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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. You and I actually agree on this. I think we need to qualify some of our trade agreements and tie them to environmental standards. After spending some time in Madras (in another country we are trade-friendly with), NYC looks spotless to me, though it obviously isn't, and I am of course worried about the consistent air-quality index warnings we're getting. One thing you do have to note is that California has some of the strictest environmental standards (brought about by the demonized left) and you do benefit from this as a SF resident. I think the left is definitely flawed and Kyoto is flawed -- it's become more of a sound bite than a point of serious discussion. But as with most topics, I guess I'd have to say this: I am proud of how well we do take care of our environment as compared to some of these other highly industrialized nations. That being said, I think we can do so much better, and we owe it to ourselves to do so. When we hold ourselves to higher standards, many other nations will follow. And if we won't do business with those who don't, while it might hurt us in the short run, I think in the end it forces good change.
  2. My complaint is two-pronged. The content is one and I do agree, in a sense, the people are getting what they ask for when they buy garbage. However, my other complaint is more about de-regulation and the complete absence of anything local in our media. The Clear-channelization of radio, local papers without local viewpoints, etc. This is certainly for another thread. But my point is, big business left to its own devices has certainly stripped a lot of what's good from our media, because these things are not viewed as profitable. And I think that change happened too quickly, and with so much financial force behind it, that the voice of the people doesn't mean much to those in charge. That's all for another thread, but... I think there are similar issues when it comes to environmental matters, though I think what companies like Honda are doing, making great, environmentally-conscious cars, coupled with raising gas prices, will force change. Look at the waiting lists for hybrids, obviously people are interested in the change, but I'd argue business is not meeting that request quickly enough because the incentives are still slanted towards fossil fuels. Money is being taken from the people, taxpayers, and handed out by the government to large companies regardless. It's time that the use of our money is qualified with the future of the environment in mind.
  3. I think the reported numbers of alcohol-related naps will increase, however.
  4. Jesus I just laughed pretty hard.
  5. I think Numminen's not a bad pickup at all. 40+ points in more than a few years, power play ability, and hopefully a little sharper mentally than Zhitnik. That was the thing about Zhitnik. The guy would make some nice plays and then turn around and show himself to be a giant bonehead. Hopefully Teppo came quite a bit cheaper than Zhitnik. Hope to see a few more moves by Darcy and co.
  6. Hours of NPR, usually the Daily Show, and occasionally the NY Times, flawed as it is.
  7. Yup. The free-market has really fixed everything when left to its own devices, especially our beloved media. [/sarcasm]
  8. Jillson and Tallinder I'd give a little more credit, though I think you're right-on with your assessment on the other three. I do wish the team would step up and treat the gamers like McKee a little better. He's the kind of guy who should be a Sabre for life.
  9. It really would have been nice to go after a guy like Sopel. He wasn't that expensive, the guy is tough and he can score from time to time.
  10. I was hoping we could pick up Donk Johnson.
  11. You gotta stop that or there is going to be more drool than usual on the TBD keyboards.
  12. Hear me out here. First thing I notice is I wish a few of the Jills would do something more interesting with their hair. It all starts with the hot haircut. The best looking ones have something shorter than shoulder-length going on. For me it accentuates the other assets.
  13. I think the number 7 threw him off. Probably thought he was snapping to the mighty dwarf.
  14. I am glad to hear the good words about Kelsay. I have really been hoping he would turn into a special player for us. This might be the year.
  15. Anyone know if the Sabres games that will be running on MSG will run only in Western/Central NY, or if they will run on the whole network including the city? I assume that Ranger games will always take precedence downstate, but if the games are not simultaneous will we get to see them? I sure hope so!
  16. Bill, I see your points completely, and I would also warn against any homerism. I think TD certainly has made his share of mistakes. Mistake No. 1: Gregg Williams. However, since you feel the way you do, and I'll even grant you the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, tell me whom you would have drafted, given the Bills' needs at the time, at No. 4 (no moving down). Be honest. EDIT: Part of my point was, how good of a draft was this in sum? Reflection shows it wasn't that great. If we have our right tackle for the decade and he is rock-solid, I have no problem with that pick at No. 4.
  17. The_Real does not, I repeat, does NOT, use the Whizzinator as a recreational tool.
  18. Anyone seen the Bad News Bears yet? I have to admit a guilty desire to see it.
  19. ? Usually I try and steer clear of FFS-ish length. Hey, I thought the story was funny too. Just not the way it was presented to us (the "dog" thing). JMO.
  20. I'm sorry, whatever TD accomplishes, the miracle of birth will not be on that list.
  21. Do you mean library schools, or grade schools? I assume you mean the latter. My wife is a children's librarian, she finished her master's at Pratt a couple years ago, and she had to take several cataloguing and classification classes. Still use Dewey decimal, all that. Her library still has the catalogs but they are definitely secondary to the computer systems.
  22. I agree. Maybe we should call the "left tackle fairy" [j/k] My point is just that I think it's hard to say TD could have done better with the pick and the knowledge he and the scouts had at the time.
  23. Eff'em. I'll bet all these prognosticators also had Brady winning 3 titles after his 6th round selection. I don't give a sh-- what anyone has to say about JP until he brings it out on the field. Good or bad.
  24. Help me out on this one. We needed O-Line help. Most info out there on MW called him the best tackle prospect of the time. Who would you have drafted? Roy Williams? Great, how's that help our line (not to mention that we've got the D covered and #4 is very high for a safety)? McKinnie? He's not fared any better. Levi Jones? Everyone was busting the Bengals' balls on that one. Freeney? People said HE was picked too high. I would love to have those latter two guys but you draft whomever you think is going to work best for you. Peppers was already gone. Hell, we could be wondering if we should cut Joey Harrington right now! Point is, I'd love to say that Levi Jones would have worked out better than MW with our merry-go-round of O-Line coaches, and I'd love to have seen Freeney in a Bills uni. But I don't think you can blame TD for making the pick he did, at the time he did, with the cards he had, and you know he would have been interested in any reasonable offers to move down if there had been any. All indications were that it was the right pick for us at the time, and given good coaching and continued hard work, I think Big Mike will pan out.
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