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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. Bill, that was my suggestion to Mr. Clutch. You know from the rest of my posts I am intensely loyal to the Bills. I care about them more than any other team in all of sports.
  2. I don't think so. This is the time when you need a coach to hold the team together. Mularkey was able to do that last year when we were at the breaking point. I'm hoping he is seriously going and looking at film and checking himself out because he needs to improve as much as, if not more than the rest of the team. Things are easier when you have veteran leaders like Drew, not so easy when your leader is also the guy you are teaching. JP has to learn and earn it. Taking it away from him now is only going to f--- him up the way it has effed up other young QBs. It's FAR too early. He sucks like this in game 4 next year and doesn't look like he's learning anything, THEN it's a problem.
  3. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. See you later.
  4. AHEM. We're 1-2 Probably most of them. Good thing teams aren't run by the fans, huh? Course, they DID have a huge stockpile of draft picks.
  5. You're kidding, right? Every third post here is about the line.
  6. Adios, Mr. Clutch
  7. We would be disappointed in you if you didn't.
  8. I knew that'd get somebody
  9. My excuses: - Better offensive line - Opponents in wins: 49ers, SD -- neither premier defenses, nowhere near caliber of ATL & TB - More experienced coaching/playcalling/gameplanning JP would do alright in Big D. I'm glad he's here and not there.
  10. First off, anyone have ANY inside knowledge on the returns of these guys? I know Everett is a giant question mark, but Roscoe's gotta be back soon, right? Second, I would not underestimate the impact that the loss of these two, especially Roscoe, has had on JP. He was connecting with Parrish all throughout training camp, and then lost him. Yes, he had a few weeks to adjust, but I still think it's huge. It will be great to have him back. And how much could he use a big target with soft hands like Everett to take some pressure off right now? I hate dealing in hypotheticals, and we have to play with the Rumsfeldian "team we have." But to say injuries have not forced a different gameplan and added to JP's growing pains would be to neglect an important factor in the equation.
  11. Don't you wish he was here fighting with our guards and playing left tackle?
  12. JP is the best chance for our future. We may go 6-10 with JP and 7-9 with Holcomb this year. We could have gone 8-8 with Drew. So what. None of those equal playoffs. But which is most valuable? What does that mean for next year, or the year after that? You have to have faith. Most first-year starters have a rough go of it, especially early on. JP will find his footing. It's hard to watch and even harder to admit it's the right thing, but if this team was built on satisfying the fickle fanbase week in, week out, it would descend into a chaos far greater than what we've witnessed the past two weeks. Rebuilding? You'd have to raze the foundation and start from scratch with that mentality.
  13. Though I hate to say it, it sounds like it's Ezekial-time.
  14. Dusty Dovarcek has a nice ring to it. That'd look good on a Bills uniform.
  15. Nick, right on all accounts. I tried a post like this earlier. The D is not getting it done. They need to figure it out, and fast. On the "plus" side, Gray is going <b>nowhere</b> to be a head coach if they continue to play like this. I'm looking forward to the Saints game. I feel like this one got away from us and was winnable. And typical loser complaints re: officiating notwithstanding, I feel like ATL got a little help today too (the non-penalty flag, etc).
  16. Todd Marinovich went to USC. Rob Johnson went to USC. Your comparisons aren't making any more sense than the next guy's.
  17. ...and hopefully stops all the bellyaching around here. Jesus, the "sky is falling" crowd is in full force tonight. I am really, really disappointed about Takeo's injury, and hoping he's alright, and I know Losman is not playing to his potential. But McGahee ran the ball well today, that's a sign for optimism. With injuries we have to see what our young guys are made of. The difference right now between the Bills and teams like NE is that when the worst happens, champions rise to the occasion. This is their chance. We are still in a better position than we were last year at this time. We head to a pretty neutral location to play a Saints team that hasn't looked any better than us. The quality of our last two opponents was apparently pretty high, Vick denouncers be damned. We have yet another opportunity to readjust our game plan for the run. We knew ahead of time this was going to be a season of growing pains. This was not a playoff team last year with Drew and it may not be this year with JP. But damn, giving up on the season, begging for Holcomb already, this is not what any real fan does. This season is not even a quarter of the way through. I would wager the same people who are giving up on the team now gave up on them at 35-3 in the Houston game. Be disappointed for today, expect better next week, but give this thing time.
  18. "Look at that guy... BOOM!"
  19. *tired joke alert*
  20. Ha. They've already dipped their fingers way into this till. Literally 1/3 of our family's cell phone bill is taxes and government fees.
  21. Ahhh, but you forget there is no fat left to cut, my friend! Our government has done such a GOOD JOB. GOOD JOB. Now go collect your tax refund and pass go.
  22. Just because Moss and Owens are bigger loudmouths and you get 24-7 ESPN coverage on them doesn't make them better. At this stage of his career, I'd take Johnson. As good if not better, a team player and less headaches.
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