Nice. I was a DJ there for awhile. That place needed a steady diet of Stooges, Replacements, garage curiosities, and college faves. The music's really hurt me the past few times I've stepped in there. Good memories, though. That's sort of the thing about college bars. They're best for when you're in college and maybe a little bit after -- before those who should move away do.
I used to joke at closing time and announce $1 shots of well gin, and to hurry up and take the party over to Liberty Cafe' or the Getaway where the 3rd shifters and 'Nam vets hang out.
Y'mean "Scummy's"? When I was around it was notorious for being the "it's OK that you're underage bar." I went in there once or twice looking for some pals of mine but otherwise steered clear.
Fredonia has a ton of bars. Most per capita at one time.