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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. Because flashes, which are whatever you want to believe they are.
  2. I guess just being there I saw the same things that have plagued the offense all year -- and the lack of mobility on his part made the line's deficiencies worse. I didn't see much throwing Watkins open, or hitting him when he was open downfield (and he was). I did see a lot of taking what they were giving in terms of getting the ball to Chandler. Orton did an OK job of executing a game plan that just wasn't going to work against the Patriots. They are too explosive. But you can't lay that all at his feet, and again, the running game did nothing for us.
  3. I'm saying that if you give the Patriots extra chances with the ball, regardless of what they do with it, it is not a good thing for your team. That should be painfully obvious. Mistakes do happen and that's why we lose. The Patriots keep mistakes to a minimum.
  4. The D was bad, but if you think that committing 2 of 3 turnovers that led directly to points wasn't, um, also bad, then I am very surprised to say the least. How about two? In a game where the other side committed none?
  5. Did 90% of the QBs that played this week lose?
  6. True enough. I took a Megabus back to NYC, so I'm accepting no excuses.
  7. I don't know that you can say a guy played well when he committed two turnovers and couldn't sense the rush coming for beans. He made some good plays. But I only would have said he played well if they got the victory despite these errors. He made some plays, and he certainly made some that he'd like to have back.
  8. Regarding the third one: you can't legislate anything these days, it seems, when it comes to ticketed events. But on the other hand, these season ticket holders are basically mercenaries and profiteers making the most money they can, off of Bills fans or rival fans. When they want to show up, that's great, but I don't like feeling like I'm on even footing with a rival team's fans in my own stadium. On the other hand, I'd rather people were restricted in buying tickets that they weren't using (perhaps allowed to sell two games per season or something to that effect). Inflating the price of the product without adding any value simply sucks.
  9. Is this some kind of code? For the record, there were threads suggesting he be signed to an extension. I think Orton is what he is. He is a sharper Fitz with less mobility. That's probably what they needed last season with EJ understudying, and perhaps at the start of this one, too. I still would like to see a more mobile QB on this team, especially given the line's deficiencies.
  10. I was in 314. It was definitely 50/50 Pats fans.
  11. That INT Orton threw reminded me of EJ's against Houston. This, in part, because it came after having had some time to plan the play. Hackett is definitely bothering me.
  12. I thought it was embarrassing how good of a showing they had, in my section and parts surrounding. Way too many Pats fans there for a momentous day for the Bills. I was wondering if people around here have started to defect...
  13. Is Mike Jasper available? You can't teach size, and the Bills didn't.
  14. They're just going to rip off the Replacements' version of the national anthem.
  15. Awesome, Hammer, thanks. I think we're gonna try it out.
  16. Where are y'all gonna be at? Hammer's? I'm gonna be there for my first game in years, and would love to connect with some TBDers.
  17. I'm sick of STL but they are a hell of an organization. Be interesting if this were a rematch of 1985 in the WS - the last time KC was in it!
  18. How's Landry Jones doing?
  19. Your face starts to look like this:
  20. Yes, just like every patch of rough weather is the Storm of the Century [/cablenews].
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