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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. Haggan did not look great out there in Takeo's stead and was quickly yanked in favor of Ellison. Keith looked OK, about as OK as Crowell did last year filling in. He's not a game-changer like TKO and that shows when our defense is on the field. Ellison looks to get time in this week if TKO is out. It's probably something to think about in the future in terms of our depth -- whether that means Ellison proves to be a 7th round gem or Haggan is another ST hero who is a liability in the rest of the game, meaning we need to draft a higher-round replacement.
  2. In today's NFL rebuilding can turn into contending on a dime. With so many injuries and small divisions, it's really all about where you finish among 3 other teams, each of whom will have weaknesses. Last week's NE game showed me that we're not far away at all from the playoffs. Next year that should be the expectation. This year, it's a goal.
  3. Partly because kids don't buy albums anymore and adults still do.
  4. You've got a Townshend who's half-deaf and a Daltrey who was always a tool and always the musical weak-link in that band, with some studio musicians. No thanks. The Who died with Keith Moon. Period. Seeing them now seems like a cruel joke. They've made some awesome music, but there is no reason besides $ for them to be continuing on like this.
  5. Jesus. That's not cool.
  6. I can't even put it in his top five. How could you, really? I mean, Freewheelin' Highway 61 Blonde on Blonde Blood on the Tracks Desire... all classic records, and there is probably room for some others there (New Morning's really underrated to me and I wish he'd done more instrumental work like the Pat Garrett score). The new one is good so far to my ears, but way too steeped in nostalgia, and some of the ballads are a bit too much of a paean to the really old radio ballads before rock and roll -- a little toothless when Dylan's best card is his dirty-old-man bite right now. I also have to say that I really miss his range. I think he's lost a lot even in the past ten years since Time Out of Mind. Listening back to anything pre-Rolling Thunder Revue the comparison in vocals between then and now is pretty wild.
  7. Would that I could, Darin. I'd start by breaking up the info-tainment industry.
  8. He shouldn't be. For one, he is a monster in this defense. And two, if god forbid, the Bills were that fvcking foolish, there would be a line of at least 25 teams ready to pay for his services.
  9. JSP, there are reasonable people in the environmental community that have been positing nuclear power as part of the solution for awhile. And you're certainly aware in an age of terrorism about the other, non-environmental risks of putting all our faith in nukes. I'm not saying the guy's right or wrong at this point. Certainly, it's a debate. Debate doesn't make those who disagree whackos. There are simply differing opinions. They may or may not be right and there certainly are issues, but what's your point? Do you agree with this scientist that global warming is a problem, overdependency on fossils is a problem, and that something (nuclear or otherwise) should be done about it? I'd be happy to hear that. Better to be part of the vision than to be part of the chorus of people covering their ears and pretending things aren't happening to keep the status quo going for the good of American Industry™
  10. Mularkey offense Makes for Miami heartbreak Woe to the Dolphins Oh! Sir Zach Thomas Pin-up of lame broadcasters We shall run through you.
  11. Now that makes sense. There are too many injuries, and too many guys willing to play or hang on via practice squad or whatever, that this shouldn't be the case. I could easily see a 6-or-8 week injury list that allows re-activation to the roster. It's enough time off that a team won't just throw one player on it to stockpile others, but enough time for a reasonable sub to fill in and pick up some NFL time off the squad. I mean, look, TV is getting his full contract from the Buffalo Bills this year regardless. I know people say that the NFL contracts aren't fully guaranteed from year-to-year, but that is a boon for the player, really, in a year in which he is entirely free to recover without any return on the investment for the team. One would think that as long as a team isn't rushing a player back and the player wants to play, the team could make other arrangements while he heals. Of course, this could change the whole way the NFL runs and would not be something to be taken lightly, but I think a reasonable number, like 2, injury spots that can be subject to re-activation should be allowed per season.
  12. If he doesn't want it to be a rebuilding year he should get out there and kick some ass and make sure the rooks know what they're doing. Did the Patriots get all hung up on losing their vets? Nope. That's why they're champions.
  13. Those choke-blocks and bolts of lightning are really going to improve our running game.
  14. Umm, you could also think of guys who didn't have free agency around for their whole careers, and certainly had their share of disputes with the team (Bruce Smith? Oh, yeah, he never held out, or skipped on training camp some... And he was great with the kids... ). Who knows if these guys would have left if they could have earlier on, and teams were as aggressive back then as they are now about acquiring FAs. People have a tendency to look at the past, far more than the present, with rose-colored glasses.
  15. Because the Bills are only ever on for a night game to be the punching bag in a Patriots media lovefest these days. It's prime time TV that's less watchable even than "Dancing With Jerry Rice."
  16. My definition of "Jailbreak" starts and ends with Phil Lynott and Thin Lizzy.
  17. Come on, they could sign me up for peanuts and I'll give up the Mularkey game plan: 1) Score quick TD 2) 3 hours of mental vacation 3) Profit
  18. Cool. Can the Patriots play by the same rules, then? Because without benefit of replay and with a worse angle than any line judge I can count two blatant instances of holding and two blatant offsides/encroachments by New England. I am not sure about the roughing the punter miss, I'm inclined to believe Darin that Moorman flopped on that one; even so, in the NFL if the punter goes down you throw the flag and then make the assessment on tape or by conference. I'll take the calls against us if the calls are consistent. Yesterday, they weren't. I'm not saying the Bills played good enough to win, but we'll never know because the non-calls allowed the Pats momentum that the Bills were not allowed to enjoy in the second half.
  19. Spot-on analysis.
  20. I'm in agreement with you here. Against a lesser team where we can break their will, yeah, sure. Against New England, you take all the points you can get. Obviously, today, a FG would have made the difference -- and kept the pressure on them instead of giving them a mental boost.
  21. Umm, what about roughing the kicker, or holding, or a few key encroachment calls that could have been made? I'm sorry, the Bills can't go out there and beat two teams in one afternoon. I'm not excusing what I believe was some poor second-half playcalling, but even so, something to build on. If they can develop a more stout run defense we could be in for a decent season.
  22. Let it go. The Packers drafted Tony Mandarich and a few years later Favre was leading them to victory. The Mike Williams pick won't cripple us forever.
  23. All indications are he's preparing well, taking to coaching well, and responding to every challenge. I've not seen anything from any of the other QBs that would indicate we're in better hands with anyone other than JP. And the vital, vital component here seems to be something we FINALLY have after years of dreadful play-calling: an offensive coordinator who calls smart plays and will maximize the potential of his personnel -- not someone with a system that calls for no adjustments whatsoever.
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