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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. How about 1500 in preseason alone, just playing first quarters?
  2. I know what you're saying, but I don't think that's what's going on here. She's a pretty venomous lady.
  3. What context could any of these quotes sound good in? Please explain?
  4. Link While this guy will be replaced, this certainly is good to see.
  5. If that's the case, then "fatal" would be the poor word choice. But no matter. I didn't mean to detract from the gravity of the photo or the reality of the situation. I just meant that the caption shouldn't either.
  6. Sorry you feel that way. I just meant it is hard to comfort something that is no longer alive. You can carry it respectfully, you can care for it, but it is hard to offer comfort. I just wouldn't have written it that way, sorry that pointing it out touched a nerve.
  7. Yeah, I think the Bills signed him.
  8. Really sad. I am sure this affects our men and women immeasurably. They are doing a great job in trying circumstances. Did the caption strike anyone else as weird, though? "Comforting a fatally wounded child"? How exactly does that work?
  9. What this kid did was idiotic. Not that Ms. Coulter herself has actually classed up the public discourse: Ann Coulter, American treasure: "When contemplating college liberals, you really regret once again that John Walker is not getting the death penalty. We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors." "God says, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'" "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building." Yeah, she's a real innocent one.
  10. What will you think if/when McGahee holds out, regardless of the fact that the Bills gave him a big chance when others wouldn't? I would like to see an analysis of the careers of guys who hold out, post-holdout. So many have been disappointing (I'm thinking of guys like Joey Galloway). I'd even argue Lawyer Milloy is not nearly the player he was before his holdout. I've said it before, I'll say it again. Nobody forced these guys to sign contracts at gunpoint. And if you really think your pay should be performance-based, insist on incentives.
  11. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: to an 18-year-old kid who's got a lot to learn. That accomplishes a lot, Joe.
  12. The problem is, who is calling Jay-Z on this one? Nobody, because there is plenty of money to be made just the way things are. I don't understand the leftist hypocrisy part of your statement so much. If you are saying that the left aligns itself with the hip-hop community uncritically, that might be going too far. Personally, I do consider the word a verbal swastika, but I welcome conversation about it because it brings out into the open what it has meant and what continued use of it disguises (in the same way that Darin talked about it with his basketball teammates). Use of that word hurts most the people who use it, and to me, an admitted outsider, the black community deep down is hurting itself by using it. I think the discussion about it can be interesting, though. However, I think in the public discourse, straight-up use of the word from a white person to actually name another person or a group does not serve any good purpose. That's where I think this coach is in the wrong. There was no good reason for him to use it. He was "free" to, of course, but he certainly deserves any scrutiny he gets because of it. If the University feels that they don't want someone representing them who speaks like this, then they are free to terminate him -- just as in the same way, if you were speaking as a representative of your workplace and said something that put them in a bad light.
  13. My point is the Republicans cry like they are losing the world when they've actually got carte blanche ownership of the government. Meanwhile, when it gets right down to it, the way they govern is just as corrupt and morally bankrupt and slave to the dollar as the Democrats -- and that is not to let the latter off the hook. It's been quite a winning strategy, really. Was it Darin that said "power corrupts, absolutely"? I'm beginning to like that one.
  14. I would argue that if, by college, it's brainwashing, that parents haven't done a good job raising their kids. They should be old enough to evaluate and make their own opinions by college, not just blindly follow (or rebel against) what some prof tells them. And education is precisely where ideas are to be shared. That does not mean they are not up for debate or revision (and a good professor knows this). The educational process works when there is discussion, ideas are sharpened and everyone's knowledge is broadened. I think everyone benefits from the shift and challenge of perspective. Complaining about a prof who attempts pure indoctrination, or is grading unfairly due to politics, is one thing. Complaining that a prof happens to be liberal, regardless of how he/she teaches, is quite another.
  15. I think Harvey underestimates the people of this country if he thinks "only the families weep" when one of our countrymen or women is brutalized and murdered in this fashion. We all hurt, and while the sheer shock at such actions might force us to avert our eyes, I know personally I can't forget it.
  16. When was this? I've looked for it.
  17. Which Senator would that be?
  18. It was not the worst context in which the word has been used. That doesn't make it a good one. I just think given its history it should be deleted from the vocabulary. It serves no good purpose. Whatever the context of the word, it will always have a certain ugly subtext.
  19. And where are they in the public eye? Neither has a very favorable public opinion. And neither is employed by an educational institution as a coach. The guy was free to say what he said, and he is free to pay for it.
  20. No, your argument about tolerance doesn't hold any weight, sorry if that wasn't clear. If the guy's career is ruined, he ruined it with his mouth. Nobody else did that for him. My point is, how can the definition of 'tolerance' include the use of the "N-word," which by its very nature is an instrument of intolerance? I've said everything else I wanted to say about this already.
  21. This will go down as the first and only time I've been labeled part of the "elite around this board." Very funny ha-ha. I can't begin to reply to this. I don't think you're a bad guy, I don't even know you. But you do seem to get pretty hot and bothered.
  22. I'm glad to hear that. Sorry to hear about your wife's experience. It sounds like the teacher was a real piece of work. It's unfortunate that people like that can kind of taint the impressions of a whole subset of society with their actions.
  23. True enough. We'll substitute "Republicans," then, who have aligned themselves with conservatives. It's quite a trick they've pulled off. I actually have zero problems with conservatives and agree with a lot of conservative tenets. Just completely at odds on the social issues.
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