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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. This guy has the holy spirit in him, alright... Link
  2. I'm not sure why, but I just have the feeling that Woodbury could be an interesting player for us on down the road. Matthews doesn't have much time left, and I think it'd be great to have another young arm and a multi-talented threat to work into the offense and special teams.
  3. That just brings tears to my eyes, man.
  4. If we were talking about Pennington 2-3 years ago when he was healthy and really seemed to have it all together mentally, I'd go with Chad. Right now I would say Losman.
  5. Mularkey should grow a beard. It's time we had a mountain-man coach. He should at least do it for the playoffs.
  6. I don't give a damn about his arm. The scouts picked him and obviously believe enough in his arm to have made that choice. What'll make the difference is if he has the tools upstairs to do the job. Bledsoe didn't.
  7. (retreats into corner again)
  8. Because it's pure speculation how much more time and life it would have cost us to win that war on the ground, and I'm not entirely read up on what the Japanese were planning on doing in that last month of the war, I had read in some places they were planning on surrendering anyway, others that they weren't. Honestly, I wish weapons the like of atomic bombs never existed. I also understand that we could easily have been on the receiving end of that knowledge and I'm glad we exercised that power first. I meant to say nothing else. Please try not to fish for a fabricated conflict here.
  9. Rosendouche is really trying to cash in any good karma he had left from saving that drowning kid, isn't he? What a rich, rich loser.
  10. Well, and we had to use the most extreme of means to end that war on its final front. Or at least that is what we are told.
  11. That's kind of my point. To say nothing of southeast Asia, or domestic recruits, as were all the London bombers (understanding they were of Arab origin -- except for one of Jamaican -- profiling that would have been interesting). I understand there is a current profile, and it should at the very least be examined. But it should not be our limit and it should not be the primary focus. The primary focus should be getting these people behind the scenes, not on the steps of a train terminal, and I'm sure a lot of people are working hard to make sure they never get there. I'm sure you can agree with that.
  12. Please explain, given that we've seen people from myriad backgrounds involve themselves with radical Islam.
  13. I believe we're talking just as much about the frame of mind of people who would commit acts of mass and public murder. It has little to do with race, but keep believing it if it makes you feel better.
  14. I'd say Barry Word would be the safer bet. Man, running backs (aside from the very best) really ARE a dime a dozen.
  15. I always knew you'd mellow out, Joe.
  16. Sam Cowart -- hasn't done much, landed with the Vikes and Cottrell again Darryl Talley Thomas Smith Jeff Burris Henry Jones Hard to argue with many of these, though most gave us good years. Note also it's mostly our defensive standouts who we part with. Ted Washington is the only one off the top of my head who has found more success after his Bills days.
  17. Seriously, go running, or swimming. Then smoke a bowl.
  18. 7. Talk about how you never go anywhere without your trusted rubber duckie, as he is the only one who understands you.
  19. He's doing bodyguard work these days.
  20. We would have to have a pretty well established trust with such operatives. Double agents in this kind of conflict would be more dangerous than I could imagine. Otherwise, a great idea that I would bet is being used.
  21. Word is Rashaan Salaam was seen at the Buffalo Airport.
  22. I'd bet you a million dollars the people responsible for those assaults never even heard of a Sikh.
  23. Unfortunately the idea or spectacle of security is pretty much as important as the real thing. We had the illusion of safety for a long time in this country.
  24. Well, that would at least rate as possible profiling, unlike the impossible "racial profiling" of Muslims that our thread-starter advocates. And again, it doesn't matter. Look at the London bombers. We've got to stop looking to stereotypes to fix our problems and keep up the hard, concrete intel and police work. I recently read a great article in the New Yorker on Kelly of the NYPD and all the work they have done since 9/11 to protect this city. It made me feel a LOT better than any profiling would. Basically, NYPD is now ahead of the FBI's curve a lot of the time in getting critical information. And believe me, we do need to tread lightly with the Arab and Muslim communities whose support we need in this thing. A lot of them are in the frontlines helping us out because they know and understand the languages and culture. But I suppose it's a lot easier to search for a blanket solution or a scapegoat than to target the problem.
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