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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. From dictionary.com resign( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-zn) v. re·signed, re·sign·ing, re·signs v. tr. 1. To submit (oneself) passively; accept as inevitable: I resigned myself to a long wait in line. 2. To give up (a position, for example), especially by formal notification. 3. To relinquish (a privilege, right, or claim). v 1: leave (a job, post, post, or position) voluntarily re-sign ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-sn) tr.v. re-·signed, re-·sign·ing, re-·signs To sign again: re-signed the lease. Someone please pin this one.
  2. Great post. This is going to take time, boys. I'll reserve some judgement for after the draft, and the rest for when we see the product on the field. The bitching is unwarranted, or, at the very least, early. Now if Jerman's in the starting lineup come opening day, get out the heavy artillery.
  3. You've got to be f---ing kidding me. Let's hope Jauron sees him as the camp fodder he is. Did we have to shell out upfront money for this bozo? Yikes.
  4. Was Bannan a UFA? I'm curious to know if he was in the Bills' plans and they just didn't act quickly enough, or if they were not all that interested in keeping him with a similar talent in Anderson on the roster.
  5. I hope he can travel back in time and take Rory Fitzpatrick's roster spot.
  6. Sho'nuff. It's all too easy to forget what happened to us when Dom got fatigued during the most important part of the season. With a tandem of Ryan and a hungry Marty staying fresh, life will be easier, especially if the worst were to happen. No way we should trade Biron unless there's some excellent talent coming back for him. People consistently seem to forget around here that a blockbuster trade requires two willing partners. Not every team is ready to get fleeced like the Oilers.
  7. Just FYI, Miller was a sixth rounder.
  8. FUV's pretty good. FMU is wilder; I prefer it, but I enjoy FUV.
  9. Well, it was a different story in WNY when I was around. That's all.
  10. They shouldn't be perfect! But they shouldn't be enabled toward an unhealthy lifestyle, either! Kevbeau raises some interesting points, but these are the kinds of problems that arise when we believe that the private sector can solve all of our problems. When we think, we don't need to fund schools because corporations can do right by them, we open up this rift, and then we wonder why kids are getting unhealthy options. Don't even give them the options! If you watch "Super Size Me" it's made pretty plain that healthy, actually cooked school lunches are about the same price to offer as the current garbage kids deal with. The problem is that large scale operations aren't offering these services. They offer a package to 'help the school' maintain funding and bam, you have Coca Cola in our schools. The other problem is that school taxes are often the only taxes we can vote on directly. Schools suffer in turn and look to these options, whether or not they're best for the kids in the long run.
  11. Face it, you/we like music that was destined to die, made by artists who didn't mind it. DF and DM are on the musical equivalent of life-support. I don't mind long songs/pieces/works, so long as that is the point. Listening to Terry Riley or Christian Marclay or some serious drone-based artists, listening for and to subtle changes and calling attention to them is cool, if that's what I want. But there are more often moments I want to listen to something that lights up and expires like a candle. That's kind of what punk was. That said, as you age, what do you do to reflect that process? As an artist, is one supposed to be resigned to fading away or burning out? Not necessarily. An artist like Tom Waits is an old guy making music who's turned less and less into a nostalgia act as he's gotten older. His early stuff is more ripe with nostalgia and pretension and his more recent material is abrasive, edgy and more punk than these guys a third his age who claim to carry the torch. You're probably not much of a folk fan, either, but listening to something like the American Anthology of Folk Music for me brings an immediacy that's pretty amazing considering a lot of that music is 70+ years old. These are weird songs about murder, starvation, famine, executions, and worse. It's fantastic. It's not vapid, it's not elevator music, it's not the polished-to-a-sheen country and blues we accept as facsimile right now. I'm not sure where I'm going with this. I'm just a giant music nerd, and I enjoy talking about it and where I am as a listener right now. Glad you're finding some gold in digging up those old records.
