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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. Yeah, that's an old article. I'm not trying to stoke any pre-election fires. I just think that's awfully strange behavior from a guy who's a leader of the pro-life movement. It's probably among the least of my problems with him though.
  2. I don't know about you, but I've got a fetus to cuddle with.
  3. While we're on the subject, or near it, had anyone read this before? our guardian angel Rick Santorum I understand and sympathize with their loss, but their reaction to it? Creeepy.
  4. Who cares? I'm counting on no media respect until we surprise everyone. Here's hoping that we do.
  5. Sure, blame it on the sound guy. All the BS and none of the glory, that's what we get. People never talk about all the times the sound isn't messed up. Sound guy bad! Sorry, that one hit close to home.
  6. Spell check, my friend, please. And you know your first sentence is an out-and-out lie. If you're really a Bills fan, that is. We've sat through enough crap and experienced enough great heights to know that things change in this league, year-in, year-out.
  7. But it would be censorship if, for example, a pre-approved list of songs and topics from the record company was handed down to the artist. As for your example, you probably wouldn't go again, and they wouldn't get any more of your money. The "Dance, Monkey, Dance," line is pretty right on in terms of the opinion of those angry about onstage politics. In our day and age, the performer can do as he/she wishes, and if the audience doesn't like it, they can refuse to support the artist any longer. I also think that with a lot of groups, politics or social agendas inform a lot of what they write, even if it is not transparent -- and usually it is better and reaches more people if it isn't, if it's poetic. R.E.M. especially comes to mind here, but Flaming Lips, a lot of other bands use poetry, allegory, veil the topic in goofiness etc. to make larger points about the world around them, even if it doesn't appear to be the case from a literal reading.
  8. Thank you. I can't believe how many people forgot this sorry chapter in Bills ST history. Forgettable though it was.
  9. Southern rock with a bit of a taste of the Replacements, is the best way I can describe it. They have three singers, one of whom is a little raspy, one of whom is pretty twangy, and the other is smoother (he's the best guitar player of the three, imo, though all are pretty damn good).
  10. Could I pay $50 to be guaranteed never to hear any of those songs again?
  11. And if there's any judgement one should trust, it's Roethlisberger's.
  12. That guy sure could chew some gum.
  13. Yeah, really. Why, I just emptied $44 billion out of my couch this morning. Surely we could have sent more of the taxpayers' money to this particular graveyard.
  14. Because the rest of the world will obviously have no problem with this and bow down to our supremacy and hand us moneybags and cans of crude in celebration. We're bigger, badder, and nuclear-er. Ed's Army will prevail.
  15. What're you talking about? Nuke'em all! It's cool! It worked on my video game!
  16. I'm sure Ed is polishing his rifle and his helmet as we speak in anticipation. Anyone who actually relishes the thought of this kind of war had better be enlisted.
  17. I've taken your list and amended it a bit. QB: Billy Joe Hobert RB: Nate Turner, Jonathan Linton WR - so many: Antonio Brown, Russell Copeland, Justin Armour, Kevin Williams, Reggie Germany FB: Damion Shelton TE: Lonnie Johnson T: Mike Williams, Greg Jerman G: Bennie Anderson, Jamie Nails, Mike Pucillo, Corbin Lacina, Joe Panos C: Trey Teague, DE: Erik Flowers, Oliver Barnett, Kendrick Office DT: Tyrone Robertson, Leif Larsen LB: Eddie Robinson, Keith Goganious, Damien Covington, Gabe Northern, Shaun Rogers CB: Chris Watson, Ken Irvin, Marlon Kerner FS: Izell Reese, Travares Tillman SS: Coy Wire, Matt Darby K: Jake Arians by a country mile P: Mohr, only by default ST: Watson, Charlie Rogers HC: Mularkey OC: Kevin Gilbride, Tom Clements DC: Jerry Gray, Walt Corey ST: Ronnie Jones
  18. Har-dee-har-har. Keep that fresh humor coming, genius. I'll be ignoring it.
  19. Because you never know, you just never know, if your team is really in a position to win or not, do you? That's why they play the games. What if Culpepper is a disaster in Miami? What if Tom Brady slips on his skirt before a big game and misses the rest of the season? Maybe the Bills move in there. We should know better than anyone that injuries play a big part in the way a season plays out. Maybe, just maybe, things go your way, and you want top players around when they do. Youboty won't be ready yet this year. Good to let him watch Nate and get a good year of nickel help under his belt before letting him start.
  20. Well there's a new one. Ever care to entertain the thought that your own ad nauseum replies offer nothing more of substance to the discussion than the so-called "Bush Bad!" does? Probably not, I'll wager.
  21. You never get sick of making these a--hole comments, do you? Good luck driving your manmobile sans gasoline, champ.
  22. Introducing the McCargonauts: We're here to disrupt your business and !@#$ you up.
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