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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. They aren't expansion. They're carpetbaggers. Formerly the Hartford Whalers.
  2. Absolutely. I did like to see Max fighting and battling through his struggles. IMO he is going to break through soon. Ruff will absolutely have this team prepared for Game 3 in our house. And if we know Miller he is going to take those goals to heart and have a huge game to follow. I'm not scared at all.
  3. We lost one game without three vital contributors. We were winning without two of them. We get Teppo back, things will be better. Mark it.
  4. The non-call on the Briere mugging and the subsequent ticky-tack hooking call was all I needed to see. The refs were AWOL last night.
  5. I would be shocked if Jason Peters doesn't win the job.
  6. No? What's this mean? BTW, I'm in my 20s and play in bands and I've pretty much devoted my life to music, so yes, I do know of Brand New and they're fine. I don't really listen to them as I'm kind of burned out on the punk/emo thing that I thought got most interesting with groups like Fugazi and At the Drive In. And I don't think punk provokes like it used to -- J. Coli might disagree, dunno. There were some really wild people making that music back in the day. Now it's all so introverted and self-reflexive and it just doesn't speak to anything larger for me. Music can mean a lot of different things to different people and I didn't mean to pick on your boys. I'm glad you've found some music that means something for you. Honest. On the other hand, I'm just trying to impart that folk music isn't all "We Shall Overcome" and "John Henry"; it's also full of bloody tales of weird people and weirder times (for a good survey of this, the American Anthology of Folk Music, compiled by Harry Smith, and The Old Weird America, by Greil Marcus, are a great window in). Folk and blues were once inextricably linked before they faded into the polished sheen and hokum we know them for today. I'm just saying, history, my friend, is good, in music as in everything. I like getting to know it.
  7. You need to look no further than the President, the number one representative of McCain's party, to see that fiscal conservativism on the part of the Republicans is dead. *Note to you know who, yes, I know, the other side sucks pretty much just as much* As for the latter issue, if McCain's not with the right on gay marriage, it's only because their new position strays from another core Republican principle, that of states' rights: It sounds like a policy difference and not one rooted in moral advocacy for gay marriage.
  8. What issues is he not conservative enough on? Abortion? the war? Gun control? Gay marriage? I'm curious here.
  9. Your interpretation of folk music as lame doesn't have much to do with the fact that this music student was invited by her student body to sing and speak. And your implied interpretation of folk music as simply the hippie garbage of the 60s is pretty narrow. Without folk musics, we wouldn't have some of the finest classical music ever written. But dude, I know, it's lame compared to meaningful art like the new Brand New record or something. I offered that some NSU students (particularly the one who called Pres. Kerrey a war criminal) were out of line. Regardless, politicians in general, and McCain here in particular, show little respect for their audiences by talking to them like children (as I said, many there were PhD and Master's candidates), by bringing up his Iraq war vote (this has what to do with graduation?) and by bringing a canned speech, the contents of which were available on his website days prior. What does that say for what he thinks of his audience that he can't tailor some meaningful words for them when paid to do so, when he expects their vote in two years? I didn't hire you to speak to me. I didn't spend years of private school money to have the culmination of my work honored with a political appearance. Ask the students there. Students at Liberty wouldn't have appreciated Clinton, or Hillary for that matter, coming to talk to them. I guarantee it. My point was, someone like McCain is about as polarizing a figure that gets invited to Liberty or BJU. Not the case here. McCain had the chance at the New School to silence the protests, and make the rudest protestors appear particularly foolish, by offering something of substance, some straight talk, something that says he isn't just someone making power plays left and right. Again, he didn't.
