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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. This is the worst.
  2. I think all three will play due to injury or malaise, but I think playing musical QBs is a very tough thing to do -- and succeed with -- in the NFL. You have to have a rhythm with players, know where they will be on timing routes, understand protections and coverages, read defenses, and deal with things that are just very hard to do when you're not "the guy." This isn't baseball where you lose a few games and it's a drop in the bucket while you're getting acclimated. Every game is meaningful. I understand where the thought process comes from, in terms of using all the assets and playing to strengths, but time just doesn't really afford you that in the NFL.
  3. The group dynamics of sports are exceptionally stupid. Tom Brady is cocky. Jim Kelly was cocky. I'm sure as sh-- that Peyton Manning has probably always been cocky. We like these guys when they are cocky and they succeed, or when they've "earned it" in our eyes. For the record, Jim Kelly brought the Bills their greatest success, and exactly zero titles. He has our love now. Also, most 22 year olds are dicks. Without exception. Even the nicest ones. They are the center of their own universes. Add "normal 22-year-old" to "NFL athlete" and I am certain you've got one of the most toxic mixes of self-importance you can possibly imagine, because you have a person on the cusp of peak athletic prowess who hasn't yet been conquered, schooled, and taught that they aren't the center of the universe. And most pro athletes have to have an outsized opinion of themselves and their abilities just to make it. Cockiness is part of the game. So if that's part of the game -- and it is -- and it's a character trait embodied by just about anyone who puts on an NFL uniform, I assert this: anyone who thinks Troy Vincent was in the right for taking out a teammate -- even a guy most people would like to punch if they had a fair shot -- is an idiot. Losman was what he was -- raw, mishandled and likely destined to fail no matter what. He probably was cocky that first year. He was probably not good enough to survive as an NFL starter. I'm not sure what physical violence beyond the boundaries of the game taught him, and I think Troy Vincent was a lousy teammate. Fletcher, I'm on the fence about as he really produced for the Bills and far beyond his tenure here. I think it's really dumb of him to have taken the bait on this question, however entertaining.
  4. Of course, but if you have a guy who scrambles and evades the rush well, chances are he's going to cough the ball up sometimes.
  5. I think the Tyrod pickup and the desire to see EJ "use his legs" more contradict that notion.
  6. This is some David Bowie-ish gender classification.
  7. Roll with Taylor, Manuel and Cassel. In that order.
  8. Because of course. I expect a career revival because that's just what happens for NE. Vets sign on the cheap and outperform their contracts. Ugh.
  9. Says the guy with the Doug Flute avatar...
  10. I'm fairly confident that Manziel would have been lying on his back for a good stretch facing the Bills ones. He's a mirage and it was ESPN's wet dream for him to play passably well last night.
  11. I'm with you on this, though let's make one thing clearer - Michael Vick actually served some time for what he did. And as awful as it was, it was not to a human being that he professes to love, in public. I'm not about to play "who's the worse sociopath," but I can see how someone would arrive at the conclusion that Vick could be reformed, even though I don't personally believe it. That said, Rice and Jared from Subway can both go to hell as far as I'm concerned.
  12. Remind me of how one gets a stellar legal team?
  13. Thank god. This. I am under no illusions that these guys are choirboys, that there aren't abusers on the team right now, that domestic violence isn't a problem that every team is dealing with. Even so, there is public evidence of a malicious assault of his girlfriend and now-wife, and the legal system did zero to punish him. I don't begrudge him his right to earn a living, but I feel like seeing my team reward him is a bridge too far. Furthermore, it could be argued that the only reason he wasn't punished is because of his football ability. I don't want to explain to my two girls that "it's complicated," and that I root for this guy even though I hate what he did because of the jersey he wears. I'd assume give up football for the year.
  14. I think given his surrounding casts and his height limitations, he has played exceedingly well. He's consistently been one of the toughest receivers pound for pound in the game. He'd get my vote.
  15. Our image of God is of a being perfect and without flaw, yet he is capable of becoming jealous? And here's the real heart of it.
  16. As in, the kind of thing he does to a lady?
  17. Good for them. Hopefully she has the credentials and does well with the Cards. There could be worse things in sports than having more positive female role models in the sports world. As a father of two girls it would be nice for them to see more of that.
  18. I believe you're smart enough to know that editors often write the headlines for a reporter's article.
  19. How on earth is a man whose farts are national news being silenced?
  20. Right, but do you really want a guy on a one-year deal, out of football for a year plus, with an attitude problem, who hasn't played the position in years, to anchor your line? I know Wood had his limitations last year but I have to believe a good deal of that was scheme and frustration with it, along with the turnstiles surrounding him.
  21. I've fixed this up to reflect the way that select posters who have agendas seem to see it.
  22. A veritable "QB Murderer's Row"...
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