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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. Thanks for putting that into words for me. I don't know what to make of this, either way it is a pretty god-awful situation. But I don't think shutting down the press and limiting it to the official party line (how we hated the Soviets yet are talking about emulating them -- irony) is a good idea at all. But if Newsweek indeed erred with the source they cited, the blood is on their hands and the ensuing economic hit they are about to take is justified. The truth is probably lost somewhere in-between as usual.
  2. She always sounds pretty hot to me
  3. AW: better brains, maybe tougher NC: better based on pure athletic ability They are pretty different corners depending on what you want out of one and what system you are running.
  4. Actually what bothered me most was that you could see misfortune for Tony coming a mile away. As soon as they sat down Tony and Michelle for a couple minutes of the show to discuss their "future" I thought, "he's getting killed" or something else bad is going to happen. Sure enough.
  5. Nurse Ratched. Not too many women listed here, but she's a bad/good one.
  6. Red Stripe is excellent. Good, pretty easy-going. My least faves are Warsteiner (completely getting by on the German name), Heineken in the skunky green bottles, Coors Light and Busch.
  7. I don't know, why don't you tell us? Your post is at the least very presumptuous. Not everyone who gets hit with a crippling med bill "has an illness coming to them."
  8. Who is supposed to actually disagree with the critique here? Ivy League and major private schools are a known racket. More playgrounds for the elite. This is not news.
  9. ... and with SF. Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't he have just played out his deal with SF and gotten a gigantic contract on the open market? He wanted to be traded to a winner, but "oh, not that team," and now he wants a bigger contract after he just signed a 7-year deal? Great player, but this guy can go !@#$ himself. He made his bed. He should sleep in it.
  10. Hear, hear. The Beasties' "Sabotage" ain't too bad either. Just about any of the Spike Jonze and Michel Gondry videos are worth watching.
  11. Sounds like someone's been bogarting the joint.
  12. The Pats are our target. The Dolphins are more like a punching bag one can never tire of hitting. I still hate 'em, still think Zach Thomas is the most overrated LB in the league, and still laugh at their misfortunes -- not injuries, though. At least not too much
  13. A few months ago... Linky Boo.
  14. But.... all he did was win football games (and hang receivers out to dry)! he had a cereal! Rob Johnson bad!
  15. Screw the NBA. The guys playing down on West 4th St. are more fun to watch, and I can see them up close without having to pay for it.
  16. No, I think he means the Bad News Bears.
  17. Flutie will definitely be in the Hall of Fame of his imagination. Of all the Doug Fluties, he was the Doug Flutiest.
  18. I doubt it was a decision made from the top to have these fines paid for with campaign money. That said, everyone who contributed and worked hard for their money, should be really disappointed about this. I think McCain-Feingold could, and should have been a LOT tougher than it is to prevent this kind of garbage on all sides. I long for the day when we can expect much, much more from our politicians and they exact less from us. I think I feel a Darin comment on my naivete coming on.
  19. Just heard on the radio, this marine will not be court-martialed. Looks like he's been cleared of wrongdoing.
  20. I think the salary caps, with the guaranteed money they provide and the cap hit teams have to take on them, essentially DO force teams to live up to their ends of contracts. The point is, Walker's essentially had one good year, and not a T.O.-type year either.
  21. I'm sensing a formula here.
  22. When Dowd says right-wingers should be aware they can be executed, or that the only thing she regrets about a major terrorist act is that it wasn't committed against a rival newspaper, maybe that word will apply. For now, I'll reserve it for the lady Coulter.
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