Well, that would at least rate as possible profiling, unlike the impossible "racial profiling" of Muslims that our thread-starter advocates. And again, it doesn't matter. Look at the London bombers. We've got to stop looking to stereotypes to fix our problems and keep up the hard, concrete intel and police work.
I recently read a great article in the New Yorker on Kelly of the NYPD and all the work they have done since 9/11 to protect this city. It made me feel a LOT better than any profiling would. Basically, NYPD is now ahead of the FBI's curve a lot of the time in getting critical information. And believe me, we do need to tread lightly with the Arab and Muslim communities whose support we need in this thing. A lot of them are in the frontlines helping us out because they know and understand the languages and culture. But I suppose it's a lot easier to search for a blanket solution or a scapegoat than to target the problem.