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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. I don't think anybody here hates him, it's just that enthusiasm for him should be tempered in the same way it is when JP has good/bad days in practice. Nall has had a lot of bad days so far and it seems like the light is finally going on. Good for him. I hope it's a good competition and that the guy that's best for the job wins. But I'm not going to discount either Nall or Losman. I'm sensing that you are counting out one (who was essentially a rook last year) in favor of another (who has had very limited experience and was not retained by the team that drafted him, a team that has a QB soon to retire). Those who feel Losman's the guy (myself included) feel he has more upside. But he obviously has to make good on it soon. If he doesn't, Nall should by all means get a chance.
  2. 12 is good. Live draft is fine.
  3. Please inform me about how Nall's 6 games of experience trumps Losman's nine?
  4. Oooh, can it please be Greg Jerman?
  5. I think the point is that it's as much of a religion as mine, and I call Optimus Prime "God."
  6. Just watched the BB.com segment on Reyes (and Fowler) and was encouraged by a few things: McNally says Reyes pulls well, helps set up screens well and that they should be running more screens (!). Likes athleticism of Fowler and Reyes -- they work well together, are both from NYC area and like being here, closer to home. Also just looks like Reyes is putting himself out there and has a bit more enthusiasm than Anderson did.
  7. Perhaps we can interest them in a trade. On a serious note, it looks as though at least a couple Felons fans know some football:
  8. The 'ignore user' function. It's what's for dinner.
  9. Yes. Not to be underestimated. And I know there's the policy of not dealing with contracts mid-year, but making a pre-emptive strike wrt McGahee and a couple others might not be bad. If we feel confident, I'd extend TKO longer, too.
  10. I definitely must have missed those neighborhoods. If I'm there again, I'll have to check them out.
  11. My guess is that the truth as they see it would be inferred from their use of induction, scientific method, etc., etc., and not just that they read it in a book or thought it sounded nice.
  12. I'd disagree. I've never felt the desire to visit Rochester after having gone there a few times. It feels to me like a city with little character surrounded by a lot of suburbia that has nothing to do with the city. And in a really fine city, the people who keep it going want to stay there or spend time there, as they do in NYC, SF, etc. I wouldn't say Buffalo's like this in every way, but it does beat Rochester, Syracuse and Albany in terms of attractions, proximity to really nice natural areas, classic architecture, and the Bills close by (though Albany is close enough to the Adirondacks). If you ask me, though, WNY's gem is nature itself. The area would do well to protect it and, where necessary, resurrect it, at all costs. WNY could also do more to attract art and artists -- it has helped Portland a lot in terms of bringing in young people.
  13. My feeling is LJ is going to be the chic pick. But I've never gone wrong with LT. I'd take him every year, especially this year, when the Chargers are going to be relying more than ever on the running game to help take the pressure off of ol' sidearmer what's-his-name.
  14. I'd play a league. Would anyone care to make it interesting? Like, 5 bucks apiece interesting? Or too much to manage?
  15. Man, people are reminiscing about the good old days of paintball, back when it was a purer sport. Now I really do feel old.
  16. Hell, I didn't until hockey was on it. In which case, it's been a success for them of sorts -- a whole lot of people who never watched OLN now know it's around. Can't say it makes me want to tune in for any "BassMasters" or anything, though.
  17. I live in Greenpoint. The slope is nice and when we look to have kids, we may end up there. Right now we like our backyard, the quiet, and the pierogies.
  18. You may be right, but at the same time Brasil is a big nation and they play some pretty soccer.
  19. I think that's changed -- soccer is really popular for kids now. But we'll see if that translates to greater talent being infused into the sport on a national level. You're right though, that right now, there is so much diversity of sport in the U.S. and we generally don't send our best athletes into what the world calls football. Also, I don't think lacrosse is any more (and is probably less) mainstream than soccer.
  20. So do I. I think the new NHL shot itself in the foot by not begging ESPN to take them and taking less money than OLN gave them.
  21. Not I. I'm in it for the long haul.
  22. That's kind of a straw man seeing as how people still think "Outdoor Life Network"? Where the hell is that and why is hockey on it? Oh, it's on NBC but only for games 3, 5, and part of game 7. It's too damned confusing for your average idiot. If it's on ESPN or FOX, one knows what to expect and will be more likely to be wrapped in during one of the other sports broadcasts or hot programs. OLN or even NBC, which doesn't broadcast much in the way of sports, would have a tougher time drawing non-NHL / casual fans. I guarantee you that if the Cup finals / playoffs were on ESPN, they'd outdraw most of this crap.
  23. No, I didn't say a word about cap room. Rather, the assumption is KH doesn't really help us if he is not playing (and I'd argue, doesn't help us much when he is, either). If both Nall and Losman outplay KH, and he's going to be #3 here, we may as well pay less (not cap money, pay less salary this year) for another young buck who is almost certain not to play. I'd imagine Holcomb would also appreciate the opportunity to get the #2-spot replacement gig elsewhere as opposed to being clipboard man.
  24. His best shot is beating out Sam 'rubbermaid hands' Aiken.
  25. When is this myth going to get old? Whose government is under a control board right now? Here's a hint -- not NYC's. As a young WNY-er expat who calls the city home, the feeling is mutual. Tell me how the area 'craps all over you'? New York TEAMS are making life difficult for you? Give me a freaking break. BTW, Giants, Jets, Nets, Devils? They have New Jersey to 'crap on.' I moved downstate because there were job opportunities. WNY offered none. I would love to have stayed but I would have been pinched by the taxes and lower earning power and had less chance of finding a job that I would love. Your post highlights that WNY is an area that needs to stop feeling sorry for itself and taking the victim mantle, and start looking at ways to improve the same way that New York City has. It didn't happen by accident. It took careful planning, attracting entrepreneurs, getting tough (perhaps too tough in instances, but tough nonetheless) on crime, and attracting the dreaded young people and immigrants WNY seems to fear so much. By the way, every friend I have who lives / has lived in Buffalo has had their car stolen or broken into. When my wife and I went down to Pearl St (an old fave) for dinner last holidays, the car we borrowed from her parents got broken into. This was at 7pm, not late night. Buffalo has real problems. If you think that secession or calling out downstate/NYC will work better than looking to Buffalo's own elected representatives and pushing for real reform in Albany, be my guest. Right now, WNY is exhibit A of how badly that strategy is working.
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