  12. Actually, the worst was that the guy's giant bag o' Sentox with knife went in unchecked. Even if he's CTU his bag should merit a scan. Remember last year when the hitman sent to get Jack in CTU had to have his bag scanned? Why not this guy who's never even been called to this district? The keycard's enough? No "who are you, what's your business here?" Yeah, pretty ridiculous.
  13. Don't hold your breath. These kids are adults, and they deserve to go to jail for a good long while.
  14. Just one bottle, huh? That's not living.
  15. Tickets are already $50 apiece. Carolina produces in a booming southern market as the only team in the Carolinas. The Bills are one of three NY teams (well, kinda) and share the rust belt with the Steelers and Browns. Even so, at $195 mil vs $173, the Bills aren't that far away, with far lower prices, far smaller fanbase and drastically worse economy. I would argue to Bill in NYC that the Bills probably take up a larger proportional chunk than other teams do in their markets. That's because WNY bleeds red, white and blue for them. The Colts -- I cannot even believe you're citing them as an example. They have a small stadium, have talked about moving for ages, and produce $7 mill a year less than the "lowly" Bills! Their team value rank from Forbes is 24th, one spot above the Bills! And they have been a playoff team for this entire decade! Not buying it. Snyder and JJ should shut up and realize they are fortunate, DAMN fortunate to own in proud, premier NFL markets that built up histories that long precede their pathetic actions of late. And they should shut up and realize that their league is nothing if its franchises have no character and are simply cash machines. The NFL's status as product compromises the game enough. A line's got to be drawn somewhere.
  16. Question, where do you see that the gentlemen in question were "arrested" or "incarcerated"? They were questioned and released, and asked to leave the speech. I guess your standards of free speech and what qualifies as an arrest are different for "Code Pinkos."
  17. They probably SHOULD be banning it in schools. Get these fatass kids into shape.
  18. Competitive with the rest of the NFL? Or competitive with a ticket in economically strapped WNY? Sorry, I don't buy the trend that an NFL ticket has to cost $80. It's too bad you feel otherwise.
  19. Hey, they've made it to the pinnacle of their field and they felt they were using their time at the top to make statements when the most people would listen to them. You may not agree with the statements, but if they said "God Bless America" or "Reading Is Fundamental" no one would complain. Besideswhich, Robbins' Oscar speech a couple years ago (after winning for "Mystic River") was entirely dedicated to talking about victims of childhood sexual abuse -- no politics. You might not like his politics, but his heart is in the right place.
  20. Quite possibly. The fallout from this attack is going to be just as heartbreaking as watching Chloe watch Edgar die. From a sound design standpoint (my field), it was interesting that they didn't do the beeping counter at the end -- a moment of silence for Edgar, this character you've grown to appreciate over the past couple years. Kind of a cool idea.
  21. Not so sure. They've got bigger problems with that gas and Jack isn't going to have time to deal with that issue. I say we don't find out how far up this goes for another episode. Guesses on that one? Mine are Secretary of Defense (Audrey's dad), or the skeevy new VP. The revelatory wild card would be David Palmer, which fits with the story. McGill's gotta feel pretty good about being personally responsible for half the staff's death by withholding information about the keycard.
  22. Yup, they're just lassooing people and pulling them into the movie theatres unvoluntarily. Find yourself a nice pair of chaps, my friend. They're in style this year. BTW, serious question, how do you feel about violence in movies? Any problem with it?
  23. Say what you want, but as actors, Robbins, Sarandon and Redgrave belong there. As for political humor not being entertaining, that's your opinion, you're entitled to it, and it's not much more. Lots of people disagree, and reasonably so.
  24. Funny, that. To me the "media" as we know it is the result of the "free market" creating a monster. An unfettered, capital-hungry, vertically integrated, seamlessly designed, all-consuming, monolithic monster that's quite destructive of any local or independent thought or presence. Hence, Frankenstein. But I think the real problem has to do with these darned liberals.
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