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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. I'm kind of wondering about that, if Nall will be gone for not showing enough or Holcomb will be gone for the reason you point to. The signings of extra 3rd QB candidates would make a little more sense, then. Right now it seems like there's a glut, even if Ochs and Woodbury are gone due to injury/expired clock.
  2. Bill, where are you getting your information from? I went to the AAUP survey of salaries and, while SUNY salaries at the university centers (Albany, UB, Stony Brook) compare well with some of the private U's, they are nowhere near (like 40-70K+ less than) what Ivy Leaguers pay their full professors. And this is all to ignore the fact that a lot of these universities are cutting costs and hiring more adjuncts for around $2-4 grand A CLASS, per semester -- as in, people are teaching college level and making below poverty level. At the same time they offer less professorships, especially the full professor positions that really command the big bucks. Asst profs and associate profs are making salaries pretty consistent with the rest of the state and country, and they along with the huge number of adjuncts make up most of the teaching body. Let's not make what should be a viable criticism of the institution and the state a witch hunt on teachers OR cops.
  3. Really, I can't wait to see your reaction if JP succeeds. It will probably ruin your whole year.
  4. Newsweek was pretty close to the facts in their recent story on it.
  5. So, personal responsibility and accountability until death, and then it's someone else's mess to clean up? Part of being responsible is ensuring that when you're long gone, you left things in your territory OK. Which absolves people of more responsibility -- letting them be irresponsible and leave a more serious problem for others to deal with, or dealing with it before it gets to that serious stage?
  6. A couple things, and I'll try and keep it out of the argument zone and in the discussion zone: 1) A lot of people have questioned JP's accuracy and leadership abilities, but I don't think I've seen a single report that he does not put in the work needed to succeed at this level. His work ethic, OTOH, is probably his most oft-praised characteristic. As for his performance, we'll see. Things do tend to slow down for a second-year player and if he is to succeed, he will begin to see more of the field. This will be his second year of really dressing as a qualifiable starter candidate after a broken leg in year one. There needs to be progress. 2) A lot of the question marks for you seem to be glass-half-full/half-empty things. TKO could very well come back -- he is one I wouldn't deny in terms of his determination to do it. The line? Who knows. Maybe this is the year that we, like NE, plug in some dependable FA vets who can do the job in Fowler and Reyes. I would not say that our line, QB, WRs, DL are a recipe for certain success any more than I would call them certain to fail. That's the nature of this year's team. A lot of maybes, a lot of question-marks. But in today's NFL it doesn't take a lot for things to click and just work out. There's enough parity that many teams are dealing with problems similar to ours. It's the uncertainty that has us, well, uncertain and a bit worried. They'll play the games and we'll find out soon enough.
  7. Absolutely. If either party is running a bad or unsupported candidate against the incumbent, things become extremely difficult for the challenger. The desire for wholesale change doesn't reflect how one will choose the person who 'represents' them and their district.
  8. Not my point, though I love the use of hyperbole to try and disarm it. My question: had we not invaded, would he have had access to such a grand forum and training ground?
  9. "Fight the war abroad so we don't have to fight them at home" was a pretty common refrain in the run-up to this war. A common point cited against it was that it would create a breeding ground for terrorists. Well, in our desire to find a center upon which to affix our troubles, we successfully found one in Zarqawi -- a brutally murderous, terrible human being, a terrorist who deserved the death he received after killing many innocents. And we finally got him. Great news. But... sometimes it sucks to be right. And I mean REALLY sucks. We can argue if Zarqawi might or might not have been much of anything if he didn't have a cause to build upon and a place to do it in Iraq. But he almost certainly wouldn't have had the opportunity to train a cabal of international terrorists in Iraq, had we not invaded. What the hell have we done, but to kill one head of the hydra only to have many heads spring up?
  10. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
  11. I'd be bringing in a Water Bottle full o' Ayinger Ur-Weisse. Mmmmmmmm, bitte.
  12. Ask gay-car man.
  13. Oh, it's discriminatingly done, it's just killing family members who had nothing to do with it, to teach other brown people a lesson.
  14. Well, jesus, Wacka, that's what's important, isn't it. Fine, be that way.
  15. Spikes has already had his hex. I think he'd do nicely on there with our new defensive-minded coach and the Comeback soon to come.
  16. Frankly, we've seen what that offense does and it sucks. It is capable of beating a few non-contenders in comfortable environments, and not much more. If any one of you want to consider that progress, be my guests. I sure as hell won't. And I'd rather they continue rebuilding and take lumps and make progress with Losman, or, if he shines, Nall. Progress is not going to come if they start Holcomb (a prescription for 6-10 at best), or if they draft another QB #1 next year. I guarantee it.
  17. Then that's what she should have said. She could have easily said "these women have suffered, for sure, but they have been well-compensated and they should not be using their suffering as a sounding board for foreign policy." Instead, Coulter is attacking their grief and the authenticity of it, and the authenticity of their marriages, and doing so without an ounce of class. If I were in these people's place, I'd have to strongly resist the urge to throw a hot coffee in her face. But I would, because it's not worth stooping to her level.
  18. You should point out for some others it might be NSFW.
  19. Right. So because their husbands died, they should have to hear about how their now-dead husbands were probably cheating on them and going to leave them anyway? That they "enjoyed their deaths"? Put yourself in their shoes, buddy. If your spouse died in a horrible incident like this, you're going to want to know the truth. Coulter is as classless and her commentary as worthless as it gets. A woman who writes books called "Treason" and "Slander" that has the gall to suggest killing an ex-President and Supreme Court Justice should not be listened to, much less valued. Ugh And Wacka, your spindly-legged girl needs a freaking sandwich.
  20. Congrats and best of luck to your family and daughters, Bill.
  21. I think Thurman's gonna get it. Signing with the 'Fins is the clincher. Honestly, I hated to see it happen but I don't blame him and I know where his heart is. He of all of them was always good to us at training camp, unlike Bruce 'run for the golf cart' Smith. I didn't vote Thurman off.
  22. Yeah sure, I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab. They've got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts.
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