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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. 1. Lee Evans 2. Peerless Price 3. Roscoe Parrish 4. Josh Reed 5. Andre Davis 6. George Wilson
  2. holy crap, that deserves a big bump. The Onion does it again.
  3. Another perspective: Article
  4. No way Bill "$100 gas rebate" and "AIDS from handshakes" Frist gets close to beating out McCain and his star power. I'm not saying McCain wins, but Frist is a non-entity in this next election. He is the leader of a Senate that has accomplished next to nothing.
  5. Not as many as Kelly lost with Thurman in the backfield? Fact is, Drew made it to, and lost, one. Elway made it to five, and won two. Not even close.
  6. ??? This is the way things are in international competition. Guys who go to play for Man United don't have to play for England. There is a little more of a choice. What about all the people who aren't Americans who have won gold medals for us? I wouldn't be so rigid about it. He is right to feel slighted (even though from what the poster said, Adu didn't really indicate that he was). And all judgement of the US squad's leadership and management can deservedly be called into question right now.
  7. You're right. Records also matter. Elway in playoffs as starter: 14-8, Super Bowl wins: 2. Bledsoe in playoffs as starter: 4-3. Super Bowl wins: 0. I will give Bledsoe the props for his mop-up duty and role as supportive backup in the Pats' first SB year, but that doesn't make him a champion QB, or a Hall of Fame QB. OtOH, Elway showed that a team could win it all, twice, with him at the helm. If Bledsoe wins one, things change, but with things as they are, I don't think his stats, record, or longevity are enough.
  8. It'll seemingly piss off a lot of people around here. Of course, they'll just make the excuse that his hair was floppy or he was high fiving too much after a touchdown.
  9. For that matter, why do we care what Bill Gates says about AIDS, then? He's not a social scientist or health specialist. But he gives a lot of time, money and effort to the issue. I'd say that's the reason to listen to an activist's opinion.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. "OK, go out there and look tough.... and FABULOUS!"
  12. Something tells me this guy might look like a moron more than just occasionally. I can't believe what kind of dopes this nation sends to the House. If the founders weren't dead, they just might shoot themselves.
  13. I wish eight games made a whole season. Drew being the best half/season QB in history is sort of a dubious honor, don't you think? Lots of QBs can be good before their system and tendencies are figured out, read: Flutie. The book was out on Drew by week 9 and he subsequently helped us miss the playoffs, that season and the next two. Great QBs, Hall of Fame QBs, are great most of the time. They aren't figured out completely, and they themselves keep figuring out new things about defenses. I'm not certain Drew is that smart. If you want to argue that Drew hasn't had the best of personnel to work with at all times like other HoF QBs like Aikman, that I'll buy. How is it that the 'cerebral' Greg Williams and Mike Mularkey, former TE, never realized that Drew worked best with a big TE with great hands to rely on? That I'll never get.
  14. You have never been more right.
  15. It looks like the only real cap savings (if that's even something they'd be looking for) would come from cutting Posey. He'd leave over a million more in room. Noted also that it looks like Nall has a 2.5M escalator (for starting job?). Thanks, CP!
  16. They look like cans of Black Horse Ale.
  17. They're not lowballing him, at least not publicly. They are retaining his rights knowing full well they are going to negotiatiate, or, barring that, hit arbitration.
  18. We're talking about how GDP is proportional to soccer talent, of course.
  19. One thing I'd care to mention about Gore / China is that I caught the man on Charlie Rose (who happens to be the world's WORST interviewer) and Gore had some stern words on China and its consumption. I think he's probably being pretty forthright in his criticism there while still recognizing the good things they are doing (their more fuel-efficient cars, etc). The movie might have made it look like he was more pro-China than his more neutral public position indicates -- which should highlight the fact that though this is "his" movie, he didn't direct it. I think he is quick to point out, in the same way, what good people in this country are doing, and how much more we're capable of -- that's all. Another thing: China, following our 20th c. example, is obtaining a lot of its resources from Latin America. India is doing more with Latin Am's human resources. There was a good Thomas Friedman column yesterday about how the region should look to India for its example rather than let itself fall into dependency on China. I think this bears watching in the future with regard to our environment and many other matters.
  20. I don't question that. It's not that these men aren't better than their enemies. It's that that's the expectation. The fact is, one slip-up and a year's work or more is compromised. And the recent slip-ups, if that's all we want to call them, look bad. This should be drilled into every soldier's head, and even moreso into the people leading them. It's another example of how the people in charge don't understand how to best equip and direct this insurgency / war / aftermath etc. I won't claim to know anything about war or being there. I'm sure it's ridiculous and tough to know what's going on. Sometimes defending oneself becomes a terrible mistake. Other times the killing of innocents appears more calculated and that's bad. But I know enough about PR to know the Bush administration gets a failing grade.
  21. No, most kids "learn" from other kids, and it's full of misinformation. That's kind of the problem. I do think parents should be doing these kinds of things for their kids, but not all parents do. Some are just neglectful. Others feel they're doing their kids a service by withholding the information. Fact is, they are going to find out about it from somewhere. It's better the information be reliable, scientific (blank and not according to any agenda but health and societal well-being i.e. less teenage births, abortions, and diseases) and understanding of the fact that kids in their teenage years are going to be curious and there's nothing wrong with that. Just better to prepare them with knowledge than with nothing.
  22. Part of starting a system founded on civilized action and democracy instead of brutality is following through with it and not going with whatever's convenient. The need for better protection for the lawyers is not really related to the need for a trial. In the same way that the soldiers need to be the betters of the terrorists and criminals and not stoop to their levels (it's part of winning the PR game that is sadly as or more important as/than the war fought with bullets and bombs), the new government needs to be better than the last and establish some semblance of law and order, rather than just killing Saddam outright because everybody wants it done.
  23. Trying to play it off as a result of his nationality and/or ethnicity takes the cake. Someone who feels the need to use loaded words like that to cut others down instead of using his intellect has some serious problems.
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