  10. Any seat not directly in front of a vomiting 21-year-old works for me.
  11. actual link to Rohe interview podcast
  12. 1) The student has been associated with folk music most of her life and she sings in clubs around the city frequently. She just graduated from Mannes College of Music at the New School. To each his own. Lots of people do like folk music. And there was a time when it was really a way for people to speak the truth to power. Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, many lesser known figures, all of them were voices of the people. Sorry it doesn't suit fashion. Thought you were against the American Idol-ization of America. I guess some culture is preferable to other forms. 2) What did McCain have to say that he hadn't already said at two other college graduations? What in his empty rhetoric and mediocre electioneering was of substance? I have to side with the student here. 3) I don't think New School students were afraid to hear McCain speak. They were making it plain that he doesn't speak for them. That's all. He had a good opportunity to prove what kind of maverick he is and to stray from his script to deliver something of substance. He didn't. 4) Some NSU students were out of line. 5) I'm guessing that when Russ Feingold gets invited to deliver Bob Jones U's commencement address, he's going to be showered with polite applause.
  13. a good discussion on this on the Brian Lehrer show on WNYC with Jean Rohe. He's generally pretty evenhanded with his interviews. It was at the end of the show and I don't see it up on their site as a podcast yet, but it should be soon. Brian Lehrer show
  14. also, come on and be original. I read that one too.
  15. She's a music major. As for the fear statement, definitely reductivist, but all the same, how many bad decisions are made out of fear? We've got living proof right now. We should make our decisions out of confidence that those decisions will make things better for all. Not fear of difference. And that goes equally for all sides.
  16. Hello from someone at the New School. I'm not one of the political people there, though most here know I lean left with some libertarian-isms. I can't believe that people here give McCain a pass for taking two obviously charged opportunities on each side of the college political spectrum to raise his profile as a 2008 presidential candidate. It was to be expected. I would not have booed, if there, but I sense a serious double-standard here when McCain's right to free speech from the stage is embraced but the right to free speech from paying students is not. McCain's speech was available on the internet as it was the same canned speech he delivered at Liberty and Columbia. McCain spoke of his young cockiness, while addressing a diverse student body that included grad students in their 40s and 50s. Condescending to say the least. Here is how student speaker Jean Rohe (eloquently, in my opinion) addressed it, and addressed her student body, which I think McCain failed to do: McCain had to know he was possibly walking into a firestorm here. At the same time, I feel he had a right to be there, exercised it, and he fell in the face of an opportunity to be the "straight-talker" divergent from mainstream politics that he proclaims/proclaimed to be. He's just as canned and prepared as the rest. Mark it.
  17. By your logic, does this mean he doesn't think much of Holcomb or Nall, either? Look at what he said... At this point, they do indeed need a QB. No one has stepped yet and reached a consistent level of play that you want out of an NFL QB. Our hope is that out of the two young QBs on the roster, one of them will.
  19. You're very insightful and we'd like to offer you a daily column. Please email us back to receive your bags of money. Sincerely, Realfootball365.com
  20. What really wowed me about Flutie was how well he played on defense. Just goes to show how much stock a team will put in the QB regardless of whether he's really responsible for success. If that defensive squad had a bunch of loudmouths to attract attention away from the little guy i.e. Ray Lewis, Flutie would have been viewed less as the guy who "just won" and more the QB who didn't lose 'em all for the great defense a la Dilfer.
  21. Inside info on this board is pretty much dead as we know it except for when it comes from the most long-time posters, as far as I can tell.
  22. Eric, give it a rest and have fun in Houston. Does this baseless stuff just make you feel all warm inside or something? Give me a effing break. Nobody's info is better than anyone else's here unless it comes from the source. I'm going to trust what the players have come out and said, and look at what they haven't said or where they've tipped their hands. I've heard plenty from people who tell me they know someone on the team. About half of it has been wrong. In the meantime, I'm going to root for my team and hope they get the best player on the field to get them moving in the right direction. I'm sure the players don't care if Bozo the effing clown is calling the plays as long as he has the ability and can make plays.
  23. You're comparing a guy who had been a years-long veteran backup to a Hall of Famer (and those two helped each other out) with a kid entering his third season, and only his second one at playing health. I expect you were the picture of maturity at 24, right out of college. Come on, now.
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