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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. Doesn't "syndrome" usually imply something is wrong or aberrant?
  2. Consider the source?
  3. While I agree with the sentiment of your post, Brees didn't get "shipped off." He was not re-signed as a FA, primarily because there was concern he wouldn't recover from the shoulder injury, and on a secondary level because they had invested big in Rivers. Brees was a strong performer who was showing signs of the guy he would become, the season before he left SD. I don't think EJ is going to be that good, but if there's hope, it's definitely to be found in the success of guys like Brees and Rogers.
  4. I'm going to be there, so I'm treating it like the biggest game of all time.
  5. What? Everyone's problem with EJ is that he plays it too safe. He's a lot of things, but he's not a turnover machine.
  6. I pine for the days when a man could get kicked out of the stadium for "trying to make it with his girl. "
  7. I'm down as long as Jimbo gets to punch him on the sidelines every week.
  8. Jameis is limited as a human being, but a great QB.
  9. To me, 300 yards says how much your team is relying on the QB. 300 yards with a stellar running game means you probably dominated -- or were in a shootout. 300 yards with no running game could mean your QB helped out and was able to make them pay for stacking the box. But it could also mean you are not getting much accomplished on offense, are losing the game, and need to air it out to make up the points. It's some combo of the latter two with yesterday's figure, no? I'm glad they were able to get it done and get the win.
  10. This is true and this is why playing Orton right now is a good idea - the best idea, really. Whether or not EJ stands a chance later on is something people have pretty much made clear their stance on, and I tend to side with patience and evidence with young players over the blanket statements, eye tests, proclamations of "never," etc. I just don't understand why it needs to be crusaded over at every turn. And would Orton have done it, or won, without Sammy pulling in an amazing catch on a ball that no one can say he had any business catching? I understand what you're saying, and I think it's a net positive that Orton got 300 yards, but it's also a stat that demonstrates what a team game this is. That is not what he was saying at all. And "checkmate" usually means you've proven something. Might want to revisit the board.
  11. This is how important 300-yard games are: http://www.nfl.com/player/benroethlisberger/2506109/gamelogs?season=2004 http://www.nfl.com/player/benroethlisberger/2506109/gamelogs?season=2005 Ben Roethlisberger had a whopping two of them in his first two seasons on two teams that went to the AFC Championship and then won the Super Bowl. And he was most assuredly a more refined QB than EJ even if he was brought along slowly.
  12. So if a Bills receiver in the Carolina game gets four more yards of RAC, we wouldn't be having this discussion? It would turn the magic key and open up the box of special QB goodness? Don't want to mass quote your whole post but I think it's great.
  13. Maybe because people are trying to belabor the f---ing point without any meaningful statistics and observations? I'll be far more interested to read any All-22 analyses and to measure how Orton does with the benefit of more time and comfort with the receivers. Really, what is the point of this thread other than another way to cut down EJ? Especially when there were few circus catches coming EJ's way. Seriously. What is the point? Orton makes people catch imperfectly thrown balls better? If that's the argument and then we want to give it some mystical title like "leading the huddle," and this makes real football fans feel better, then that's just swell for them. 300 yards? IDGAF. Win. IGAF.
  14. As long as we're willing to make that same observation when the good WRs do not bail out the QB, that seems entirely reasonable.
  15. Guy I'm crushing on? And the snide remarks have been coming from the time the clock struck zero yesterday. And really before that. And who's tearing down anybody? Did you think Orton was great yesterday? I thought he was clearly good enough for this win. I don't know if that level of play will be good enough for the rest of the season, and if you do, I think you're going to be disappointed. But I hope you're right and that it's rust wearing off.
  16. I don't want to take the wind out of anyone's sails. Wins are fun. I do like what Nick Mendola said in a comment yesterday. It's buried so I'm sharing it here: I also want to point out that after the Miami win, we were riding high, and rightfully so. The Bills had just beaten a team that had just schooled the Patriots. The division looked wide open. Next week will be as important a test, and I still think we need to see a lot better from Orton and especially Hackett to secure a win. I'm going to be there, so I have a little skin in this next game. Here's hoping.
  17. How is it in the Land of Make Believe?
  18. Fair 'nuff. For the record, I think starting him is and was the right decision, and I think EJ can benefit from all this. What I don't think is necessary is all of the snide remarks about the other guy still on the team, and I do think that Orton has to be better than he was today for the team to be a season-long success.
  19. Getting beat I can take. 1-2 stupid penalties + getting beat, I cannot.
  20. Except for the 3 weeks prior he got crushed by the Pats, Bills (!) and Raiders. After the Steelers did whatever the hell they did there, the Pats destroyed him again. He also had the lowest completion % in the NFL - under 50%, which is unbelievably bad. I'm pretty sure that everyone recognizes that one game for what it is. I am still not sure how all this compares to Manuel. I guess it makes it harder for me to take it as an excuse for being rusty.
  21. Only having a month with this team was his choice, because he chose to sit out camp and spend the time with his family until he could get his release from the Cowboys. What's there to miss?
  22. It's pretty rad. I'd love to see that team go all the way. Thanks for visiting, dum dum.
  23. I'm sorry, are we including "Good Morning America" on that resume?
  24. Which was kind of totally his choice (and one that I actually commend him for, FWIW).
  25. Would you not agree that Gilmore has been getting abused a bit more than one would like for a top-ten drafted first round corner in his third season?
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