there. Not this year though. I'll be happy with third place. AL East: Yanks Central: Indians West: Rangers WC: Red Sox AL Pennant: Yanks NL East: Marlins Central: Cardinals West: Dodgers WC: Braves NL Pennant: Marlins WS Winner: Yanks in 7 AL CY: Randy Johnson AL MVP: Vernon Wells NL CY: Roger Clemens NL MVP: Carlos Delgado
  5. I'm not sure what people expected that they would pay to see Kraftwerk and then boo them.
  6. ...If he doesn't get himself into trouble by plunking too many Yanks. Glad Womack wasn't hurt too bad after that. The Jays absolutely do need Wells to step up and become a leader. I think he's up for it. He definitely struggled with injuries last year. A nice rookie campaign from Chachin (he killed 'em in double-A, might be too early for him yet) would be appreciated too.
  7. Woohoo! It's gotta start with beating teams like the D-Rays. Time for this team to return to respectability. Halladay looked good yesterday, too.
  8. Do you not care about the news or about steroids themselves? Personally, I think it's a really bad idea to push the notion on kids that competing by any means necessary is the only sure route to success. A ban on steroids is sensible and good for the sport, its young fans and its competitors. I think a concerted effort to round up nobodies while turning a blind eye to the stars engaging in the practice only cheapens the game further. That said, my team is 1-0 and I'm enjoying the season so far... Play ball.
  9. This is some self-congratulatory bull sh-- going on in MLB. Whupty-doo, we're catching guys who can't make the bigs, or if they are, they're the guys hitting two home runs a year. As I heard a man rightly say on local TV, Dillinger's on the loose and they're bragging about nabbing the guy who's robbing parking meters. Meanwhile, Bonds will make the HoF and gets major face time. How they can let this go and shut out Pete Rose is completely f---ing beyond me.
  10. Call me crazy, but I wasn't really surprised by the "big twist" this week. It looks like next week it gets more dire. Does look like the mole conspiracists were wrong.
  11. Man, stole my line. Great film. "There's a beverage here, man!"
  12. Don't forget the hot wings. with bleu cheese. mmm.
  13. Jonas Jennings was a third-rounder. Terrence McGee a fourth. Am I missing something here?
  14. Because it's not the scope of their struggle, whatever you believe about it. Islamic terrorists have a problem with Western society in general, hence the reason their acts of terror are more widespread. Sinn Fein has a website, by the way, and the IRA does train people. But it wouldn't make sense for them to act further than the UK because they have no bone to pick with the rest of the world. So what the hell does this have to do with India, anyway? Jesus.
  15. Actually, in India and China are some of the dirtiest cities I have EVER had the misfortune to be in. That doesn't mean anyone is deserving, per se. In India it is partly due to the post-colonial abandonment of infrastructure in mid-stream, though hopefully the tech boom is doing something to help them realize the value of their environment.
  16. Ever hear about a place called Northern Ireland? Any harrassment you get is deserved.
  17. You mean Joseph Bruno of Town of Brunswick in Rensselaer County? Or George Pataki of Peekskill? Or Albany, which is how many hours north of NYC? Please come to the front and pick up your dumb post of the day award.
  18. My drink: seven and seven with a splash of Rosa's lime, twist of real lime. Tasty. I have it named after me at BJ's in Fredonia.
  19. Let's count the ways WNY would benefit: - far fewer state representatives - a significantly reduced tax base; where is all that money coming from? - probable taxation on any dealings with the new NYC state Keep 'em coming, secessionists.
  20. Not to mention there's a beautiful tennis center out there and some space to breathe and tailgate. Times Square is the tourist-trap toilet of the city. Who needs more people down there?
  21. I am entirely against the stadium. I think it's completely foolish and will cause a ton of gridlock in midtown, to say nothing of security issues and having to deal more directly with idiot Jets fans. I'm with you, and Bloomberg should realize we are FOURTH in the running for the Olympics at best. Why do they have to be here every six years, anyway?
  22. They try and trade him, mishandle him and maybe eventually come up needing him. See: Larry Johnson
  23. Riiiight, because the brilliant minds running WNY will be free to use their imaginations to turn the place into a magical happy land once unshackled from the big city slickers. Believe what you want to, big guy.
  24. Was that a Flutie quote, or the writer?
  25. Overpaying running backs... it's what's for dinner!
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